Sweeping the world

Chapter 209 Past History

Chapter 209 Past History
At first, Chen Ming thought that the conflict between Dagan and the Holy Lands was caused by Dagan Taizu cutting off the world's spiritual veins and cutting off the way forward.

That's why the imperial mausoleum collapsed later, when Zhong Qiu and other masters attacked the imperial mausoleum, causing the imperial mausoleum to collapse, and the Daqian Taizu was born.

But now it seems that apart from this contradiction, there seem to be other reasons for this.

The intersection of the two worlds may also be one of the incentives.

As a person from the upper realm, Jiang Lin didn't concentrate on guiding the venerables from the upper realm to the lower realm. Instead, he lurked in the imperial tomb and turned into a guest minister, which in itself explained something.

The location of the Dagan Emperor's Mausoleum may not only be related to the vitality of the world, but also the intersection of the two worlds.

As soon as he thought of this, his heart moved, and he expressed the doubts in his heart in front of Zhong Qiu.

When attacking the Imperial Mausoleum that day, Zhong Qiu was the main force in front of him. As one of the parties involved, he naturally knew far more than Chen Ming.

In the same place, Zhong Qiu pondered for a moment, and then said: "Your question is on point."

"You know, if the two worlds want to intersect, they first need to recover to the extreme, and then it is possible to do so."

"The recovery of the heaven and the earth to the extreme is actually the vitality in the heaven and the earth begins to rise, and the path of martial arts and heaven is released, and it is no longer locked."

"The recovery of this world originated thousands of years ago. At that time, the world reached its peak, the world was suppressed and shrunk, and the originally sealed way of heaven and man was released, resulting in the most terrifying prosperity."

"In the era when the Daqian Taizu lived, a grand master appeared in the world, and the supreme gods of heaven and man came out together to lead the coquettishness."

Listening to Zhong Qiu's narration, Chen Ming's face was calm, and his heart was somewhat fascinated.

It was definitely an era of extreme glory. Although the extinct masters were not everywhere at that time, they were not rare, and there were more than one celestial beings.

"According to the normal deduction, when time passes and the two realms merge, this realm will return to its original origin and become a part of the upper realm."

"However, at this time, Daqian Taizu was born."

Having said this, Zhongqiu paused for a moment, his face full of complex expressions: "For a young man who was born in poverty, he was born with the body of an emperor, and he became a martial arts celestial being at the age of less than a hundred years old. "

"Fighting all the way, beheading the celestial beings for decades, ruling the roost in the prosperous age, and establishing a great cadre in the ultimate glory."

"Great Ancestor Daqian was already invincible, so he built the imperial mausoleum, which suppressed the vitality of the entire world, interrupted the prosperous world that should have appeared, and continued for 800 years until now."

"This is the past"

Hearing this, Chen Ming frowned: "With one's own body, you have cut off the world for more than [-] years. It is certainly brave, but what did you do?"

"Naturally, it is to absorb the aura that gradually rises in the recovery of the great world."

Zhong Qiu shook his head: "Great Ancestor Dagan buried himself, suppressed this world, and at the same time competed with the will of this world at all times, using this world as a melting pot, and endured the most terrifying trials."

"This is an unrivaled opportunity, both a risk and a great opportunity."

"Just now you have seen the supernatural power of Grandfather Chen Daqian, how do you feel?"

He looked at Chen Ming and asked suddenly.

"If you are in the middle of a great sun, the divine power is immeasurable, so don't look directly at it."

Chen Ming frowned, and after thinking for a while, he gave such an answer.

This answer is not perfunctory, but from the heart.

The strength of the Dagan Taizu has already exceeded his imagination, and a punch is enough to shake a world. This kind of divine power, even if it is a god and demon, is nothing more than that.

"In the upper realm, anyone who can be called a venerable is a figure who surpasses the heavenly beings. Compared with ordinary heavenly beings, they are only three-year-old children and can be killed at any time."

Zhong Qiu opened his mouth, shook his head, and then sighed: "This kind of existence has transformed into an incarnation, based on the vitality accumulated in this secret realm for decades, and its cultivation has reached the top of heaven and man. Any heaven and man, as long as they have not yet Going to the last step, they will not be their opponents."

"However, even so, this kind of venerable incarnate in front of Daqian Taizu, can't do a few tricks."

"After 800 years of hard work, Taizu Qian's cultivation base has already broken through the barrier between heaven and man. If it is not limited by the world, he should have broken through the limit of heaven and man and reached a higher level."

"That's why he rushed into the gate of the two realms and went to the other realm?" Chen Ming frowned in front of him, and said so.


Zhong Qiu nodded, and said, "Shallow water can't raise a real dragon, even Grandfather Qian, limited by this world, can't escape, that's why he wants to leave."

"And what he did in the past also affected this world."

"After 800 years of severance, the oppression of heaven and earth has become more and more serious. Along the way, I don't know how many suppressed Tianjiao and outstanding people have been suppressed, causing the world to wither, all the way to this point."

"In the era of Taizu Qian, there were dozens of masters and several celestial beings, but in my time, celestial beings are already legends. Even if the world is the strongest, they are only half-step celestial beings. Has the power of heaven and man."

"And in this day and age, even the grandmasters are extinct. Except for us old guys left over from the past, there are not many grandmasters in the whole world, which can be said to be withered."

Quietly listening to the story of the person in front of him, Chen Ming remained silent, and after a long time, he let out a deep sigh.

What the other party said is indeed true.

Qian Taizu suppressed the world, although it was magnificent, but it also made a lot of trouble for the warriors in this world.

Chen Ming had studied the ancient history of this world, and it is true that warriors in this world are gradually getting weaker.

As early as the era of Daqian Taizu, there were still a few celestial beings left in the heaven and earth, but after that, they withered more and more. Not only did the celestial beings never appear again, but even the masters became rarer and rarer.

Now, it is even hard to find a returning martial artist like Chen Ming, which shows the severity of his suppression.

Zhong Qiu in front of him was obviously one of the victims of this suppression.

As the head of Yueshan, he was able to achieve half-step heaven and man in the oppressive world, and was recognized by Yueshan Dao. Achieving heaven and man is just a piece of cake.

But in this oppressed world, he was in great misfortune. He was suppressed all his life, had to feign death and nirvana, and lingered until the present age.

"It's your luck to be able to live in this era."

Zhong Qiu shook his head, looked at Chen Ming, and continued to speak: "In the past years, I don't know how many extremely talented people wasted their lives, and finally died of being trapped."

"Now that the imperial mausoleum has collapsed, the heavens and the earth are active again, and a new great world will soon usher in. With your talent, if there are no accidents, there is hope for heaven and man in the future."

"Now, there is another opportunity in front of your eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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