Sweeping the world

Chapter 195 Tianmen Remains

Chapter 195 Tianmen Remains
Old houses, pieces of wreckage lying on the ground, a mess at a glance.

Walking quietly among them, Chen Ming's face was solemn. Although he had expected this in his heart, he couldn't help being disappointed at this time.

The Blood Mountain is the wreckage of the Tianmen sect back then. It was destroyed hundreds of years ago and turned into a forbidden land.

It's right to think about it, in this ghostly place, who else would want to stay.

The Tianmen faction that is left now, presumably, has already left this place and settled in another place.

This also means that Lu Qing is not in this place and needs to continue searching.

"Sir, are we still going in?"

Along the way, seeing Chen Ming's disappointed face, Hemdan couldn't help asking.

Although there were no dangers along the way, he was still a little afraid of this famous forbidden area. No matter where he went, he looked suspicious and suspicious, and he did not have the heroic posture he had before.

"Go in and have a look."

Chen Ming sighed deeply, and finally said so.

It's all here, instead of just leaving like this, it's better to continue to have a look, maybe you can gain something.

Chen Ming was also somewhat interested in the ruins left by the Tianmen Sect.

With this thought in his heart, Chen Ming continued to move forward along the still intact road in front of him.

Along the road, there are dilapidated houses and buildings everywhere, and there is a potholed place, dripping with blood.

This place was suspected to have suffered a war back then, and the entire resident was stained red with blood, and it was extremely tragic at first glance.

From the wreckage and bloodstains around him, Chen Ming could feel the brutality and horror of that battle.

"There is more than one returning to the source, and there are even existences suspected of being above the grandmaster fighting here."

Walking through the surrounding buildings, Chen Ming noticed a detail.

The traces of the blood mountain in front of me are not quite right. There are incompletes on the mountain peak. It doesn't look like it was formed naturally, but it looks like it was cut off by someone.

Cut off a mountain with one knife?

If it was an ordinary hill, Chen Ming could also do it. Under the urging of divine power, it would be no problem to blow it up with one punch.

But this is not a hill, but the famous Blood Mountain.

As the location chosen by the Tianmen Sect back then, this mountain was majestic and majestic, and the mountain was huge, even better than the Yueshan Mountain where Chen Ming had stayed.

Needless to say, there was no shortage of returning to the source in the Tianmen sect back then, there must have been a peerless master in the gate, and the gate was protected by a pattern array, which was indestructible.

Want to cut off half of such a mountain with one knife?
Not to mention returning to the source, even a grandmaster might be a little choked up.

In addition, Chen Ming also found a few bloodstains, the blood did not disperse, condensed into a shape, even after hundreds of years, most of the divine splendor in it had dissipated, but there was still a frightening majesty and aura , suspected to be the blood of heaven and man.

These discoveries made Chen Ming's face solemn, and he had a further understanding of the tragedy of the war that year.

Continuing to walk forward, Chen Ming came to the end of the road.

It was a remnant of the stone wall. On the stone wall, a broken long sword was enshrined on an altar, which looked very old and simple.

Above the broken sword, a familiar aura came over, making Chen Ming stunned: "It's him."

"He has been here."

With the flickering of thoughts, on Chen Ming's body, the emperor's blood that had been sealed off began to shimmer and glow, as if it felt stimulated by something, and began to recover spontaneously.

This is the induction of the same emperor body. The Tianchen emperor body sensed the energy of other emperor bodies, making its instinct active and resonating with it.

But as the emperor's blood on Chen Ming's body recovered, a strong sense of horror suddenly came.

The whole mountain of blood seemed to have suddenly turned into a ferocious beast that chose to eat people. At this moment, it opened its bloody mouth, and a pair of eyes full of malice locked on Chen Ming with the recovery of the emperor's body.

As the undead of the Tianmen Sect said before, this place rejects the Emperor's Body and holds deep malice towards the Emperor's Body. Once it enters it, it will lead to unknown changes.

The mysterious runes began to flicker, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Ming reacted quickly, the divine power in his body oscillated, brought up a little bit of Buddha's light, and cooperated with the Nirvana Sutra to suppress and cover up the boiling emperor vein in his body.

At this point, the original boiling malice around disappeared, and everything returned to its original appearance.

Feeling all this, Chen Ming secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but his heart was a little stunned.

Although it was only for a short moment, he already understood the identity of the emperor's body owner through the short-term convergence of Qi and machine.

Dagan Taizu!

On the broken sword in front of him, the remaining divine power breath was exactly the same as what Chen Ming felt from Chen Wei in the past, the domineering and unparalleled spirit of Yu Yuheshan was exactly the same.

Daqian Taizu once came here and destroyed this place with his own hands.

The owner of the broken sword in front of him was probably outraged by Daqian Taizu's sword, and his soldiers were smashed to death.


Thinking of this, Chen Ming shook his head regretfully, but his thoughts were elsewhere.

According to the records he has learned, during the journey of Daqian Taizu Hunyuan World, the Supreme Heavenly Man killed at least ten people, and the former owner of the Broken Sword in front of him may be one of them.


When Chen Ming lost his mind, Hemdan's voice came from the side.

"what happened?"

Chen Ming turned around to look, but saw the other party standing aside, staring blankly at a stone tablet: "There are words here."


Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, then walked over to have a look.

In front of Hemdan is a standard stone tablet.

Different from other things around, the stone tablet in front of me looks very new, and there is no blood stain on it, only a line of writing.

"Yang Tianming, a descendant of Tianmen, worshiped the ancestors of Tianmen here."

The gradually faint line of handwriting was not written with brush and ink, but engraved on the stone tablet.

Looking at this stele, Chen Ming's face gradually became serious.

On this stone tablet, he could feel a tyrannical divine power remnant, tightly attached to this stone tablet, with a palpitating aura.

Indistinctly, through the Buddha's eyes, one can see traces of divine power flowing, indistinctly condensed into a piece of divine pattern, intertwined here, like a brand mark.


Feeling the aura remaining on the stone tablet, Chen Ming nodded in his heart.

This is definitely a return to the source, and it is by no means an ordinary return to the source.

In terms of cultivation, this person is probably better than the mysterious Emperor Body who fought against Chen Ming back then, almost equal to the Dagan Prince, and even better than the current Chen Ming.

Of course, this is true in terms of cultivation, but in terms of combat power, it is hard to say.

Chen Ming's journey along the way has been based on the source of power and supernatural powers, and the Great Chu Martial Arts Classics. He has the strengths of the two emperor bodies, the Buddha body and the emperor body. In terms of combat power alone, he is far superior to ordinary people of the same level.

Even if there is a difference in cultivation base, but if you don't really do a match, the outcome is still unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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