Chapter 189
"As long as you hire me Hemdan, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound in Tianzhou City!"

In front of his eyes, Hemdan's rough voice lingered and resounded in place.

The corners of Chen Ming's eyes twitched, he couldn't express his mood at this moment, he could only be silent for a while, and then he said: "The words are good, but I don't know how much you will pay for them?"

"One month, five taels of silver is enough."

Hemdan said with a smile: "Brother, don't think the price is too high. You must know that this price is not only for the thugs, but also the travel expenses."

"Tianzhou is located in a remote area, and there are many people from other places. Even if there are local people, most of them don't understand the language, and the dialect is thick, so it is difficult to communicate."

He patted his chest and laughed loudly: "With me, Hemdan, these are not a problem."

"I have been in this place for more than [-] years, and I am familiar with the characteristics of the local people. No matter what you want to do in this place, I can satisfy you."


Chen Ming was careless at first, but when he heard the back, his eyes lit up: "That's pretty good."

"Then during this time, please follow me and do something for me."

He said so, and then threw an ingot of gold, according to that weight, it was worth at least 20 taels of silver.

To a certain extent, he has committed some big taboos. The so-called not revealing the money, the person in front of him comes inexplicably, but it is not necessarily reliable. If he sees the money and has a motive, it will be a big trouble for ordinary people.

Chen Ming has always been cautious, so naturally he doesn't understand this, but he doesn't care too much.

He was just an ordinary foreigner, who had practiced some rough martial arts at most, and hadn't even reached the peak of the day after tomorrow. Chen Ming didn't know how many he could kill with a wave of his hand.

The gap is so large that it has reached a point where it is calm enough.

It was Hemdan's performance that surprised Chen Ming.

He took the gold, although his reaction was quite unique, but he was very straightforward. He directly took the gold and laughed at Chen Ming: "It's really a good deal. This ingot of gold can hire me for at least four or five months. Give me?"

"Give it all to you."

"Then I would be very grateful!"

He smiled and said, "From today onwards, brother, I will take care of all your affairs in Tianzhou, even if you let me kill and set fire, it's fine."

What he said was frank, and he looked extremely heroic, without any weird thoughts, so Chen Ming couldn't help but look at him more.

In Chen Ming's Buddha's blood induction, this person has a peaceful mind from the beginning to the end. Ordinary people will be surprised and envious for a while when they see him being generous, even if they don't have evil thoughts in their hearts. But this person's reaction is completely different. He didn't pay attention to those few pieces of gold.

On the other hand, when they saw Chen Ming's extravagant hands, many people's eyes lit up, but they just looked at Hemdan standing in front of Chen Ming, but no one dared to move in the end.

In this area, Hemdan does seem to be very famous, not because he is boasting, but for real.

In the next period of time, he also performed very well. He first took Chen Ming to find a foreign inn with good conditions, and finally took Chen Ming out for a trip to enjoy the exotic scenery.

"In your place, no one cares about picking quarrels and provoking trouble?"

Walking on the road, Chen Ming paused, looked at a certain place, and asked.

In the place he was looking at, there were endless screams.

In front of a gate, a burly man with a naked body showing strong muscles and a swollen face was holding a whip in his hand. He greeted several foreign men with a ferocious expression, and the strength in his hand became heavier and heavier.

The whip in that man's hand was stained with blood, and every time he swung it, there was a smell of blood, that strong smell was disgusting.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming clearly saw that several people had passed out, and there were dense scars all over their bodies.

"It's not a matter of sex-seeking. Those people are all domestic slaves, and they were enslaved. Even if they were beaten to death, no one would say anything. At most, they would just pay a few dollars."


Chen Ming frowned, a little uncomfortable with this kind of thing.

It is possible to keep slaves during the work, and it is a common practice in the world to keep slaves. In order to have an extra labor force for the family, even if the family wealth is exhausted, they have to buy a few slaves.

In the Chen family where Chen Ming lived in this life, there were quite a few house slaves in the family, and many of them had children. They had been the Chen family's house slaves since childhood.

But even though they are all slaves, the situation on the two sides is obviously different. At least in the Central Plains, there are government laws and regulations. Even if they are slaves, few people will be treated like this. If one is killed, it can be passed on. momentary event.

Compared with Qianzhou and other Central Plains regions, Tianzhou is obviously much more vicious.

"It's all the same here."

Hemdan seemed to be used to it, and said softly at this moment: "The house slaves here are not like those in the Central Plains."

"In the Central Plains, the domestic slaves are basically the descendants of Gan people who have been slaves for generations. Not only are they more docile, but they also rarely run away and refuse to obey discipline."

"Most of the servants here are foreign people brought by merchants from other regions. Not only do they not speak well, but they are also unruly. Many of them killed their masters and fled. If they were not vicious, they might be oppressed by these servants."

"However, isn't it afraid of causing dissatisfaction among foreigners?"

Chen Ming continued to ask.

"What are you afraid of?"

Hemdan smiled, and didn't think it was a problem at all: "It's the people from the Central Plains who look like you, brother, and they can be divided into Gan people, Korean people, Zhao people, etc. There are even more people like us. "

"Take the servants who were almost killed just now. I can recognize the Xiannu people, the Beiju people, and the Beijue people. There are a few others I didn't recognize."

"In the vast Western Regions, there are dozens of big countries and hundreds of small countries. They have different customs and looks, so they won't stand up for people from these foreign countries."

"Even, most of the people who sold these people to Tianzhou were their own people in the country."

He laughed ferociously, thinking of something, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Compared to these merchants who betrayed their clansmen, the people here are pretty good, at least in order to make them work, we have to give them a bite to eat. "

Chen Ming nodded slightly, did not delve into this place, but continued to walk forward.

After walking around Tianzhou City, he gradually discovered something.

Martial arts are prevalent in Tianzhou City, even within a few short streets, you can see many martial arts gyms and the like.

People in this place have a strange enthusiasm for martial arts. Even a three-year-old child, under the influence of this atmosphere, is full of enthusiasm for martial arts, and can discuss with you for a long time.

This kind of flourishing of martial arts alone is something that Chen Ming has never seen in other places.

But compared with this flourishing of martial arts, it is the weakness of martial arts here.

Perhaps because it is located in the wild and far away from the Middle Earth, although the martial arts in this place is strong, there are very few people who really possess high-level martial arts.

Even those who opened martial arts gyms, their directors are not very strong. In Chen Ming's view, they are not even as good as some outside disciples of certain sects in the Central Plains, so they dare to come out to teach and teach, and they are not afraid of teaching bad students.

The so-called third-rate Sanshou in the Central Plains is already top-notch in this place.

This kind of strength is completely incompatible with the almost fanatical Wufeng in this place.

"That's why I said that this place lacks real high-level martial arts."

Hearing Chen Ming's doubts, Hemdan sighed and said: "The people here grow up, no matter how hard they try, all they can come into contact with is the third-rate martial arts in the Central Plains. It was wasted too."

"Haven't you guys tried going to the Central Plains area to study?" Chen Ming asked.

"Hey, why haven't you tried it?"

Hemdan showed a wry smile on his face: "But we want to go, the Central Plains doesn't accept it at all."

"You Central Plains people pay attention to the inheritance of masters and apprentices. The real high-level martial arts will always be left to your descendants. Not only are there few people who really accept apprentices and teach them, but the conditions are harsh."

"For foreigners like us, even if we have money, we can't get in at all."

Hearing this, Chen Ming nodded.

Although it seems easy for him to get in touch with martial arts, in fact, for ordinary people, this matter is extremely difficult, and it can even be said to be extravagant.

The world's strict blockade of martial arts is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Chen Ming was able to get in touch with martial arts, and he joined Yueshan's sect just after crossing, because he was born in the Chen family in Changzhou, a famous family for generations. Easily obtain the Linyuan knife technique.

But what if an ordinary person wants to worship under Yue Shan's sect?
First of all, the origin of your family must be clean. Checking the three generations of ancestors is a basic operation, and you need more money in your family to be able to hand in a sum of offerings.

It's not over just after entering Yueshan, you have to study basic martial arts for several years, and only after the foundation is complete, you are eligible to enter the martial arts stage and choose a martial arts to refine.

This is just an ordinary high-level martial arts. If one wants to learn the top external skills such as Linyuan Saber Technique, then one must be favored by a certain elder to have such a chance.

Chen Ming was able to be taught Linyuan's sword technique from the very beginning, because his father and Lu Qi were life and death friends, and Lu Qi was like his uncle.

Afterwards, he was able to visit the martial arts hall and obtain the martial arts collected by Daqian in the past because he was already innate at that time.

Ordinary people don't have this status, family background, or cultivation base.

Like Hemdan in front of me, I'm afraid they won't accept it even if they give it away for free, and they won't think about it at all.

"Everything in the world is difficult. In the previous life, people were running around for property, and in this life, there are also people running around for martial arts. The world is difficult, which can be seen here."

Standing in place, listening to Hemdan's narration quietly, Chen Ming shook his head, but didn't say anything in the end.

Things are hard, as they are.

Everyone has their own difficulties and demands, but it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

Better than Chen Ming, at this time, he can only satisfy the relatives and friends around him as much as possible to ensure their safety and life, but he can't do more.

(End of this chapter)

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