Sweeping the world

Chapter 210 Chapter Family

Chapter 210
"Opportunity, what opportunity?"

Hearing Zhong Qiu's words, Chen Ming was stunned and was at a loss for a while.

He didn't remember any chance he had.

Reborn in this world, so far, he has always felt that his luck is quite bad, often walking on the road, encountering a few evil spirits for no reason, if the ability brought by time travel is not powerful enough, he may have died long ago.

Where did the opportunity come from?
"Everywhere in the world, there is a spirit of heaven and earth, who is the spirit of a world, enters the world to choose people, and turns them into stars."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhong Qiu said calmly, "This world is no exception. After the recovery of the world, the spirits of this world will also recover. With the arrival of the great world, they will devote themselves to the talents of this world."

"This kind of existence can also be called the reincarnation of the stars."

"The spirit of heaven and earth."

Hearing this name, Chen Ming was stunned. For a while, his thoughts flowed, and he recalled a past event.

He had seen the so-called spirit of heaven and earth with his own eyes.

Before the imperial tomb collapsed that day, he had seen a girl in the imperial tomb. After some encounters, the girl gave him the mark of the spirit of heaven and earth.

He has never forgotten this matter, and he still wanted to wait for the opportunity in the future to investigate further, but he did not expect to hear the news of the spirit of heaven and earth again from Zhongqiu's mouth today.

Moreover, judging from the attitude shown by the other party, this so-called spirit of heaven and earth is undoubtedly an extremely important thing.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming felt a little stunned.

In front of Zhong Qiu, he did not reveal the fact that he possessed the spirit of heaven and earth, but asked with a puzzled expression: "What is the so-called spirit of heaven and earth? What does it matter?"

"The so-called spirit of heaven and earth is aura and destiny."

Zhong Qiu said calmly: "Gaifan, all living beings in the world, but those born in the world, all have fate."

"Some people have worked hard all their lives and are mediocre; some people are born lonely, their relatives and friends have withered all their lives, and they are lonely stars; there are also people with strong numbers, who are destined by heaven, destined to be extraordinary, and can be called children of the world."

"Possessing the spirit of heaven and earth means having an extraordinary aura, like the great ancestor Taizu, who is destined to fight for a lifetime, and to dominate forever,"

"This kind of person is also called the protagonist of the first life. He is born with extraordinary vigor, and he can be called a world's hidden dragon!"

"A world of hidden dragons."

Chen Ming muttered to himself, and several figures suddenly appeared in his mind.

Yang Jing, Xu Qing, Zhao Ji.
These are the protagonists of fate that he had foreseen. According to Zhong Qiu's explanation, these people are undoubtedly a potential dragon, and they can be called the protagonists of a world.

Thinking of Xu Qing and Zhao Ji, Chen Ming's heart moved, and he continued to ask: "In a world, can there be more than one Qianlong?"

Zhong Qiu took a deep look at Chen Ming, and then said, "Naturally, even in a world, when the world is ups and downs, there is more than one Qianlong."

"Every time the great world opens, more than one potential dragon rises up and competes with each other. The final winner must be the one with the strongest cultivation, the strongest will in martial arts, and the most perfect in all aspects. He can be called a real dragon in the world."

"Just like the great world 800 years ago, those who can be called Qianlong and possess the spirit of heaven and earth, besides Daqian Taizu, there is at least one Yingwang."

"It's just that after several battles, King Ying lost to Qianzu, and was defeated by him. King Ying's army collapsed, and ancestor Qian ascended to the top, becoming the supreme in the world."

In front of him, Chen Ming frowned.

As Zhong Qiu said, this so-called battle for the top of the world is actually like a selection process, where several hidden dragons of the world compete with each other, just to determine the best one.

"In this way, I revived the imperial body with the power of origin, maybe I let myself intervene in this battle of Qianlong instead?"

This thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

However, even without this emperor body, judging from the previous performance of the spirit of heaven and earth in the imperial tomb, he probably would have been unable to avoid the battle of Qianlong.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, and in a blink of an eye, he thought of Mingwei's past performances.

Judging from the current known situation, the old man's previous performance was mostly because he mistook Chen Ming for one of the hidden dragons in this world, so he made an early bet, and it turned into the current situation.

After thinking up to this point, Chen Ming shook his head. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

"In the Northern Plains, there is a secret place called Tianxiang."

In front of him, looking at Chen Ming, Zhong Qiu smiled, and said: "In the bit of aura I gave you just now, there is the location of that secret realm."

"If you are interested, the secret realm will open after three years. You can go in and take a look. There will be your chance in it."

"I won't say any more. I look forward to seeing you next time. You can give me a bigger surprise."

Looking at Chen Ming, he smiled, and then his whole body was glowing, and a little bit of divine power dissipated, making his whole body gradually blur, and slowly disappear in place.

This is just an afterimage, Zhongqiu's true self has long since left, and what stays here now is only part of his divine power.

At the same place, Chen Ming remained silent, looking at the empty secret place in front of him, turned around silently, and left this place.

After the priest in black and Zhong Qiu left, there were not many people left in the Tianmen Secret Realm, only some disciples and servants of the previous Tianmen sect were still alive.

Chen Ming gathered these people together and cast a secret method on them to control them.

Before Zhong Qiu left, he had given Chen Ming the way to enter and exit this secret realm. From then on, he only needed to have enough energy to support him, and he could enter and exit through the gate of the two worlds, without any need for so-called tokens.

The scope of this Tianmen Secret Realm is not too large, but it is also half the size of a small state, which is enough to serve as a basic board. When the outside world is in crisis in the future, Chen Ming can arrange some people so that he will have no worries.

Walking out of the secret realm, Chen Ming came to a plain.

The place in front of him looked like a barren mountain. At this moment, the Zhamu brothers and sisters were standing around, Zhao Qing was holding Lu Qing's hand, and a group of people stood aside, quietly waiting for Chen Ming to appear.

After seeing Chen Ming appear, they both heaved a sigh of relief and let go of a big stone in their hearts.

The reason for this behavior is that concern and worry are on the one hand, and fear on the other.

If it was not Chen Ming who came out of the gate of the two worlds, but someone from that day's sect, then they could be said to have been taken over by one blow.

In the presence, the brothers and sisters of Zhamu were loose and weak, and they didn't even have the strength to move. Zhao Qing and Lu Qing's martial arts cultivation level is also hard to say. Under such circumstances, any acquired master may be able to They won.

Now seeing Chen Ming, this worry can finally be let go.


Looking at Lu Qing in front of him, and Zha Mu brothers and sisters who were sitting on the ground in the distance, looking powerless, Chen Ming smiled with a relaxed expression on his face: "Let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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