Sweeping the world

Chapter 194 Neither Life nor Death

Chapter 194 Neither Life nor Death
"Is this his strength?"

Standing behind Chen Ming, looking at Chen Ming, who was so full of blood in the Zijin at this moment, shrouded in divine light like a god, Hemdan's breathing was short, his eyes were red, full of longing.

He didn't make a direct move, but only the instinctive exposure of his aura created such a scene, which was stronger than all the warriors Hemdan had seen in the past.

If he shot with all his strength, Hemdan could hardly imagine what kind of scene it would be.

"Aren't you going back?"

Ahead, Chen Ming frowned, looked at the group of corpses not far away, and spoke calmly.

These people in front of him may have been extremely powerful during their lifetime, but they have been dead for many years now, and even though their corpses began to recover for some unknown reason, they could not be his opponents.

However, even so, he didn't want to act rashly.

Behind the group of corpses in front of you, there is an inexplicable force supporting them. Once touched, the ominousness and curses that exist in them may be aroused in the end, and all kinds of strange things will happen.

Chen Ming came here this time not to break the forbidden area and sweep away evil spirits, but just to confirm some things, and he didn't want to cause such trouble.If the group of corpses in front of them can recede on their own, it would be the best result.

In front of them, each figure remained silent, feeling Chen Ming's aura, raising their heads one by one, looking at Chen Ming, but there was no sound at all.

It is normal to have no sound. These are some dead people. If they can still make sound, it is called a strange thing.

"You shouldn't be in"

An old, hoarse voice suddenly sounded, like a voice that was squeezed out forcibly, it sounded very stiff, not as natural as when ordinary people speak.

Hearing this voice, Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, turned around and looked forward, his eyes gradually fixed on one of the corpses.

It was a corpse that looked like a middle-aged woman, and the residual aura on her body was so strong that Chen Ming couldn't help being alert, and he should have been included in Guiyuan before he was alive.

But at this moment, the woman's eyes opened, and she stared at Chen Ming with dead eyes, as if she was sizing her up.

"you are still alive?"

Chen Ming was stunned, his heart was shocked at this moment, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The person in front of him is definitely dead, his blood energy is dry, his body is exhausted, and his spirit is invisible. He is considered as dead as dead.

As a return to the source, Chen Ming will never be wrong about this.

But how can a dead man speak?
"It is true that he is dead, but he is still alive. It is considered to be between life and death. Until the moment when he finally breaks free, life and death cannot be judged."

On the opposite side, the woman said, her body is still the same as before, and there is no living person's reaction.

"You shouldn't be walking in here"

"What do you mean by this senior?"

Chen Ming managed to calm down, looked at the woman in front of him, and asked with some doubts.

"As the emperor's body, once you walk into it, you will touch the curse left in it."

The woman spoke, her voice gradually calmed down: "I will come here later, that's why"

"However. It was a mistake after all. You are not the Emperor Body back then."

"That imperial body back then?"

Chen Ming frowned, for a moment he was full of doubts.

He wanted to ask, but found that the person in front of him was no longer there.

After the man regained his consciousness, under the influence of the other party, the group of corpses left without continuing to entangle with Chen Ming.

There is only one sentence passed down from afar.

"If you want to go up, proclaim yourself the Emperor Body, don't leak your Emperor Vein aura"

These words were left by the woman, reminding Chen Ming to hide the aura of the emperor body from his body, so as not to attract more terrifying things.

"Imperial Body."

Chen Ming frowned, looked at the direction where the corpses disappeared, and thought of something.

Behind him, Hermdan was already stunned.

"Imperial Body."

Although his ancestors have lived in Tianzhou for a long time, and he is a foreigner, it does not mean that he does not understand the meaning of the emperor body.

On the contrary, he was born in a foreign land, and he knew much more about the legendary name of Emperor Body than ordinary people.

The emperor's body, this is the supreme physique that can only emerge from the emperor's veins, and it is also the body of the emperor in the legend. The founding ancestors of all dynasties are incomparably the same.

The Daqian Taizu of the current dynasty was a Tianming Emperor back then.

"Could it be."

In an instant, he thought of a lot, his face flushed, and he looked at Chen Ming with strange eyes.

"Pick up your things."

In the distance, looking at the direction in which the corpses left, Chen Ming sighed softly, then turned around and said, "Light the fire, and we will leave tomorrow morning."


Hearing the order, Hemdan shuddered, with a smile on his face, and hurried to work aside.

In the same place, seeing Hemdan's reaction, Chen Ming shook his head. He had a general understanding of his thoughts, but he didn't say anything.

In fact, there is no need to say anything at this time, and sometimes nothing can be said, but the effect is the best.

For example, at this moment, before Chen Ming even opened his mouth, Hemdan began to make up his own brain, and his whole face turned red as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

After this night, perhaps because the consciousness of the deceased had recovered, Chen Ming and the two of them did not encounter any strange things after that.

This calm atmosphere made Hemdan, who had been psychologically prepared, heaved a sigh of relief.

On this day, they walked under the mountain of blood.

Blood Mountain is a very high mountain, without any vegetation on it, and the entire mountain is bright red, as if soaked in blood, so it became famous.

At the foot of the mountain, the old steps are quietly displayed here. It looks like it was built by people in the past, and it looks like it has been around for some years.

After coming here, a strange sense of heaviness fell on Chen Ming.

In Chen Ming's eyes, the blood mountain in front of him was like a terrifying beast that devoured everything. It was ferocious and terrifying, weird and mysterious, ready to open its mouth at any time to devour the people passing by.

And the heavy steps in front of him are like the huge mouth of a giant beast. It looks bloody, which makes people feel horrified from a distance.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming took a deep breath, and then walked forward.

In his body, the golden Buddha's blood is flowing, cooperating with the Nirvana Sutra that has been promoted to the peak, suppressing the Tianchen Emperor Meridian in his body, preventing its aura from being exposed, causing some unpredictable changes.

The warning from that night is still in my ears. Although Chen Ming is not afraid of the unknown, it is better to have one less thing.

Sure enough, after he locked the emperor's blood in his body, the strong malice that had been coming from around him all the time began to shrink, and in the end there was only a little bit of remnant left, which remained here.

"The famous Blood Mountain, I will be able to climb it one day."

Walking all the way up from the bottom steps, Hemdan sighed deeply at the moment he set foot on the mountain, and he still has lingering fears.

For him, the existence of Blood Mountain is a legend that he has heard since he was a child. He never thought that he would still be able to set foot on this place, or even walk to the top of this mountain alive.

(End of this chapter)

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