Sweeping the world

Chapter 193 Corpse Group

Chapter 193 Corpse Group

Looking at Chen Ming, Hemdan stood there for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go in with you!"

The forbidden area in front of us is indeed dangerous, and the crisis in it is beyond most people's imagination.

Hemdan's ancestors have rooted in Tianzhou for more than a dozen generations, and they are much more aware of the dangers than ordinary people.

But it's also a rare opportunity.

The strong wind knows the strength of the grass, and the true color can only be seen in the crisis.

Being in a forbidden area is dangerous, but it is also a great opportunity to get closer.

And the danger may not be as great as imagined.

The person in front of him is not an ordinary person, but the Wuzi of the current dynasty. With this person here, even if he is in a desperate situation, there should be a glimmer of life.

As soon as he thought of this, at the moment, he was certain in his heart, knelt down on one knee, with a sincere face, and begged again: "Please take me in with you, sir. If something happens, I can take care of you."

"in this way."

Chen Ming took a deep look at Hemdan, knowing the thoughts in his heart, but he did not refuse after pondering for a while: "That's fine."

At that moment, Hemdan was overjoyed, and after dismissing the accompanying servants, he carried his luggage and dry food and walked forward together with Chen Ming.

The black land continued to spread before the eyes, gradually extending to the end.

The two rode all the way to dusk, and the land in front of them changed slightly. The originally black land was tinged with red, and it looked like blood in the setting sun, like a piece of blood spread on the land, turning the land The area is stained red.

Feeling this, Chen Ming raised his head and looked into the distance.

There is a high mountain in the distance. There is no tree on the peak. It is bare and red at first glance. It seems that there is a layer of black mist faintly lingering on it, which faintly gathers into the shape of a black human face. It is creepy and feels strange.

"That is the Blood Mountain. It is rumored that there are evil spirits entrenched on it. It is the ghost who died that year, which turned the whole mountain into blood."

On the side, Hemdan said, although his face was as usual, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Ever since he entered this place, he felt a chill all over his body, as if he was being stared at by something, extremely terrifying and horrifying.

Even as a martial artist, facing this situation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

"This place is in great danger. It seems that someone is lurking in the dark and is staring at me."

Riding beside Chen Ming, feeling the creepy coldness on his body, this thought flashed through his mind.

In fact, he felt right.

In the distance, someone was indeed staring at him, and it wasn't just one person.

When Hermdan was terrified, Chen Ming also raised his head, looking towards a certain place as if aware of it.

That was the corner of the Blood Mountain in front of me, and there was a black mist in it, which completely blocked the vision of that place, making it impossible to see clearly.

The golden divine light flowed, and the Buddha's power gathered bit by bit. At this moment, Chen Ming's eyes turned into a piece of gold, as if a sun was shining in them, containing boundless, brilliant and mighty divine power.

Through these Buddha eyes, in the blink of an eye, he saw through the mist and saw the scenery within the mist.

It was a thin figure.

On the barren hills, there were skinny mummified corpses standing there quietly, wearing strange Taoist robes. Although they had died long ago, their appearance did not seem to have changed at all. Pairs of empty and cold eyes looked at the The direction where Chen Ming and the other two were located was creepy.

There is no doubt that this is a terrifying scene. On the uninhabited mountain of blood, corpses that have already died stand alone, staring at the living with a pair of withered eyes.

Is this the curse of the undead from the past, or the desire and resentment for the living?

Standing in place, watching this scene, Chen Ming frowned, and continued to ride forward, walking forward.

They are still on their way.

The scope of this blood mountain is very large. The two of them rode horses and walked for a whole day, but they didn't even see the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the situation, it will take them several days to really go up the mountain.

"It's getting dark, sir, shall we find a place to rest?"

After walking for another half an hour, the color of the sky gradually dimmed. Hemdan looked up at the sky, and finally looked at Chen Ming and asked.

"it is good."

Chen Ming nodded in agreement.

Traveling at night, even in ordinary places, is extremely dangerous, not to mention being in the Blood Mountain at this moment, let alone knowing what will happen at night.

To be on the safe side, it is better to take a break.

Seeing Chen Ming nodding his head, Hemdan quickly got off his horse and began to look around for places to set up camp and check out.

Chen Ming found a flat place to sit down by himself, closed the curtain silently to rest his mind, and at the same time tempered his own divine veins with the method of tempering.

At this moment, several months have passed since he was just promoted. His first divine pattern has been deduced to the extreme, and he will soon start trying to condense the second divine pattern.

Compared to the time at the Imperial Palace banquet, Chen Ming at this moment is undoubtedly stronger.

In addition, Chen Ming's research on the divine patterns in Chen Wei's body during the previous period also gave Chen Ming some new insights. After a period of time, he might be able to try to condense his own martial arts divine patterns.

At that point, Chen Ming's strength will undoubtedly be one step closer.

Sitting quietly on the spot, after a while, the wind started to blow on the spot.


At a certain moment, Chen Ming opened his eyes, looked at the busy Hemdan in the distance, and said something.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

In the distance, Hemdan was covered in sweat and was still lighting a fire. After hearing Chen Ming's shout, he quickly got up and looked at him and asked with some doubts.

"Some guests are coming."

Chen Ming spoke from the same place with a calm face.


Hermdan was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed drastically.

Only then did he feel that something was wrong. He felt a strong sense of coldness suddenly rushing from behind him, so he turned around and looked behind him.

What he saw afterwards caused his pupils to shrink, and he almost lost his footing, and was about to fall directly to the ground.

About ten meters away, a deep mist lingered, like a veil, covering the things inside, making them appear faintly visible.

One after another figures emerged from it. They were mummies with unique appearances. There were old and young among them. Everyone had a strong sense of death, but they looked like ordinary people on the surface, wearing simple and simple clothes.

These are exactly the mummies that Chen Ming saw on the mountainside before, but compared to before, these mummies have already abruptly walked in front of them, almost face to face with them.

A strong sense of coldness came from the front, coming from the soul, as if it wanted to freeze your soul, which made people palpitate.


Looking at this scene, Hemdan gasped, his whole body was extremely cold, as if frozen.

He didn't try to resist. In the face of such strange and evil spirits, mere acquired martial artists can't play much role at all, and can only wait for death obediently.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chen Ming on the side, with some expectation in his eyes, but he still did not forget to act: "Sir, go, I will help you block them!!"

After the words fell, he lifted an ax from the side, gritted his teeth, and actually pretended to charge.

"come back."

In the distance, watching Hemdan's movements, Chen Ming felt like a mirror, and with a wave of his hand, a strong wind raged, and the vast divine power swung out, grabbing Hemdan back.

You have to show your loyalty, and it depends on the time to gain favorability.

Those in front of him are by no means ordinary evil spirits. If Hermdan's small body really rushed up, it might be over in one encounter.

After capturing Hemdan back, Chen Ming raised his head and looked in front of him.

Unknowingly, the distance between the corpses and him shrunk a little, and now, it was less than ten meters away.

From this distance, with Chen Ming's eyesight, he could easily see the appearance of these corpses, and even every inch of skin on the face could be clearly seen without any omission.

The mummies in front of me have different shapes, and most of them are young women with a complex black triangular mark on their foreheads, like some kind of mysterious symbol.

These people didn't know how they died at the beginning. The sleeves on their bodies were intact, and the corpses looked very intact, with no signs of being damaged.

What Chen Ming cares most about is a few of these people.

Those were a few slightly older mummies. Not only were they relatively older, but the clothes they wore were also more refined and gorgeous, giving them a sense of higher class.

From these mummified corpses, Chen Ming faintly felt a sense of oppression, which originated from the existence of the same level.

"These corpses were at least half-step back to the source before they were alive, or even... the real return to the source?"

After thinking up to this point, Chen Ming subconsciously didn't believe it, but in the end he came to a sudden realization.

In the Blood Mountain Forbidden Land here, these people in front of them seem to have died for some years. If they died many years ago, it may not be impossible for many people to return to the source.

For more than 800 years, before the Daqian Dingding and the Daqian Taizu Yuyu, the martial arts between heaven and earth were prosperous, the masters were uneven, and there were many heaven and man, which was far from being comparable to today.

If the mummy in front of me belonged to that era, then it would not be surprising.

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming's thoughts wandered, looking at the corpse in front of him, the divine power that had been suppressed all over his body was no longer suppressed.

Purple-gold blood energy soared into the sky, like a divine sword soaring into the sky, startling the world of mortals.

In the same place, Chen Ming was surrounded by divine light, and his face was calm at this moment, as if a god was alive, calm and unhurried, and there was a majestic demeanor in his gestures, which one dare not underestimate.

In front of his eyes, the group of corpses that had been moving forward no longer moved forward. They were rushed by the mighty and exuberant purple gold blood energy, and immediately began to scatter. The whole body was burning, even the corpses that were suspected to have returned to the source before they were alive.

After all, these are people who have fallen, and what is left at this moment is only the body. Even if they are moving with the support of inexplicable power, their strength can never be compared with that in life.

Facing Xiantian might be okay, but facing a living Guiyuan, he immediately felt cramped.

(End of this chapter)

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