Sweeping the world

Chapter 191 Wanted

Chapter 191 Wanted

"Guest, you are joking."

The fat man stretched out his hand, wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his face, and said with a smile on his face, "It's not like you don't know the reputation of our Ye Fang, and the price is whatever it should be. Absolutely no deception, genuine goods at a fair price."

"There are many people who know this news, but not many people are willing to tell it, and even fewer are willing to tell it like us."

He turned to look at Chen Ming, smiled pointedly and said, "This guest must be very clear about whether the news is worth the price."

Clear, clear shit!

At this point, Chen Ming didn't understand. The other party probably misunderstood what he meant, and the two of them were not on the same channel at all.

However, he did not make a sound to correct it.

5 taels of gold was nothing to him, it was all external objects, so it was of little use to Chen Ming.

He really needs news from the other party, and on the other hand, he is also a little curious.

What kind of news requires 5 taels of gold to buy?

So, he nodded and looked at the fat man in front of him with a calm expression: "Is it here for you?"

"Of course not."

Seeing what Chen Ming said, a smile appeared on the middle-aged fat man's face, and the smile was brighter than before at this moment: "In the evening after three days, go to another place, there will be special people waiting for you there."

After saying this, he gave Chen Ming an address, and then continued to ask in a friendly manner, "Does the guest need any additional services?"

"You just finished a big deal. According to the usual practice, I can make the decision to give you some discounts. Well. Is there anyone you don't like?"

He opened his mouth and said, his words were full of temptation: "I can send someone to kill you, as long as the other party is not special, it can be completely free."

"no need."

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched, and then he withdrew to leave: "I still have some urgent matters at home, so I will leave!"

"Guests go slowly, come again next time."

Pedestrians were hurrying on the road. Hearing the sound of reluctance coming from behind, Chen Ming quickened his pace and walked out quickly.

Beside him, quietly followed behind Chen Ming, looking at Chen Ming's figure, Hemdan nodded thoughtfully, and looked at Chen Ming with brighter eyes.

After a while, Hemdan's figure reappeared in front of the sparsely populated Yefang loft.

"You came?"

The middle-aged fat man from before appeared. Judging by his appearance, he was not surprised by Hemdan's actions at all.


Looking at the middle-aged fat man, Hemdan's expression changed, and he looked at him anxiously and asked, "Is that the man in the legend?"

"Nine times out of ten."

The middle-aged fat man nodded solemnly, "I have been to Beijing, and I have seen the grand occasion of the Grand Martial Arts Competition, and I have also seen the champion of martial arts at that time. He is refined and talented, just like this person."

"So, this is really the No. [-] martial artist in the dynasty, the martial artist who is known as an inexhaustible genius?"

Hermdan looked surprised, and at this moment, his face looked extremely excited, almost fanatical.

"Hemdan, what are you trying to do?"

Seeing Hemdan's appearance in front of him, the middle-aged fat man frowned and said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, although your clan has some strength, it's nothing compared to this class of warriors."

"If you have any bad thoughts, just fold yourself in when the time comes, and don't involve me in it."

He said in a cold voice, it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Hemdan's actions.

The gap between the two sides is really too big. Others don't know the details of this martial arts champion, but how can he, a Yefang killer, not know?

That is at least a congenital master, and regardless of the Changzhou Chen family standing behind him, or his own strength, he is enough to run rampant here, and no one dares to disrespect him.

Not to mention, he has also inquired about some news from the imperial capital recently. This martial arts champion is not as simple as an ordinary genius.

If Hemdan had any bad intentions, it would be nothing in the end.

"What can I think?"

Standing at the same spot, Hemdan smiled, and then said with some self-deprecating: "That is the champion of martial arts in the dynasty, a majestic innate warrior, not to mention the famous Chen family standing behind him, it is his own innate strength, and also Enough to make people dare not move lightly."

"I'm just a barbarian, how dare I provoke such a character."

Hearing this, the middle-aged fat man turned pale, and asked, "Then why did you do what you did this time?"

"What I'm looking for is nothing more than a high-level martial arts."

Hemdan let out a soft sigh, and his words were full of helplessness and hardship: "I, the Ghana tribe, have lived here since ancient times. Although relying on the commerce and trade of Tianzhou, the tribe has gradually become rich, but I have never been able to truly acquire martial arts. The generation patriarch has exhausted his family wealth, but still can't worship the famous family, and can only obtain some incomplete martial arts."

"How can this make the tribe strong?"

He said with determination on his face: "In this world, the only way to get ahead is to practice martial arts, and this time is an excellent opportunity!"

"A majestic martial artist, a generation of congenitals, he must have learned a lot, and the martial arts he practiced must be top-notch martial arts, stronger than those so-called famous schools."

"I don't want to get a real rare inheritance, but I want to get a complete inheritance, that's enough!"

He sighed, but when he said this, the expression on his face was very determined, and there was a kind of brilliance in his eyes, which revealed strong ambition and desire.

"Oh you."

Looking at Hemdan in front of him, the expression on the face of the middle-aged fat man softened. Standing here, he sighed deeply, and understood Hemdan's choice more.

For the Wuzi of the current dynasty, a high-quality martial art may be easily obtained, but for them, a complete inheritance has been the goal they have been striving for for several generations.

The land of the Western Regions is originally a desert of martial arts, and Tianzhou is adjacent to this place. Although the commerce and trade are developed, there are few real inheritances, let alone top-notch inheritances, and even a slightly complete inheritance cannot be found.

Most of what they can find are incomplete martial arts patchwork, and the future can be imagined.

Now that there is an opportunity to obtain advanced martial arts, Hermdan's persistence is understandable.

"But if you do this, you may not be able to achieve your goal."

Looking at Hemdan in front of him, the middle-aged fat man shook his head and said, "How precious is a complete inheritance of martial arts? If you are like this now, even if it is a cow or a horse for others, it is of no use. At most, you can just get a few more." It's just a reward."

Martial arts in this world are extremely precious. In the past tense, in order to obtain superior martial arts, Hemdan's ancestors did not fail to do such things as cows and horses, but they failed in the end. Purpose.

Now that Hemdan lurks beside that Wuzi, will he be able to achieve his goal?
In this regard, the middle-aged fat man did not believe it.

"Simply being an ox or a horse is naturally of little use to such a strong person, but what I have is not only these."

Hemdan smiled, and finally said: "He came here to pursue the Tianmen Sect, and what he did was probably the Tianmen Secret Realm left by the Tianmen Sect back then."

"And I happen to have some clues about this secret realm in my hand."

"you think."

Hearing this, the middle-aged fat man was shocked.

"Is that so?"

In the distance, standing in a certain corner of the black market, secretly listening to the conversation between the two of Hemdan, Chen Ming was a little stunned.

He had already discovered something wrong with Hemdan, and some of his traits were not in line with ordinary people from other places.

Martial arts here in Tianzhou is backward, even if it is a person who opens a martial arts gym, his strength is at most equivalent to a third-rate master within the ranks.

But Hemdan was different. Although he concealed it very well, Chen Ming could tell at a glance that this person had traces of practicing external skills, and his strength was not weak, almost comparable to that of Lu Qi who taught Chen Ming the sword technique in the past. up.

Although Lu Qi's strength is not strong in the eyes of Chen Ming today, he is still first-class. Even in Qianzhou, he can be regarded as a powerful one, let alone in this deserted land of Tianzhou.

With such strength, it is not right to come to Chen Ming's side as a guide.

Therefore, when Hemdan left before, Chen Ming followed secretly, just in time to see the scene in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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