Sweeping the world

Chapter 206 The Gate of the Two Worlds Opens

Chapter 206 The Gate of Two Worlds Opens
The mighty golden light descended from the sky, and the majestic aura descended from the sky, pulling the majestic vitality to condense, and finally slowly condensed into a golden long knife, which slashed down,

Yueshan Knife! !
The golden light is bright and majestic!In an instant, Huang Huang's invincible and supreme momentum condensed and rose into the sky, shining like a small sun, making it impossible to look directly at.

"Yueshan Knife"

The priest in black turned around, and under a bronze mask, his red eyes were full of blood, and his color changed a little at this moment: "Yueshan sect, Zhongqiu?"

"It's down."

A voice came from behind.

The priest in black turned around calmly, and saw a few meters behind him, a young man with an extraordinary appearance and an independent temperament was standing there quietly, looking at him with a calm face.

In the palm of his hand, a golden magic knife Huanghuang was quietly held in his hand.

"It really is you."

The priest in black had a complex expression on his face: "You shouldn't have come to stop me."

"It's not me who wants to stop you, but another person."

Zhong Qiu shook his head, unable to express any expression on his face: "I was just invited by someone."

"But your place looks very lively."

boom! !

As soon as the words fell, crackling sounds came from two directions at the same time.

Zijin's qi and blood rose suddenly, turning into a long dragon of qi and blood roaring up to the sky, and the divine power in it was faint, shocking dozens of miles around.

Drawn by it, the mighty and boundless vitality spontaneously surrounds it, turning into divine light and falling down. The certain kind of aura in it is even more frightening, and even makes the face of Zhong Qiu on the altar move: "This breath .”

I saw a roar in the distance, and the mighty vitality came rolling in, leading several people slowly approaching. The person in front of me was surrounded by divine light, with an amazing aura. out, amazing.

"It's amazing!"

Looking at the man approaching from a distance, there seemed to be a look of shock under the black-clothed sacrificial mask: "It's just a mere return to the source, and the spirit is even more terrifying than the master!"

On the side, Zhong Qiu's face was also a little surprised, but more stunned, and a little moved: "It turned out to be you."

"Have you grown to this extent in just a short time?"

He recognized Chen Ming.

As early as the time of the Yueshan sect, he had baptized Chen Ming, leaving a trace of the power of the Yueshan sword in the opponent's body, which still exists today, and he sensed it instantly at this moment.

"Long time no see, the style of the sect leader is even better than before, which is enviable."

Holding Lu Qing's hand, Chen Ming's whole body was shrouded in divine light. At this moment, he looked heroic and formidable. He looked in front of you with a calm expression, but his eyes were somewhat dignified.


The two people standing in front of him at this moment are all the pinnacles of the world. According to Chen Ming's induction, each of them is stronger than Chen Ming at this moment.

If he is the only one, he doesn't care, but with a few oil bottles around, the situation is a bit bad.

No matter how confident Chen Ming was, he didn't have the confidence to keep Lu Qing and the others behind him while facing two strong men at the same time.

"The one behind you is your blood relative?"

Zhong Qiu looked calm, looked at Lu Qing who was being led by Chen Ming, and suddenly asked.

"That's it."

Chen Ming nodded without denying it.

"Looking at the clothes on his body, he seems to be an ordinary disciple of the Tianmen Sect."

The priest in black also spoke, speaking in a hoarse voice.

"The sacrificial ceremony has already begun, and the passage between the two worlds has been opened. If you want to take them away, you can take advantage of it now."

Zhong Qiu nodded to Chen Ming, and then looked at the priest in black: "I haven't seen you for many years, so I think Zhong still has some face."

Regarding this, the priest in black snorted coldly, but didn't say anything.

"Then thank you two."

Chen Ming nodded, then took Lu Qing by the hand, and led the Zhamu brothers and sisters towards the distant door.

On the side of the road, Chen Ming changed his expression and looked into the distance.

Over there, Zhao Qing was dressed in a dirty white shirt, staring at him blankly at this moment, as if he still didn't understand what happened.


Looking at Zhao Qing, Chen Ming nodded, and said lightly.

It was only then that the other party suddenly realized, and quickly stepped forward to keep up.

Before sending them away, Chen Ming left a divine pattern on them, which contained part of Chen Ming's divine power, to protect their safety, but he himself did not leave with them, but stayed where he was.

Here, a big battle is obviously imminent, and Chen Ming doesn't want to miss it.

Now that Lu Qing has been sent out, Chen Ming has no worries. Even if he stays here, he is confident that he can leave safely through his magical powers.

Therefore, he chose to stay and prepare to watch the battle between the priest in black and Zhongqiu.

"It's better to stay."

Seeing that Chen Ming did not leave, Zhong Qiu nodded: "A battle between masters is not so easy to see in today's world. Take a look, and it will be good for you."


Chen Ming was stunned, a little surprised by this: "That priest in black is also a peerless grandmaster."

He knew Zhong Qiu's strength, he was a supreme grand master, a half-step celestial being, even if he recultivated at this moment, his cultivation level at this moment would definitely be higher than that of Guiyuan, he was a peerless master.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the mastermind behind the Tian sect was actually a grand master, and even judging from the situation, he was not weak.

Zhong Qiu is not an ordinary master.

He is a half-step celestial being rebuilt, his strength and knowledge are far beyond those of the same realm, and he has the supreme weapon of Yueshan Dao in his hand. An ordinary master will never be his opponent.

People who can make him so solemn are probably not too weak.

"After hundreds of years, I never thought that one day, I would meet you again."

The priest in black spoke with a calm face and a hoarse voice: "But today, I don't want to fight with you."

"You came at the wrong time."

"My altar is now at the last moment, and I can take the last step."

As soon as the words fell, his breath suddenly changed.

On the altar, bloody colors emerged, and pieces of black air surged out one after another, faintly carrying the wailing of countless undead.

The whole world began to change, as if some mechanism had been touched, the entire secret realm began to boil, pieces of majestic vitality were drawn in, and began to condense towards the very center of the altar.

The vitality of the entire secret realm is moving!

At this moment, Chen Ming's expression moved.

There are countless corpses buried in this secret realm in front of me. The flesh and blood of the corpses were melted away by secret methods and transformed into pure vitality. It has lasted for an unknown number of years.

As a result, the vitality of the entire secret realm was extremely abundant, which shocked Chen Ming when he first entered.

At this time, the vitality in this secret realm was moving, and the vitality in the entire secret realm was rapidly disappearing, and was poured into the altar in front of him through some kind of secret method.

The next moment, the blue gate was brightly lit, and a very different breath came through.

(End of this chapter)

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