Sweeping the world

Chapter 211 Source power consumption

Chapter 211 Source power consumption

After finding Lu Qing, Chen Ming's trip to Tianzhou this time was basically declared complete, and it would be a waste of time to stay any longer.

During the period when Chen Ming went deep into the secret realm of Tianmen, Hemdan's side was almost ready. The local Ghanaian tribe's fighters would be recruited to travel with Chen Ming.

They will leave with Chen Ming's departure, leave Tianzhou, the native land, and go to a strange place.

"Brother Chang'an, tell me, what does my hometown look like now?"

Walking on the road, in a specially purchased carriage, Lu Qing was a little sad: "Are the people there okay now? I don't know if they are still the same as before."

"And Uncle Su, he was fine when I left, but I don't know what's going on now"

Talking about the old friend from the past, the little girl looked a little sad, her eyes were red.

Sitting in the carriage, during this time, Chen Ming also knew the story of the little girl.

When she was in the Lu Mansion, she met an elder who was out of the Tianmen Sect.

Lu Qing's aptitude is not ordinary. Back then, she was infected by evil spirits and almost turned into evil spirits. It was Chen Ming who took an innate golden elixir for her that made her better.

That golden elixir changed the little girl's physique and increased her fundamental aptitude. In the eyes of some people, she was a rare genius, so she was spotted by the elders of that day's sect and accepted as her disciple.

Joining the Tianmen Sect, her life was pretty good at the beginning, but the good times didn't last long. One day, civil strife broke out in the Tianmen Sect. After attacking until death, he gradually changed into the appearance Chen Ming had seen before.

"Su Ming and the others are doing well now. Now they no longer act as guards for others. They have each bought property and are considered landlords."

Chen Ming hugged Lu Qing with one hand, and said softly, "A few days ago, their family just had a happy event, and they had a new child."

"That's good."

Lu Qing smiled, she was happy and joyful from the bottom of her heart: "Brother Chang'an, in a few days, I want to visit my parents' graves."

"After so many years, they must miss me too."

"I'll go with you."

Chen Ming said softly: "After so many years, it's time to go back and have a look."

He thought of the appearance and voice of the Luliang couple, smiled, and then said.

On the side, quietly watching the interaction between the two, Zhao Qing saw it in his eyes, and for some reason, suddenly felt a little envious.

In the past, when she was in the Tianmen sect, she always took care of Lu Qing silently, treating her from the bottom of her heart like a big sister.

But now, she is inexplicably envious of Lu Qing, who has such a brother who treats her sincerely.

Thinking of this, she sighed deeply, recalling what she said to Chen Ming the first day she met him, she couldn't help laughing at herself.

In the evening, the convoy stopped slowly and camped in a fairly comfortable place.

The foreign barbarians from Tianzhou looked respectful, and looked at Chen Ming with incomparable fanaticism, the kind of hot flames that could burn people away.

Living in the wilderness, these foreigners have a fanatical pursuit of martial arts. After Chen Ming showed his skills at will, they have become much more docile and easy to control.

Of course, if anyone was duped into believing they were friendly by their docile appearance, it would be the end of the day.

It is the nature of the world to be afraid of power and not afraid of virtue. If you really think that they are weak and bully, you will suffer a big loss in the end sooner or later.

However, if one has the strength to control these barbarians and then lures them, then these barbarians will become the most loyal subordinates.

Under the bonfire, Chen Ming raised a long halberd, practiced and waved it on the spot.

His movements are very slow, but unexpectedly, they are extremely vigorous. Every move is filled with a unique sense of tension and strength, and the halberd in his hand is brandished like a dragon.

"A superior halberd technique!"

In the distance, Hemdan stopped what he was doing, his brown eyes were fixed on Chen Ming, and his eyes followed the halberd in his hand.

Slowly waving the halberd in his hand, gradually, a vision slowly unfolded on Chen Ming's body.

Countless runes flickered on his body, and the purple-gold blood energy gradually rose, and faintly condensed into the appearance of a dragon and snake.

Under the firelight, Chen Ming's body seemed to be shining with golden light, and a faint majesty gradually rose.

If Zhong Qiu from before was here, seeing Chen Ming's appearance like this, he would be greatly surprised, even a little bit disbelieving.

Because in a short period of time, Chen Ming's external skills had improved significantly, and his attainments in the dragon-elephant moving mountain method had reached a new level.

Source Power: 3718
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Great Chu Wujing third level, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method third level (upgradeable), Divine Weapon Warfare first level (deductible)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Great Nirvana Buddha Blood (Advanced)
In a short period of time, Chen Ming's Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Technique was promoted to the third level by him.

According to the part of the information that Zhong Qiu gave to Chen Ming, the method of dragon and elephant moving mountains is easy to learn but difficult to master. If ordinary people want to practice to the third level, even if they are very talented, it will take at least five or sixty years.

At this level, even if you don't use your inner strength and divine power, your own body alone is enough to resist the innate, and the external skills to fight against the innate warrior.

"It's very subtle, but it's too exhausting."

Looking at the screen displayed on the source power panel, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

But this is also an impossibility.

The path of a warrior becomes more and more difficult as you go to the back.

As Chen Ming's strength continued to increase and his level continued to increase, the consumption of source power would gradually increase, reaching an unimaginable level.

This level is not a big deal now, when Chen Ming is promoted to Grandmaster or even Celestial Man in the future, he may randomly upgrade a corresponding level of martial arts, and the source power needed will be tens of thousands.

"At that time, I'm afraid I will have to worry about the source of the source power again."

Chen Ming shook his head, thinking of the scene at that time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the remaining [-] source power in front of him, Chen Ming hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to continue to improve.

After working hard in the world, although there will be many crises afterwards, that will be a matter of the future.

Now that the great world has just begun, only the power of returning to the source is enough, and there is no need to continue to use the power of the source for the time being.

The remaining thousands of source power should be reserved for later.

Chen Ming has already decided that after Lu Qing and the others are resettled, he will find a place to retreat and start a new round of journey.

At that time, the thousands of origin power left behind may be of great use.

"Let's leave it for later."

Standing where he was, under a bonfire, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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