Sweeping the world

192 Forbidden Land

192 Forbidden Land
"What is the so-called secret realm of Tianmen?"

All the way back to the inn where he was staying from the black market, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

From the conversation between the two of Hemdan just now, it can be seen that the two people did know something about the so-called Tianmen sect, but they completely misunderstood Chen Ming's purpose here.

Chen Ming was mistaken for coming for the so-called secret realm of Tianmen, which completely deviated from his original purpose.

Of course, it cannot be said to be completely deviated.

They are both in Tianzhou, one is Tianmen Sect, and the other is Tianmen Secret Realm. Chen Ming does not believe that there will be no connection between the two.

Through this secret realm of Tianmen, if you fumble around, you may be able to find the location of the Tianmen sect.

"Tianmen Secret Realm, this trip to Tianzhou, there may be some unexpected gains."

Thinking of the conversation between the two of Hemdan just now, Chen Ming's heart started to rippling.

Resting on the spot for a while, Hermdan also came back after a while.

He behaved normally, still the same as before, and when he came back from the outside, he was still holding a large bag of strange-looking fruits: "Sir, come and have a look, I brought you some good local specialties , absolutely nowhere else.”

"Then I can give it a try."

Seeing that Hemdan remained the same, Chen Ming also showed no abnormalities, with a warm smile on his face.

three days later.

At night, Chen Ming walked into a dark corner alone.

This is a corner of the night market, because the environment is a bit bad, so few people usually come here, and it is late at night, so there are few people.

Chen Ming came here alone, followed the map given by the middle-aged fat man in advance, bypassed one after another alley, and walked straight into it.

"You came?"

In a dark corner full of stench, Chen Ming pushed open a rotten wooden door, and then a vaguely familiar voice sounded from the small room in front.

Hearing the voice, Chen Ming raised his head and looked in front of him.

In front of him was a dark and small room. Inside the room, an oil lamp was quietly lit, bringing a little light into the small room.

And beside the oil lamp, in front of the only wooden table in the room, a middle-aged fat man in a black robe sat quietly.

"It's you."

Looking at the middle-aged fat man, Chen Ming was a little surprised: "Are you the only one in Yefang's usual transactions?"

"That's not it."

The middle-aged fat man shook his head, and said, "Usually someone else is responsible for collecting money and delivering goods, but this time the information to be traded is special, so I can only come here in person."

"By the way, have you brought any money?"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, he asked this question with a look of concern.

"rest assured."

Chen Ming nodded, and took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket: "1 taels of gold is quite inconvenient to carry, can we trade directly with bank notes?"

There are money houses in this world, but due to the backward means, it is quite inconvenient to deposit and withdraw. Whether it is depositing money or withdrawing money, it has to go through cumbersome procedures.

But no matter how complicated it is, it is better than carrying gold and silver directly.

Even if Chen Ming has returned to the source, it is impossible for him to go out with 1 taels of gold.

"The bank notes from the bank, although it's a little troublesome, there's nothing wrong with it."

Looking at Chen Ming, the middle-aged fat man showed a smile on his face, and then he stepped forward and started counting.

After a while, he raised his head, took out a wooden box from the side, looked at Chen Ming and said, "What you want to know is inside."

Hearing this, Chen Ming lowered his head and looked at the wooden box in front of him.

The wooden box in front of me is black, with the texture of divine birds embroidered on it. It looks very beautiful. There is also a unique fragrance on the wooden box, and the material looks quite luxurious.

Gently reached out and opened the wooden box. Inside were several maps and a tome explaining the origin of the Tianmen secret realm.

The so-called Tianmen Secret Realm is a secret realm that was aborted in ancient times. It is rumored that the Taoist inheritance of the ancient Tianmen Sect is passed down in the secret realm. It contains rare treasures and countless magical weapons and martial arts, which has attracted countless people to covet.

This secret realm was not known in the past, and it has only slowly become active in recent years, so it has a low reputation, and only a very few people know about it.

As for the Tianmen sect in Tianzhou, it is not the ancient Tianmen sect, but the inheritance re-established by later generations after obtaining the legacy of the Tianmen secret realm.

However, even this inheritance has been destroyed many years ago. It is rumored that it was suppressed by Daqian Taizu 400 years ago, and it is not known whether it is true or not.

"Eight hundred years ago, the Tianmen Secret Realm was opened?"

From the records in the scroll, Chen Ming learned a secret, and his expression couldn't help but change.

800 years ago, at this time, it happened to be the time when Taizu Dingding, defeated all opponents, and ruled the world.

The Tianmen Secret Realm was opened at that time, and the Tiantian sect at that time was also rumored to be suppressed by Daqian Taizu at that time, but I don't know if there is any connection between this.

After reading the information in the scroll, Chen Ming looked at the remaining maps.

"Two maps, one is the ruins of the Tianmen sect, and the other is the incomplete map in the secret realm of the Tianmen."

In front of his eyes, seeing Chen Ming looking at the two maps, the middle-aged fat man spoke at the right time, explaining in this way.

"Thank you."

Looking at the middle-aged fat man, Chen Ming put away a few things, then nodded, got up and left.

Soon, his figure disappeared into the shadows, never to be seen again.

"Going further, it is the famous place of death, sir, do you really want to go in?"

On a piece of barren land, Hemdan looked hesitantly, looked at Chen Ming and spoke for confirmation.

At this moment, the place they are in is the famous forbidden area in Tianzhou, the outskirts of Blood Mountain, which is called the forbidden area of ​​death by the locals.

This place is notorious in the local area. It is rumored that there are evil spirits running rampant in it, and there are unjust souls who fell in the year entrenched in it, which is extremely terrifying and weird.

But those who entered it never came out.

At this moment, they were standing on the outskirts of this forbidden area, ready to go deep into it.

"Don't worry."

In the same place, Chen Ming's voice sounded as calm and calm as ever, with a unique force, which made people unable to help but start to settle down, and no longer hesitated in their hearts.

He stood there, and at this moment the sun was shining down on his body, as if he had put on a golden divine garment, making him look like a god, so majestic and sacred.

"I'll go in alone, you just wait outside."

Looking at Hemdan behind him, he said, "Just wait for me outside. After three days, whether I come back or not, you can leave on your own."


Hearing this, Hemdan showed some hesitation on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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