Sweeping the world

Chapter 208 Intersection of Two Worlds

Chapter 208 Intersection of Two Realms
From a distance, watching Zhong Qiu's movements, Chen Ming was silent.

After seeing each other again after a few years, Chen Ming didn't know how to face the head of Yueshan, and his attitude towards him was still a little vague.

Strictly speaking, when we met back then, the other party did not do any bad things to him. The only time he was baptized with the Yueshan knife, although his body collapsed in the end and caused serious consequences, it was not the other party's original intention, so we can't criticize him too much. .

From the bottom of his heart, Chen Ming didn't have much ill feeling towards the former head of Yueshan.

"On the mountain that day, what happened to senior brother Shan Jian and senior sister Fang Jia?"

After a long silence, at the same place, Chen Ming finally spoke, asking about the whereabouts of his former friend.

Shan Jian is a true disciple of the Yueshan School, and was close to Lu Qi when he was alive. As for Fang Jia, he was the first person Chen Ming met after he went up the mountain.

Both of them have a good relationship with him.

When Yueshan was in turmoil, these two people were both on the mountain, and they didn't know what the result would be.

"They have been settled by me, placed in a secret place, and devoted themselves to practice."

"If you are willing, you may be able to meet them after a while."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhong Qiu seemed to think of something: "Speaking of which, when your body was shattered and the power of the magic weapon entered your body, we all thought you were dead, and it was the two of them who gathered your body and buried it there. In the cemetery."

"Now it seems that it is unnecessary."

It's fine if he doesn't say this, but when he mentions this, Chen Ming can't help but twitch his mouth.

Back then when he just woke up, he found himself lying in a coffin, he thought Zhong Qiu buried him, but only now did he know that it was Fang Jia and Shan Jian.

This kind of discovery made him feel complicated, and at the same time he was a little lucky.

"Fortunately, they didn't cremate me back then, otherwise I would have been turned into ashes."

"Actually, they were planning to cremate you"

Zhong Qiu's expression was a little strange, as if he had thought of something interesting: "After you fell into a coma, the land of Mount Yue has been turned into a forbidden area, and the surrounding evil power is pervasive. Even if an ordinary corpse is buried there for a long time, it may turn into an evil Mei, let alone you."

"In order to prevent you from 'restless after death', these two children originally wanted to cremate you, but you had already entered your body with the power of a magic weapon, and they burned you for a long time, but they didn't burn you to ashes, so they could only let it go .”

Zhong Qiu said with a strange face.

Chen Ming:? ? ?
It turns out that you didn't want to bury me, but burned me once! !
No wonder I always felt something was wrong when I woke up, I always felt that there was a strange smell! !
Chen Ming's face was livid, and he didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

To be honest, he now feels that his luck is really good.

That's right, I'm going to use it for barbecue directly. If it wasn't for the thick skin and thick meat, it would have turned into ashes by now!
"Your expression is a little exciting now, which makes me look forward to it."

Looking at Chen Ming's appearance at this moment, Zhong Qiu couldn't help laughing: "I don't know what kind of expression they will have when they know you are still alive."

What kind of expression will it be?
Anyway, it must be very exciting.

I just don't know if it was a surprise or a shock.

Chen Ming was silent, he didn't know what to say at this time, he stood there silently staring at Zhongqiu for a long time before he asked, "Where's my knife?"

It's fine that he was almost burned to ashes, after all, Shan saw them with good intentions, although he was almost crushed to ashes, but it's hard to say anything.

But that's not the case with the knife.

Chen Ming clearly remembered that before he fell down, he still had a knife on him, but when he got up, the knife was gone.

Nearly negligent homicide can be counted, but the lost property must be returned to the original owner, right?
"Oh, that Remnant King Yingbing!"

Mentioning this, Zhong Qiu's face suddenly became a little embarrassed: "It's gone."


Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't react.

Such a big black knife, good-looking, and comfortable to cut people, why is it gone?
"Well, the Yueshan Sword has been silent for many years, and the power of the divine weapon has not yet recovered, and it was baptized for you again, and lost a lot of power."

Zhongqiu looked embarrassed, and explained at this moment: "It just so happens that your saber is cast from fragments of King Ying's soldiers, and it possesses a bit of the power of a magic weapon, so I'll integrate it into Yueshan Dao to restore some of its strength. "

Smelted into Yueshan Knife to restore strength for Yueshan Knife?

In other words, my knife was eaten by Yueshan knife? ? ?

Chen Ming's face was livid, and at this moment his heart was ashamed, and he didn't know what to say anymore.

To be honest, for Shang Zhongqiu, the supreme master, he didn't really think that he could get the knife back, but he didn't expect such a result.

Anyway, it was also a fragment of Ying Wangbing, the best weapon Chen Ming had ever used, and it was gone just like that.

"For warriors, the artifacts of magic weapons are just foreign objects. If you don't have them, you can just find them again. Why is that so?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhong Qiu spoke, his words were resounding.

Chen Ming remained expressionless, quietly raised his head, looked at the shining golden Yueshan knife in Zhong Qiu's hand, and remained silent for a while.

In Zhong Qiu's hand, the golden Yueshan Saber was transformed into a divine mountain. The spirituality in it was vast, the divine power was like an abyss like an ocean, and it was shining brightly. Cooperating with Zhong Qiu's words just now, it formed a great irony.

Seeing Chen Ming's appearance, Zhong Qiu smiled helplessly, ended the embarrassing conversation, changed the subject and said, "However, I really didn't expect that in such a short period of time, only a few years, you could rely on I've come this far myself."

When he said these words, his face was very serious, and he could not see the slightest falsehood: "See you again, if you still cultivate at the beginning, I will take you to the secret realm to cultivate, but now you rely on yourself to get here One step, there is no need for others to intervene."

"I have a method, and I will give it to you today."

He stretched out his hand, and a little spiritual light came along with his vitality.

Immediately, Chen Ming had some understanding in his heart, and a large amount of information surged from his mind, and a scene appeared indistinctly.

In a mighty divine land, a figure is tall and majestic, bathed in divine light, carrying five mountains on his shoulders, pulling mountains and rivers with great strength, as if walking with a small world on his back.

Its momentum is majestic, its shape is boundless, its power is formidable, and in the process of turning, an unrivaled secret law is revealed.

"This is the method of dragon and elephant moving mountains. It is the method of strength. If you practice it to the peak, you can have the power of the ancient dragon and elephant. The body is tough, and even with the power of the gods, it will not hurt you."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhong Qiu calmly smiled: "You have traces of Nanshengmen Bronze Statue Kungfu on your body. You have practiced this far at a young age, and you must be quite talented in body training."

"This method is given to you, I hope you can practice it well and carry it forward."

"This can be regarded as a little benefit for you as the head of Yueshan."

He smiled and said, and then without waiting for Chen Ming to react, he continued, "Do you know what happened today?"

"the whole story?"

Chen Ming raised his head, regained his senses from the mystery of the dragon and elephant moving the mountain scriptures, watched Zhong Qiu's heart move, and shook his head: "I don't know."

"You have been promoted to return to the source, and there are some things that you are barely qualified to know."

With a calm face, Zhong Qiu said, "The world we live in is not the only world. There are places outside the world, and there are also outside the world. Among them are countless huge worlds."

"This world is far bigger than you can imagine. The world of Eternal Sand is endless. Compared to the entire Eternal Universe, the world we live in is just a grain of dust."

At this point, he paused, deliberately giving Chen Ming some time to react: "But in this world of Hengsha, our world is very special. Do you know why?"


With the previous experience of traveling through the heavens, Chen Ming actually reacted quickly. He was not as shocked as Zhong Qiu imagined for a long time, but quickly accepted this fact.

"Because this world was once a fragment of a certain great world, it once belonged to a certain vast and boundless world, and even belonged to one of its core areas."

"Because it once belonged to the core area of ​​that Great Realm, our world has many remnants from the Upper Realm, including many divine veins, the inheritance and orthodoxy of the Three Sacred Gates, all of which were left in the Upper Realm."

"And now, the two worlds are about to be connected again, do you know the meaning of this?"


Chen Ming frowned, and said so.

Whenever two worlds that used to be isolated from each other come into contact, unless the strength of the two worlds is almost the same, it will mostly lead to war.

In the previous life, the age of great exploration brought colonization and artillery fire, slavery and killing, and I believe this place is no exception.

Especially when the force of the upper realm clearly exceeds the lower realm.


With a smile on Zhong Qiu's face, he said, "I don't care what the result will be when the two worlds intersect, but for some people, it is a rare opportunity."

"Those venerables from the upper realm came here for this."


Chen Ming was puzzled, a little puzzled about it.

"Have you seen the layers of corpses under this secret realm?"

Standing in front, Zhong Qiu's expression was indifferent: "These are what these people from the upper realm want."

"Slaughtering living beings, transforming them with secret methods, plundering their life essence, recruiting those with high aptitude as disciples, and sucking blood layer by layer, these are the best methods of these venerables from the upper realm."

"In the upper realm, although the territory is vast, after countless years of accumulation, the territory has long been divided. But wherever the population gathers and reproduces, it is a land with an owner, and even the venerables of the upper realm cannot do it arbitrarily."

"But the lower realm is different. For it, it is equivalent to a land without owner. For it, it can do whatever it wants without any worries."

"These are the reasons why those venerables from the upper realm are scrambling to go to the lower realm. Not only in this place, but also in other places, there are signs that the venerables from the upper realm are about to come to the world."

Hearing this, Chen Ming frowned, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "The form is so precarious?"

"Not necessarily."

Zhong Qiu shook his head: "Even the venerables from the upper realms have their own ideas. Those who would slaughter all living beings to plunder their energy are mostly demons."

"Some venerables have cruel methods, but naturally some venerables will be gentler and manage their business seriously so as not to slaughter all living beings."

"For all beings in this world, the intersection of the two worlds, even though there will be frequent chaos at the beginning, in the long run, it may not be a bad thing."

Indeed, for all living beings in this world, even if the two worlds intersect, and the venerable from the upper world comes, as long as the other party does not slaughter all living beings, it is nothing more than a change of ruler, which is nothing.

The only thing that has been damaged is probably Dagan.

This world is not too big. According to Chen Ming's understanding, although this world is vast, except for the Central Plains, the rest of the world is vast but sparsely populated. The entire population of many small countries is only equivalent to a large county.

The entire Dagan 72 states have actually accounted for nearly half of this world, and they are the well-deserved masters of this world.

But if the two worlds intersect, and the venerables from the upper world keep coming, I am afraid that Daqian's authority will suffer a fatal impact, and even if one is bad, the 800-year foundation will be overturned.

"However, maybe Daqian and even those top lineages already knew about these things, so there was that temptation at the palace banquet that day?"

In the same place, Chen Ming frowned, and this thought flashed in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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