Chapter 205
"Too quiet is sometimes not a good thing."

In the dark prison cell, Chen Ming was calm, looking at the scenery outside, standing calmly with his hands behind his back.

There are bursts of brilliance flickering outside, undulating with each other, looking extraordinarily dazzling and beautiful.

But all Chen Ming could feel was peace and chill.

In the peaceful late night, the whole city was filled with bloody smell, which was more terrifying than any place Chen Ming had seen in the past.

Of course, what happens here has nothing to do with Chen Ming in the final analysis, whether it is the sanctuary or the demon realm, it has little to do with him.

What really caught his attention was the familiar aura.

"Yueshan Knife"

He muttered to himself, standing alone in the cell, with a dignified aura, influenced by a certain air mechanism, that unique aura gradually circulated.

next moment.

"Brother Chang'an!!"

Lu Qing came striding from a distance, her eyes were red at this moment, and her face looked extremely anxious.

She didn't care about other things, she raised the sword in her hand, and slashed at the iron cage in front of her eyes. The long knife flew across the air, and a little black light flashed, turning into a cold light, splitting open the iron gate in front of her, and opened it. aisle.

"Come on!"

After breaking through the cell, Lu Qing's eyes were red, and she said quickly: "They are coming, let's get out of this place now!"

Surprise appeared on Chen Ming's face. Seeing this scene, his body didn't move at all. He just stood there quietly, looking peaceful.

Seeing this, Lu Qing felt anxious, thinking that he had eaten too much Songfengsan and had lost his strength, so she hurried forward, stretched out one hand, and was about to pull Chen Ming away.

boom! !

The sharp blade wind flashed, and a black blade light flashed, and was tightly held by a figure.

At some point, a black long knife slashed down from behind Lu Qing, but Chen Ming caught it with one hand and held it there casually.

Only then did Lu Qing come to her senses, looking behind her in horror, a cold and pale face appeared in her vision.

The pale-faced woman held a long knife, looked at Chen Ming who was standing there like a stump holding the knife with one hand, and couldn't help but become surprised: "Songfeng who was poisoned by my seven-color poison and fed it for three full days Scattered, you still have strength, it's really scary."

"Third Senior Sister!!"

Lu Qing's face was horrified, looking at the woman's pale face, the clothes on her body were already wet with sweat.

The other party had been following her all along, seeing what she had done from the beginning to the end, and only then did he brazenly attack her, hitting her deadly spot in one fell swoop.

"Heh, I opened the prison door without permission, intending to release the criminal. Junior Sister Lu, in my opinion, you should go up to the altar today."

The woman sneered, stretched out her left arm, and with a powerful palm, she instantly knocked away Zhamu, who was about to sneak attack, and hit him hard against the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Then, she used her right arm to pull out the long knife and cut it off for everyone present.

The next moment, she suddenly froze.

"Why can't I draw it?"

The long knife in her hand seemed to be held in the hands of a giant. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull out the long knife in her hand in the end, and she couldn't even move it a little bit.

Feeling this scene, she had a bad premonition in her heart, and Fuzhi jumped back, a little terrified: "You are not poisoned at all! Songfengsan is useless to you!!"

Chen Ming didn't reply, but just exerted a little force on his arm, holding the long knife in his hand, and then his whole body surged with divine power, bit by bit, washing away all the bad things around his body in an instant.

Under the stunned gaze of the woman, his originally flushed skin became fair, and at this moment his whole body was glowing, covering and surrounding him layer by layer, looking like a god-man alive, without the slightest sign of poisoning.

Seeing this appearance, the people around were stunned and their heads went blank.

Just at this moment, a red glow suddenly lit up in the sky, and above the sky, there was the faint sound of swords and soldiers clashing, gradually condensing into the appearance of a dark golden long knife.

The next moment, bloody targets all over the sky enveloped an area.

The woman's face brightened: "This is the blood crystal that has been activated!"

"You're finished!"

Her face was pale, and she seemed to be in shock. She said viciously at this moment: "Senior brother will soon find out what's going on here. At that time, even if you are strong with force, it doesn't matter if you are not afraid of poison. Sooner or later you will be the same."

"It's noisy."

In the same place, looking at the blood-colored sky, Chen Ming silently raised his hand.

The next moment, the divine power in his body roared, and the tyrannical power exploded. At this moment, he no longer suppressed his own power, and the mighty power of returning to the source escaped, rushed straight to the sky, and turned into a blood that was hundreds of feet long The long dragon roared up to the sky, exuding an incomparable majesty!

Inch by inch divine light intertwined, in place, Chen Ming carried his hands on his back, his face was calm, as if he didn't pay attention to anything, the golden Buddha's light appeared all over his body, and the purple energy and blood vibrated. Those around you can't ignore it.

The place stood still for a while, and everyone stared blankly. The woman pointed at Chen Ming and dared not say a word for a long time.

At this moment, anyone who sees such a vision will understand that this person is extraordinary, he is a martial arts master standing on the top, and there is nothing innate or acquired that can compare.

"Return to the source"

The woman said tremblingly, at this moment, her whole body was shaking with fright, her body was moving instinctively, and she couldn't restrain this instinctive reaction at all.

If she could, she really wanted to turn around and run, but her body was suppressed by Chen Ming's breath, she couldn't do it at all, and it was extremely difficult to even move.

The next moment, as if aware of her movement, Chen Ming turned around and looked at her with a pair of Buddha eyes.

A line of sight fell instantly, engulfed in the mighty martial arts momentum, and it fell directly, making the woman's whole body and mind tremble, and she couldn't bear this mighty majesty at all.

Her face was ugly, and her already ugly face became even paler. She subconsciously opened her mouth, wanting to beg Chen Ming for mercy.

However, the next moment, her entire body shattered, and her body couldn't bear Guiyuan's energy, and began to collapse on its own.

Looking at this scene, everyone present was stunned. They looked at Chen Ming's eyes with some awe unconsciously.

Chen Ming shook his head, calmly took Lu Qing's hand, and walked forward slowly.


In the same place, his voice fell, causing the Zhamu brothers and sisters in the cell to wake up instantly, and quickly followed Chen Ming's footsteps.

"There is a person on the east side, and there seems to be another person in the cell, all of them are Guiyuan"

On the altar, the priest in black quietly activated the blood essence, sensing the surroundings.

The next moment, he frowned, a little surprised: "There is a third person, it seems... among us"

boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, a golden light shone brightly in the midair, and the mighty divine power condensed out of thin air, turning into a brilliant divine knife, and slashed straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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