Chapter 201
"Brother, brother"

In a dark space, a burst of shouts kept ringing out.

Chen Ming opened his eyes helplessly, and looked at the foreign man who looked like a foreigner, but his face was full of smiles, and he seemed to be smiling happily.

"Brother, you are finally awake!"

Seeing Chen Ming wake up, the foreign man showed a bright smile on his face, and the smile on his face almost changed: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Chen Ming said helplessly in his heart, he couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the foreign man in front of him.

From the time when he pretended to be dizzy until now, this foreign man has been screaming there. He is not like a wounded and captured person, and his energy is surprising.

It's like taking medicine!
Even if Chen Ming pretended to be dizzy, he couldn't stop the other party from screaming in your ear, so he had no choice but to wake up.

"Where is this?"

Just after waking up, Chen Ming behaved normally, his face was pale and bloodless, and his exposed skin was purple. It looked like he had been poisoned and was seriously injured and dying.

Even if it was someone else who was seriously injured once, it would not be as tragic as Chen Ming at this moment, making those who saw him look sideways and those who loved him shed tears.

Naturally, the foreign man couldn't tell, he just thought that Chen Ming was seriously injured, and the expression on his face was even more admirable: "This place is not the place just now, they seem to want to transport us to another place, and they don't know where to go where."

"Probably their lair."

Chen Ming smiled, his voice sounded a little weak, and he perfectly expressed the appearance of a serious injury that hadn't healed: "They captured us but didn't kill us, they are probably planning to take us back for disposal."

"What are they going to do with us?"

The foreign man was taken aback, and asked curiously.

"I do not know."

Chen Ming shook his head, and then said: "However, it's mostly related to those buried bones."

"If I'm not mistaken, those buried bones in the ground are our final fate."

A weak voice sounded in the carriage, and on the opposite side, the faces of the foreign man and woman turned pale, as if thinking of some terrible scene.

"It's not a pity for us two brothers and sisters to die. But brother, you are really innocent"

After a moment of silence, the foreign man sighed and said: "Brother, with your strength, you must be the top hero in the world, but now you have fallen to this place to save my brother and sister."

"It's okay."

Chen Ming smiled, lay there quietly, and said with a weak blunt voice: "Every life, every autumn, there is always someone who dies."

"It's my own choice to save people so far today, and it has nothing to do with the two of you, so don't feel guilty."

As soon as these words came out, on the opposite side, the foreign woman's eyes became brighter, she stared quietly at Chen Ming, her beautiful big eyes seemed to be shining.

The foreign man showed admiration on his face, looked at Chen Ming who was lying on the ground, and sighed: "I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and the elders in my family taught me that the world is dangerous. I never thought that there is a righteous man like you, brother." .”

"I swear by the curtain, if I can get out of danger safely today, there will be rich rewards in the future."

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to tell the other party that your elder was right, but seeing the admiration on the faces of the two people opposite him, he finally held back.

"I haven't asked the son's first and last name yet."

On the side, the foreign woman spoke, her eyes were staring at Chen Ming all the time, exuding splendor, which made Chen Ming feel a little uncomfortable.

"Next, Chen Chang'an."

At that moment, thoughts in Chen Ming's mind circulated, and he spoke like this.

The name Chen Ming, since he won the title of martial arts champion back then, has been spread throughout the world, and all martial arts practitioners in the world are very likely to know this name.

Chen Changan was different, except for a few people, the rest of the people had no idea who this was referring to.

In the carriage, he continued to chat with the foreign man and woman in front of him.

During the chat, I also got some understanding of the identities of the two men and women in front of me.

The foreign man and woman in front of them are brothers and sisters. According to them, they were born in a small sect in Tianzhou, and they have settled in Tianzhou for generations and accepted disciples.

This time the secret realm of Tianmen was opened, and the ancestors of the brother and sister happened to pass down a few tokens, so the two brothers and sister entered the secret realm, ready to try their luck.

It never occurred to them that not long after they entered the secret realm, they collided with those Tianmen disciples and were captured within two or three blows.

Whenever this point was mentioned, the two brothers and sisters would look at Chen Ming with admiration, and there seemed to be a little worship in their eyes: "Brother, you are really powerful. If it wasn't for your injuries, those people might not be your opponents."

"This is already the realm of a first-class master!"

Hearing this, the corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched, and for a moment he didn't know how to start a conversation.

The first-class local masters in Tianzhou were placed outside, that is, at the elder level of ordinary sects. With the strength Chen Ming showed before, several of them could be cut down with one blow.


He said casually, his eyes gradually closed, he didn't want to talk to the brother and sister in front of him anymore, but his thoughts gradually focused on those Tianmen disciples who had fought before.

When he fought against those Tianmen disciples before, he discovered that these Tianmen disciples had a chilly feeling that Chen Ming was very familiar with, which resembled evil spirits.

These Tianmen disciples all have an evil aura, and it is not known whether it is due to the exercises they practiced or other reasons.

Coupled with the buried bones everywhere in the Tianmen Secret Realm, Chen Ming already had some bad premonitions in his heart.

It seems that what the sect is doing today is not a good way
Chen Ming closed his eyes silently, and waited quietly for the carriage to drive forward, bringing him to the Tianmen Sect's residence.

After about half an hour, a burst of light gradually came from outside.

Chen Ming raised his head and looked outside the carriage, there was a person standing there at the moment.

Chen Ming had a deep memory of this person.

This is the leader of the group of Tianmen disciples before, and the one who released the poisonous needle on Chen Ming.

"Okay, the place is here, come down for me!"

Seeing Chen Ming's pale and weak face, she smiled, and said indifferently: "Don't come down, are you going to spend the night in the carriage?"

"That's better than entering a den of thieves."

Zha Mu said coldly, looking at the woman with a look of displeasure.

"I hate the way you look."

The woman said, then a smile appeared on her face: "Treasure the present moment."

"In a few days, you won't be able to see this colorful world anymore."

"Take them to the cell!"

She sneered, and while turning around, she gave orders to the servants beside her.

Several strong, seemingly very strong men stepped forward, pulled Chen Ming and the others down, and sent them to the other side.

During the whole process, the foreign couple also thought about resisting, but it was a pity that they were injured all over their bodies and their internal strength was locked. At this moment, they were weak and could not resist these strong men at all.

"Sure enough, there is a strange aura of evil spirits all over your body, and it has gradually become less like a living person."

Being pushed forward by a few strong men, Chen Ming walked forward, thinking in his heart.

His physique is an evil spirit body that is naturally close to Xie Mei, and he has encountered and killed Xie Mei many times, so he is the most sensitive to this kind of breath.

In his induction at this moment, the bodies of these strong men around him have been corroded cleanly, and the evil spirit on their bodies is extremely strong, which has already caused them to lose their minds and become a kind of existence similar to puppets.

Feeling this, he was a little helpless, and a wave of worry rose in his heart.

Judging from what I saw and heard before me, this so-called Tianmen sect is undoubtedly very evil, and it has probably become a den of evil spirits at this moment.

Lu Qing is in it, maybe at this moment
After thinking up to this point, Chen Ming shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts in his mind.

Through the Tianmen disciples, the purpose of sneaking into the Tianmen sect's residence has been achieved, and the next thing to do is to wait for the opportunity to leave and look for Lu Qing's trace.

Whether Lu Qing is alive or dead, there will naturally be a conclusion at that time.

Before they knew it, they came to a building.

In front of me is a vast building complex, one piece after another of houses, looking at the mountains, it looks like prisons, each prisoner is locked inside.

In some houses, Chen Ming clearly saw some people wearing foreign costumes fell to the ground. Although they were not bound by ropes, they looked weak and fell to the ground powerlessly.

These were obviously outsiders, and they were caught by these Tianmen disciples just like the Zhamu brothers and sisters, and they were directly imprisoned here.

Speaking of which, these people are also unlucky.

It was a good adventure in the secret realm, but in the end it turned into giving away the head. One can imagine the luck of these people to encounter such a thing.

"Have new people been sent over?"

A voice sounded from the front, blunt and gentle, with a rare popularity.


The Tianmen disciple who was in charge of bringing the three of Chen Ming over said: "These three people need Xiaoxian to take care of them, especially the handsome one among them, you must be more careful, you must add half a catty of Songfengsan to your three meals a day. "

"So solemn?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qing, who was usually in charge of guarding the cell, was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help being a little puzzled.

She has been in charge of guarding this cell for some time, and she has never seen anyone who needs to be treated with such standards.

Songfeng Powder is Tianmen Secret Medicine Powder, its function is nothing else, it can block internal energy and make people weak.

Even if it is a cow, if it is stained with even a little bit, it will lie down for several days. Ordinary warriors only need a little bit of fingernails, and it is enough to dissolve it in water and drink it.

Half a catty of Songfengsan?

Zhao Qing couldn't imagine what kind of concept this was.

"This person is extraordinary. Not only is his internal strength superhuman, but his external strength is also superb. His sword skills are superb. If he hadn't been seriously injured, the seven of us would not be able to take it together, and I might be killed by his sword. "

"So powerful?"

Zhao Qing was a little surprised, his mouth was wide open, and it was hard to imagine what kind of person he was.

"The person will be handed over to you. Be sure to take care of it and send it to the altar in three days."

The person in charge of the escort turned and left. Before leaving, he said coldly, leaving Chen Ming and the three of them here.

Seeing this, Zhao Qing shook his head, then looked aside, and said.

"Qing'er, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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