Chapter 202
"Qing'er, let's go."

Zhao Qing looked around and said so.

"it is good."

Lu Qing nodded, put down her work, and walked over first.

After a while, a crisp sound came from the front, as if something had fallen to the ground.


Looking at the person standing in front of her, Lu Qing's voice trembled a little.

In front of her, a familiar figure stood in front of her, with a handsome face, outstanding talent, and handsome appearance. It was hard to forget at first sight.

He was wearing a black robe, and there was no blood on his handsome face at the moment, it looked pale and weak, like a seriously injured and dying patient who was about to die.

Looking at this person, Lu Qing couldn't take her eyes away after seeing this person for the first time.

Back then, when Chen Ming was with her, she was only ten years old, still a child, and now four years have passed.

Four years have passed, she has grown up a lot, but Chen Ming's appearance has not changed, it is still the same as before, without any change, she can bear it at a glance.

"Brother Chang'an"

She looked at Chen Ming, and called out the title tremblingly.

Chen Ming's body paused, his eyes changed and became sharp at this moment, he immediately raised his head and stared at Lu Qing.

A familiar yet unfamiliar face came into view.

Although he had grown up a lot compared to the past, he was recognized by Chen Ming at a glance.


Finally, his face returned to calm, looking at the girl who had turned into a young girl before him, he smiled sincerely: "Long time no see."

"Do you know?"

At this moment, Zhao Qing, who was behind Lu Qing, also recalled the memory, looking at the excited Lu Qing and the two in front of him, his face was a little surprised.

"He is my brother."

Lu Qing nodded, looking at Chen Ming, her agitated expression suddenly darkened.

It was a good thing for old people to meet each other, but the occasion in front of them was not right.

In this place, judging from Chen Ming's condition, he was undoubtedly captured and would soon be sent to the altar.

Zhao Qing also thought of this, sighed, stepped forward and hugged Lu Qing, comforting her in this way.

"Go down and rest first, I'll put them in place first, wait a while, and then I'll come up with a solution."

She whispered to Lu Qing, then turned around, and said to the three of Chen Ming, "Please follow me."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and took Chen Ming and the three of them aside.

As if looking at Lu Qing's face, the three of Chen Ming were not locked up with the others, but found a clean and spacious cell and locked them up alone.

There is even a plank bed in the cell that looks pretty good with a view of the mountains. Compared with other cells, the treatment is pretty good.

"You are Qing'er's elder, I have something to tell you directly."

Pulling Chen Ming into the cell alone, looking at the pale Chen Ming in front of him, who looked like he was on the verge of death, Zhao Qing sighed, and said hard-heartedly, "You must have seen the situation around here."

"Since an accident three years ago, the entire Tianmen sect has changed. The master of me and Qing'er was killed, and many senior brothers' temperaments have changed drastically. Now not only you, but even me and Qing'er are in danger .”

"I don't care, but Qing'er is still young, maybe there is still a chance to leave, and there will be a lot of time in the future."

"But if you leave here, then Qing'er will have no future."

The voice fell, and the place fell into a calm.

quiet!Deathly calm!

"You want me to do this?"

After a while, Chen Ming's weak voice came out.

His voice was choked and choked, as if his throat was stuck, very hoarse and weak.

Just like that, no one would believe him if he said he was fine!
Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Zhao Qing couldn't bear it, but after thinking about Lu Qing, she finally bit the bullet and said, "I hope you can keep it a secret for me, don't say that Qing'er is telling the truth."

"Based on what I know about Qing'er, after knowing that you are locked up here, she will definitely try her best to save you, so I hope, during this time, you can not tell her the truth."

After a while, Zhao Qing walked away feeling relieved with guilt in his arms.

In the cell, Chen Ming closed his eyes, silently resting his mind.

After seeing Lu Qing, his goal of sneaking into the Tianmen Sect was achieved.

He originally planned to take Lu Qing away immediately, but in the end he changed his mind.

The reason for the change of mind is simple.

He can't get out!

In Yefang's guide to Chen Ming, it only mentioned the way to enter the secret realm of Tianmen, but did not give a way to leave the secret realm.

It was Zhao Qing who gave a clear path before.

Three days later, the passage between Tianmen Secret Realm and the outside world will be opened again. At that time, the inside and outside will be connected. Talents inside Tianmen Secret Realm can go out, and outsiders can also enter.

According to what Zhao Qing said, this method seems to be the correct way to enter the secret realm of Tianmen. As for Chen Ming, they are all illegal immigrants!The kind that has no way out!
I just don't know how those ancestors who entered the secret realm of Tianmen through tokens left in the past.

Through the conversation with Zhao Qing, Chen Ming also learned that the bones buried in the ground seemed to be brought in from the outside through this method.

I just don't know how they got so many corpses.

Anyway, the process will definitely not look good.

So many people, it is impossible to die voluntarily, right?
Sitting quietly in the cell for a while, after a while, a blunt transmission came from outside.

"Eat, eat!"

A burst of angry shouts came over, the voice sounded full of anger, but there was something wrong with the person, it was shouted by a woman with a pale face who looked less bloody than Chen Ming.

The woman was wearing black clothes exclusive to Tianmen disciples, followed by a few big men with expressionless faces, defending like bodyguards.

However, the bodyguards carried weapons on their bodies, and these people were different. They all had large bowls of food. From this appearance, they didn't look like they came to beat people, but rather they came to throw food.

"Give me an honest meal, don't think of any tricks!"

In front of him, the woman shouted angrily.

There is a reason why it is called so.

Warriors are not ordinary people, it is nothing if they don’t eat a few meals, and some people who practice have relative method, bigu can live like a dragon and a tiger for more than half a month, and there is no need to worry about starving to death.

The reason for feeding is mainly to feed medicine.

Let loose the wind, whether you are a dragon or a tiger, you will become a dead bug!
Looking at the strong man walking in front of him, Chen Ming honestly reached out and took out a biscuit from the bowl.

His current character set is a master who is seriously injured and dying. In order to carry it safely until three days later, he should be honest to avoid accidents.

Of course, warriors are young and there are so many prison cells here, there must be a few who are not afraid of death.

For example, the curtain in the same cell as Chen Ming is now on the street. He was hung up by a strong man and beaten. After a while of beating, he forced it into his mouth.

"and many more!"

An angry voice sounded, and then a pale hand reached out, snatching the piece of biscuit from Chen Ming's hand.

Looking at Chen Ming's unfriendly eyes, the pale woman smiled, held up the biscuits in her hand and said with a smile: "Is it a bit pitiful to eat only biscuits? Come, I will add some seasonings for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a bottle of medicine powder, and smeared a whole layer on the sesame seed cake, and didn't stop until the sesame seed cake was completely white.

"Okay, try it."

Looking at the pancake in her hand that was forcibly painted white by Songfengsan, the pale woman smiled with satisfaction, and stuffed the pancake into Chen Ming's hand: "Come, eat!"

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched, looking at the big cake in his hand, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

The pancake was painted white by Songfengsan, and the pure white pancake made people flustered.

Around, everyone who saw this big pie was twitching at the moment, looking at that big pie with some fear.

This kind of thing makes people feel flustered just by looking at it, but is it really worth eating?

But what can Chen Ming do?He could only eat that big cake in front of the woman, amidst the admiration of the people around him.

Not to mention, excluding other factors, the taste of Songfengsan is not bad, full of sweetness.

"That's it."

After taking a bite of the pancake, Chen Ming looked coldly at the woman in front of him, his expression was calm, but he couldn't hide his feeling of weakness.

A strong sense of weakness surged from all over his body, making Chen Ming frown secretly, somewhat unexpectedly.

The effect of this loose wind is beyond his imagination.

He is already Guiyuan, and when it comes to the resistance to drugs, he is far better than those acquired warriors around him. Even if ordinary poisons are drunk as water, there is nothing wrong with them, but they still cannot completely resist Song Feng San.

However, although it cannot be completely resisted, it is not a big problem.

These Tianmen disciples miscalculated Chen Ming's strength. A mere half a catty of Song Feng San would not be enough, and a ten catty of eight catties would be so-so, maybe it would be more effective.

But no matter how you say it, the current hurdle has been dealt with.

In the cell, Chen Ming's face was pale, bloodless, and his body was hanging down weakly. He looked even more exaggerated than other fighters around him. Only his eyes were still bright, and the will in them was not fading, even at the last moment. do not give up.

Not to mention anything else about his appearance, even the other warriors who looked around couldn't help praising and admiring him.

A Returning Martial Artist played with all his heart, and his acting skills can be described as excellent.

The woman in front of her left satisfied, and the surrounding area quickly calmed down.

Chen Ming closed his eyes, leaned his back against the wall, closed his eyes and rested his mind, calmly recuperating his body.

The blood energy in the body gradually rose, wisps of faint divine power quietly emerged, and silently volatilized the medicinal power of Songfengsan.

This change is internal, but to the outside world, he still looks the same as before, looking extremely weak, which makes people feel distressed.

Soon it was night time.

"Brother Chang'an, are you... okay?"

Outside the cell, a voice sounded quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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