Sweeping the world

Chapter 204 The Unexpected Infiltrator

Chapter 204 The Unexpected Infiltrator


Chen Ming's face was calm, no matter when, the expression on his face looked so calm.

"Today's situation is mostly bad and good, and the final outcome is mostly a beach of bones on the side of the road, which may disappear from now on"

Chen Ming calmly told a fact and told the current situation.

Judging from the current situation alone, if Chen Ming was excluded as an additional factor, it would indeed be a dead end.

From the previous actions, it can be seen that those Tianmen sect disciples are not just for nothing, and what they did was even more brutal.

The corpses and buried bones all over the ground did not come out suddenly.

According to what Zhao Qing said before, after tomorrow, all the people here will be sent to sacrifice, and no one will be left behind.

The Kleina brothers and sisters in front of them are naturally more ominous than ominous.

Of course, with the additional factor of Chen Ming, things became a little different.

Once we got acquainted, if possible, Chen Ming would naturally save people, but if he couldn't, there was nothing he could do.

In a way, this is their only chance at the moment.


Kleina sighed softly, stared blankly at Chen Ming with complicated eyes: "Sorry."

"If it wasn't for us, with your martial arts, you wouldn't have fallen to this point."

"It's okay."

Chen Ming smiled: "I did it myself, and it was my choice to play at that time."

"The choice has been made, no matter what the final outcome is, it is my fate, and it has nothing to do with other people."

No regrets!
At Chen Ming's step in martial arts practice, all kinds of distracting thoughts in his heart have already subsided, and his martial arts will is as rigid as iron, and will not be easily shaken.

Not to mention, Chen Ming was here because he did it deliberately, even if he really fell to this point, he would never have the slightest regret.

Unnecessary remorse and anger are meaningless. For warriors, since they choose to make a move, all consequences should not be considered.

If you hesitate, it will only dust your will and leave a hole in your heart.

A white arm was placed on her chest. The next moment, Kleina tried her best to get up and crawled to the head of Chen Ming's bed.

She still has some strength.

In the past few days, in the cell, Chen Ming was under the spotlight, and he was given a lot of loose wind powder for three meals a day.

Because of her humble strength, Kleina saved some strength and struggled to climb in front of Chen Ming.


She looked at Chen Ming, her face was a little red, she looked a little shy, and a little shy, but her eyes were extremely bright and fiery, staring at Chen Ming: "Tomorrow, we may leave forever. Tonight, Give me one last memory, please?"

In the darkness, Chen Ming was silent. He didn't know what his expression was at this moment, and he looked at Kleina without any movement.

The atmosphere on the spot gradually heated up. After a long silence, Kleina mustered up her courage and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to hug her.

The next moment, a hand grabbed his hand, and then embraced her in his arms.

Before Kleina could react, a strong sense of drowsiness suddenly hit her mind.


She struggled, trying to see the face of the person in front of her clearly, but in the end her eyelids gradually became heavy, getting heavier and heavier, and finally closed completely, unable to lift them up at all.

In Chen Ming's arms, she just fell asleep like this, her posture was very peaceful when she fell asleep.

In the past few days, because she was in prison, she has not slept well, but tonight, she will definitely be able to sleep well.

"Have a good rest."

Putting Kleina gently on the bed, looking at her appearance, Chen Ming sighed, and said softly: "If everything goes well, you may still be able to get out alive one day."

"As for now, rest well."

He got up and walked slowly to the door.

The scenery outside the cell was black, as if everything was cut off by the iron prison door in front of him, artificially blocked into two worlds.

But this is only for ordinary people.

To Chen Ming, the iron prison in front of him was nothing, it couldn't block his vision at all.

Even standing in the iron cage, he can see many, many things.

After a while, his expression changed, and he looked into the distance, as if he felt something.

"The atmosphere is starting to change"

He changed his expression, looked towards a certain direction in the distance, and muttered to himself.

Under the dark night, there is a grand altar.

The altar is black, surrounded by steps, and looks very tall and cold at first glance.

At this moment, on the top of the altar, a black-clothed priest looked back, with a pair of faint eyes full of magic, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, as if looking through thousands of miles of time and space.

"An inexplicable air mechanism emerged, and someone lurked in"

Looking into the distance, he whispered to himself, his voice sounded hoarse.

The weak wind was making noise, and in the calm space, wisps of devilish energy leaked out silently, and gradually merged with the surrounding space.

"Unexpectedly, within reason"

A faint voice sounded from the other side.

In another corner of the altar, Jiang Lin was dressed in a black robe, with long hair like a waterfall, and evil intentions on his handsome face. Crazy as proud, awe-inspiring and straight.

"The governor of Tianzhou is not such an honest person. You and I are not the only ones who know about the Tianmen Secret Realm. It is not surprising that the news will leak out."

"Just, what are you going to do now?"

Looking at the priest in black, Jiang Lin had a playful expression on his face: "You know, what we have done is not visible, especially you, the remnant of the Nanshengmen, once exposed, I am afraid that you will immediately face the thunder of His Majesty." one strike."

"He can't move his hands."

The priest in black was dressed in a black robe, with an ancient bronze mask on his face, and the corners of his clothes fluttered in the wind, gradually fluttering: "In the past when the Holy Lord Gan Tianzi fought, the Qian Tianzi defeated the Holy Lord with the power of the Chiming Excalibur, But it was only a narrow victory, and there were also injuries on his body, and he would not be able to make another shot within a hundred years."

"At the palace banquet a few months ago, the Sanshengmen tried to make a move, but he didn't make a move, and he won't do it now either."

"What about other holy places?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and said, "Tianzi Gan can't make a move, but the Holy Land headed by Sanshengmen will not let it go. Once they hear the news, they will come to destroy it."

"there is always a solution to a problem"

The black-clothed priest's eyes flickered, his voice was hoarse and calm, and he sounded a little uncomfortable: "No matter what happens in this world, in the final analysis, in the end, you still have to rely on the sword in your hand to speak."

"Carry out the ceremony in advance, summon the gods, and those who dare to block will be killed without mercy!"

In the voice, pieces of murderous intentions emerged, which turned into real martial arts will faintly surfaced on the body, which made people tremble.

Feeling this, Jiang Lin was silent for a while, but finally smiled: "It should be so."

"Speaking of which, the matter here is about to come to an end, and it's time for me to leave and look for that person."

"Who is the Wuzi of the dynasty?" the priest in black asked.


Jiang Lin said, "It is extraordinary to be able to achieve such an achievement in a short period of time when the world is suppressed."

"Under the great world strife, the great luck shifts, and those who have their own great luck are born, born with the aura of heaven and earth, and achieve what the ancients have not achieved."

The black-clothed priest said lightly: "800 years ago, the great world was opened, and a Dagan Taizu who was invincible in heaven and man was born. With the body of heaven and man, he cut the world and the world, and pushed the world forward by 800 years."

"Now that it is now, a new round of great world is opened, and a new great world protagonist will be born, maybe it will be the Wuzi of the current dynasty."

"This kind of thing, until the last moment, who can say clearly."

Jiang Lin took a step forward and shook his head: "Emperor Tianchen is Chen Ming, Emperor Tianming is Yang Ming, Emperor Tianfu is Liu Xuan, and Emperor Tianliang is Gongsun Yu. In the Upper Realm, they were all arrogance enough to overwhelm one side, but now they have all come out, it can be described as terrifying."

"Whoever can go to the end is the protagonist of the world. Before that, no one dared to say the winner."

Jiang Lin sighed softly, and said: "It's a pity that this dispute that has swept the world will probably not be fought in the end."


The priest in black raised his head and looked towards a certain direction in the sky, where a star was becoming brighter and brighter at this moment.

Under the stillness of the night, he didn't speak again, he just looked at the sky and the sky quietly, without saying anything, as if he was observing something.

The next morning.

When the first ray of morning light shone on the earth, Lu Qing got up early and walked towards the direction of the altar.

According to what she had agreed with Zhao Qing in advance, today was the day she would help Chen Ming leave. She was a little impatient, so she got up early and wanted to go over to see the situation.

"How is the preparation for the sacrifice?" A low voice suddenly came.

In a room not far away, a middle-aged man with a thin body and a very dignified face stood alone in the center, his eyes were a little cold, and he slowly fell on Zhao Qing who was lowering his head.

"Already prepared."

Stared at by the middle-aged man, Zhao Qing lowered his head and said, "You can send it over at any time."

"I heard that a very powerful swordsman was imprisoned in the cell recently. It was brought back by San'er and the others. He is very powerful. He seems to have reached the state of congealing the soul, isn't it?"

The middle-aged man said with cold eyes.

Zhao Qing's heart tightened, and he felt a little nervous at this moment, but being stared at by the other party, he could only bow his head in the end: "Yes."

"That's just fine."

A smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face: "Last night, the ancestor gave me an order to turn on the blood crystal to illuminate the whole city, and find that infiltrator."

"Opening the blood crystal requires someone with strong energy and blood as a sacrifice, and a warrior who condenses the soul is just right."

"Go and bring him."

He said casually, seemingly not paying much attention to this matter.

Outside, listening to the faint voice heard in the compartment, Lu Qing was stunned, never thinking that this scene would happen.

The next moment, she reacted quickly, her face changed, and she ran desperately to the outside world.

Behind her, looking at her hurriedly leaving figure, a woman with a cold face appeared, with a cold smile on her face, quietly followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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