Sweeping the world

Chapter 188 Tianzhou

Chapter 188 Tianzhou
Eliminating all kinds of thoughts in his mind, there is only one question left in front of Chen Ming.

Does he practice this exercise or not?
After a little thought, a smile appeared on Chen Ming's face.

"Since it has been delivered to your door, how can you not move?"

He wrote down the words left on the stone wall in front of him, then turned around, looked around thoughtfully, and then turned and left.

"Sure enough, I still can't bear it."

In the dark, in a dark corner that ordinary people can't find, watching Chen Ming's movements, a figure is laughing.

The reason why the Demon Sect Kung Fu is named as a demon is because it has always been weird and inexplicable, harming others and benefiting oneself. Not only is the practice process extremely dangerous, but it is often in vain in the end.

This is the case with the tempering method he left behind.

It is indeed the tempering method of the demon body, but it is indeed mixed with his unique imprint. If others can't restrain the greed in their hearts, they can't help but practice, and in the end they will be planted with demon seeds , silently reduced to his incarnation, unable to extricate himself.

That person is a demon body and has such a cultivation level, which fits perfectly with that tempering method, it can be regarded as a match made in heaven.

He didn't believe that that person could resist this temptation, and instead of cultivating, he held a great magic skill in his hand.

"This method cannot be practiced."

Walking quietly in Zhuangzi, thinking about the Dharma door he had just obtained, Chen Ming's mind was filled with Buddha's thoughts, and this thought flashed in his mind.

The magic technique has always benefited oneself at the expense of others, the man deliberately set up a trick to let him obtain this technique, and even set up various temptations, there must be an attempt.

The exercise itself has also been tampered with, and just by visualizing its method, you can feel a mighty magical infection, which is always tempting you, making you unable to resist practicing.

If you are an ordinary person, you may not be able to resist practicing.

It's a pity that, to Chen Ming, this bit of magical infection is completely pediatrics.

He has a Buddha vein in his body, and the Buddha power in his body flows continuously, and he can almost be called a living Buddha. He is extremely resistant to such evil sects and heretics.

Coupled with the blessing of the Da Rui Heart Sutra, his mind is as indestructible as steel, how can this bit of magic be able to infect him?
Write down the method of tempering, and pretend to be a charming appearance, but to show weakness and confuse the other party.

Since the opponent can set up such a situation and attract Chen Ming, Chen Ming can't find any clues from the beginning to the end. His own strength is probably higher than Chen Ming himself, and it is not good for him to attack now.

It won't be too late to find the place again after the cultivation base is improved in the future!
Walking all the way outside, in this place, Chen Ming didn't have the idea of ​​staying too much, so he walked all the way outside.

In front of Zhuangzi's gate, he saw the figures of two girls.

The two sisters Yu Ying and Yu Jia stood squatting in front of Zhuangzi's gate, their faces were a little pale, their bodies trembled slightly, and they looked scared.

"Are you going?"

Seeing Chen Ming coming from inside, Yu Ying hugged Yu Jia and hurriedly got up, looked at Chen Ming, and asked him.

"Well, it's time to leave."

Chen Ming quickly smiled, lowered his body and patted Yu Ying's head: "Do you want to come with me?"

"it is good."

Yu Ying nodded, but her face was a little frustrated: "We tried just now, but we still can't leave this place."

"No matter how you go, you will come back automatically in the end, as if the road will turn itself."

"It's normal not to be able to get out."

Chen Ming touched Yu Ying's head, and sighed softly: "After all, how could the evil spirits in this Zhuangzi get out of here?"


Yu Ying was taken aback for a moment, she still didn't understand what Chen Ming meant.

The next moment, she only felt a pain in her abdomen, and a sharp knife flashed violently, cutting her body in two, directly into two halves.

She was stunned, she didn't know why, at this moment there was no anger in her heart, she just stared blankly at Chen Ming in front of her, and asked with the last of her strength, "Why?"

"Have you even forgotten yourself?"

There was some pity in Chen Ming's voice, and then he pointed to his surroundings: "Look at yourself."

Following the direction Chen Ming pointed, Yu Ying looked there, then was taken aback for a second.

Not far away, the half of the body that was cut off by Chen Ming has been completely deformed at this moment, and the originally intact body has become extremely pale at this moment, with pieces of flesh twitching on it, full of a strange vitality, still there Struggling makes people feel a little nauseous.

And at her feet, her younger sister Yu Jia's face also turned pale, a cute and beautiful little face has completely changed, as if it has experienced hundreds of thousands of years in an instant, and it has become terribly old in an instant , and then rotted away, turning into a dense white bone.

Looking at this scene, Yu Ying was stunned, and then an inexplicable memory flashed through her mind, which made her suddenly: "Yes."

"Our sisters, long ago, were dead"

boom! !

With a roar of divine power, a black long knife whizzed past like a long dragon, and in an instant, the vitality was turbulent for seventy miles, and the boundless divine light was flickering, filling up the place.

In an instant, the bodies of Yu Ying's two sisters turned into a rain of blood and scattered, their entire bodies were shattered by the roaring divine power. Even if they were Xie Mei, they couldn't have that kind of weird life force, and they died completely.

After putting away the long knife and killing the two evil spirits, Chen Ming shook his head, feeling a warm current passing through his heart, and the source force on his body increased by about five hundred.

This number is not much. If the two Yu Ying sisters in front of them are taken to the outside world, even if they are the most innate, they will have some troubles. It will take a lot of effort to solve them, and they may escape.

It was only when facing Chen Ming that he died so thoroughly.

"Get rid of this pair of sisters, and the forbidden area here will be considered abolished."

Chen Ming looked around, feeling the palpitations brought about by the source power on his body disappear, thinking so in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, Sister Yu Ying should be the evil spirit that exists in this village. It has been entrenched here since ancient times, and thus killed many people.

That weird Buddha statue should belong to an outsider, perhaps the same behind-the-scenes person who handed over the magic body tempering method to Chen Ming, but forcibly turned against the owner of this forbidden place, making Yu who is a weird place here Don't suppress Sister Ying, she lost her own memory.

Of course they can't get out of this Zhuangzi, because they themselves are the evil spirits born in this Zhuangzi, so how can they get out of their birthplace.

As for the other people they saw, maybe they didn't exist at all, maybe they only existed in their confused memories.


Looking at the old Zhuangzi in front of him, Chen Ming murmured to himself, "The next stop is Tianzhou."

Time passed slowly.

One month later, on the Tianzhou Ancient Road, a carriage was slowly moving forward.

"What is going on outside? Why is it so complicated?"

Sitting quietly in the carriage, listening to the noise from outside, Chen Ming opened his eyes and asked.

"No. [-] scholar, it seems to be a celebration here."

The driver in front of the carriage sweated, and said to Chen Ming in the carriage, "All ethnic groups live here mixed together, and the customs and traditions are different from other places. This time of year is the time for the people here to celebrate."

"So I'm just in time for the good times."

Chen Ming smiled, and didn't ask any more questions, just quietly waiting for the coachman to drive into the city.

But after a while, there was another noise, as if arguing about something.

"what happened?"

Chen Ming opened his eyes and asked.

"No. [-] Scholar, the people in this city gate say no carriages are allowed in." Outside, the coachman's aggrieved voice came.

This coachman was specially assigned to Chen Ming by the Chen family. In the past, he used Chen Ming's prestige to travel smoothly, but today he was stopped by a small gatekeeper.

"You wait outside."

Chen Ming didn't care about what happened at the city gate, and calmly got out of the carriage, and confessed to his driver: "Take care of the carriage, and then come to me."

Then, he walked into the city gate.

He didn't realize it, but just as he got off the carriage and revealed himself, a man's eyes lit up among the crowd in the distance, and he hurriedly followed.

Walking into Tianzhou City, Chen Ming felt very unique here.

On the streets and alleys, there are fair-looking, blond and blue-eyed foreigners walking everywhere, and those who look like Chen Ming are actually a minority.

Tianzhou is adjacent to the western border, and it is the border of Dagan, bordering on dozens of countries in the Western Regions. Therefore, there are many foreign people in this place, almost equal to the people of Qian.

Walking here, Chen Ming could see many things that were invisible in Dagan before, such as some exotic items, and some slaves purchased from afar.

"Wufeng is very strong in this place."

Walking quietly on the street, looking at the surrounding streets and alleys, full of martial artists, Chen Ming couldn't help sighing softly.

"Although the martial arts is strong, what's the use if you don't have real high-level martial arts?" A voice came from behind, judging from the sound alone, it was very loud.

Chen Ming turned around, only to see behind him, a tall and rugged foreign youth with a head of brown hair was standing there, walking towards Chen Ming quickly.

"Hemdan, I have met Your Excellency."

He walked towards Chen Ming, and when he saw Chen Ming, he nodded to him and announced his name.

"I'm next, Chen Ming."

Looking at the burly man in front of him, Chen Ming hesitated a little, but finally smiled: "Your Excellency is busy?"

"It's nothing, I just saw my brother walking here alone, so I couldn't help but come up to talk to me."

Hemdan looked at the mountain to be bold, smiled at the moment, looked at Chen Ming and asked, "Brother, is this the first time you have come to Tianzhou?"


Chen Ming nodded and smiled: "How did you find out?"


Hemdan smiled: "You are alone, and you look like a scholar. Just walking on the street like this, I know that this is probably the first time for you to come here."

"Do you know that in our place, few people go out like you, brother?"

"Why is this?"

"What else can I do? Naturally, I'm afraid of being robbed."

Hemdan smiled and said: "There are too many powerful people in our place, even in the city, it is not safe. You are dressed as a scholar, and you can tell that your family is rich, and you don't have servants around you. It is very easy for others to attack you." .”

"Scholar, there are also poor scholars and rich scholars."

Hearing Hemdan's words, Chen Ming was not annoyed, he just smiled and said, "What if I am a poor scholar?"

"You don't understand that."

Hemdan shook his head: "Life in Tianzhou is difficult. You are poor scholars in the eyes of others, but to us, you are also rich."

"So, you need me, Hermdan!"

He patted his chest and finally got into the subject: "As long as you hire me Hemdan, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound in Tianzhou City!"

(End of this chapter)

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