Sweeping the world

Chapter 203 3 Days

Chapter 203 Three Days

Hearing the sound, Chen Ming opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction ahead.

At this moment, it was already late at night, and many warriors who were imprisoned around had fallen into a deep sleep. Under the action of Songfeng Powder, they were drowsy, and few of them were still awake.

The Zhamu brothers and sisters who were in the same cell as Chen Ming also fell into a coma, unable to notice Chen Ming's small movements.

Even so, Lu Qing was still very careful, she did not show her original face, but wore a black robe and a mask on her face, and lowered her voice so that no one would discover her true face.

Regarding these, Chen Ming was very pleased. He looked at Lu Qing gently, feeling like a child had grown up.

It's been a few years, and looking at the situation in front of me, in these few years, Lu Qing has also grown a lot, and she is no longer as immature as before, which makes people feel more at ease.

If the current Lu Qing were to go back to the past, with her prudence at the moment, she would not have made such a reckless act of running away from home.

"Brother Chang'an, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get you out!"

Outside the cell, Lu Qing wore a bronze mask on her face, and her voice sounded hoarse, as if she had deliberately lowered it.

She spoke to Chen Ming very eagerly, talking a lot intermittently, as if she wanted to tell Chen Ming everything that happened in the past few years.

It was not until half an hour later that she reluctantly left, and hurriedly left the corner.

Looking at her back, Chen Ming smiled, the feeling at this moment was rather strange.

Time has really passed for a long time.

When he came to this world, apart from members of the Chen clan, few people cared about him so much.

It was there in the past, but it's gone now.

"Three days."

Lying quietly on the plank bed, Chen Ming was thinking calmly.

He was thinking about what to do next.

After coming to Tianzhou, Chen Ming subconsciously underestimated the Tianmen Secret Realm because of the poor level of Tianzhou native warriors.

But the emergence of the Tianmen Sect is somewhat different.

Judging from what Xueshan saw and heard that day, there was no doubt about the tyranny of the Tianmen Sect.

This is the inheritance of a master who once appeared. Even if he is weak now, but he has cultivated in the secret realm of Tianmen for many years, it is hard to say how much strength is left now.

It is not so easy to find a master, but returning to the source may not be impossible.

Chen Ming alone may not be able to sweep this place.

This is also the reason why he didn't take action immediately to control the entire Tianmen faction, but to lurk quietly and wait for the Tianmen faction to open the gate by itself.

With this in mind, Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes, and the thoughts in his mind gradually calmed down.

on the other side.

"Senior Sister! When can we rescue Brother Chang'an!"

In an ordinary small room, Lu Qing looked at Zhao Qing in front of her with red eyes and asked.

Looking at her appearance, Zhao Qing stood aside, dressed in white, looking at the mountains with a graceful demeanor, at this moment he sighed secretly in his heart, and said: "Qing'er, don't worry."

"He'll be fine."

She said: "There are so many people in the cell, and several of them die every day. As long as we are careful, it is not difficult to rescue your brother."

"The real trouble is sending him away."

"The door to go out will only be opened during the ceremony. Only at that time can he leave. Otherwise, if he stays here, he will be arrested again sooner or later."

She lowered her body, hugged Lu Qing, and comforted her: "Qing'er, give me some time, trust me, he will be fine."


Lu Qing's eyes were red, and she nodded emphatically when she heard the words.

Time is still passing slowly.

"Wake up! Eat!!"

In the early morning, the sky had just dawned, and a group of muscular men with strong stature, who didn't know what they ate, came from outside. The man in front was expressionless and yelled.

Bursts of muffled noises resounded around, and a big bell rang continuously, making a dull and deafening sound.

The reason why they work so hard is mainly to get people to eat, or to give medicine.

As soon as the white pine wind scattered, the people around immediately began to twitch, and the strength that had recovered a little immediately began to flow away, and it returned to the weak chicken state that could not be lifted by hands or carried by shoulders before.

Chen Ming is no exception.

After eating a large pancake that was stained white, his expression suddenly became ugly.

This is not a pretense, anyone who wakes up early in the morning and immediately eats a piece of biscuit with added ingredients, I am afraid that he will not be in a good mood.

Chen Ming's face was just a little ugly, and he was already quite self-restraining. Many people in other cells started cursing directly, and they all scolded loudly, full of energy, and I don't know where the strength came from.

"Curse! Curse! Curse!"

A woman stepped forward with a sneer, and pointed to the most vicious cells around her: "Come on, send these people to the altar!"

"Don't you want to scold! Go to the underworld and scold slowly!"

The voice fell, and after a while, the surroundings suddenly became deserted.

Looking at those who were taken away, the rest of them were pale, and each of them looked paler than Chen Ming.

"Three days have passed, count the time, and it will be us tomorrow."

Inside the cell, Zha Mu's face was pale, looking at the increasingly empty cell outside, he muttered to himself in a daze.

"Are we... going to die?"

On the side, Zha Mu's younger sister, a foreign girl known as Kleiner, also spoke, with some fear in her eyes, but also some other meanings.

Only Chen Ming looked at the mountain area as calm at the moment, but his face was still pale, and it seemed that his injuries had not fully healed.

Looking at the strong man walking away, he silently returned to his bed, closed his eyes silently, and rested his mind.

Before I knew it, two full days had passed.

During these two days, many people were taken away every day and never came back.

In just two days, the cells here turned out to be much emptier, and the cells that were originally tense were suddenly freed up, which can be regarded as improving the quality of living.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Ming.

At this moment, he just closed his eyes silently, while resting his eyes, preparing to mobilize his energy to the maximum to deal with tomorrow's situation.

As for the others, it is not yet in his consideration.

Soon, time passed slowly, the sun set, and it was night.

At night, Chen Ming lay quietly on the bed with his eyes closed, as if in a deep sleep.

On one side, a slender white hand slowly stretched out, and slowly placed it on Chen Ming's chest.

"what are you doing?"

Sensing the movement of his chest, Chen Ming opened his eyes, looked at Kleina in front of him, smiled slightly, his face was calm: "Why, can't you sleep?"

"I'm a little scared."

Facing Chen Ming's gaze, Kleina bit her lip and said, "Are we really going to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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