Sweeping the world

Chapter 212 Dingzhou

Chapter 212 Dingzhou
Longshui County.

On a barren mountain, a bonfire was burning.

Lu Qing was dressed in plain clothes, her eyes were red as she looked at her parents' graves, and she kept adding yellow paper to the bonfire so that the flames would not disappear.

Behind him, Chen Ming quietly watched her movements, and stood there for a long time, silent.

On the side, Su Ming stood there quietly, looking at Lu Qing's appearance, hesitating to speak.

"Master, Miss has been crying for a long time."

He looked at Lu Qing and couldn't help but speak.

I haven't seen him for many years, and his appearance has changed a lot. He is no longer the head of the bodyguard he was back then.

After so many years, with the few martial arts left by Chen Ming back then, he also made a name for himself in this neighborhood, and also founded the Sujiazhuang. He bought land during the famine in recent years, and he is considered a landlord.

With martial arts heirs and land maintenance, this is the prototype of a powerful family. After a few generations, it may not be impossible to produce some masters.

In the distance, a thin middle-aged man wearing a senior officer's uniform walked over cautiously, looked at Chen Ming and the two and asked cautiously: "Master Chen, the officer has prepared a banquet, do you want to bring the young lady with you?" Have a meal first, and then come to continue worshiping when it is used up?"

He asked cautiously, with a respectful attitude, for fear of offending.

Compared with when Chen Ming joined the Yueshan School back then, Chen Ming's status is already different now.

He is now a Dagan Wuzi, the governor of a state, and he is a Guiyuan himself.

Three identities, no matter which one is taken out is scary enough, let alone the combination of the three.

As soon as Chen Ming and his party arrived in Longshui, the county magistrate of Longshui brought people out to greet them, and came all the way to resettle them.

"There is no need to eat."

Chen Ming shook his head, and calmly said, "My people and I can solve it by ourselves."

Although he has never been a magistrate, he also knows what these people are like.

It's a banquet at the moment, but don't expect a lot of inexplicable people to come over.

Chen Ming was not in the mood to argue with a lot of people.

"That's fine."

The commander of Longshui County was a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to say anything in front of Chen Ming.

The identity of the person in front of him was extraordinary, he was able to stand here and meet Chen Ming in person, because he was the magistrate of Longshui County, and was also a former student of the Chen family, so he had some relationship with Chen Ming.

"My lord, you have so many people here, and you have female relatives. If you live in the wild, it will be inconvenient after all."

At this time, Su Ming who was on the side spoke, and when he spoke, the fat on his body was shaking slightly: "Why don't you come to my Sujiazhuang at night? Let me treat you well and repay the kindness of the old master .”

"in this way."

Chen Ming hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "That's fine."

It is true that a group of people living in the wild has many inconveniences. Those barbarians are okay, they have rough skin and thick flesh, and they also practice external skills. Let alone living in a tent, it is nothing if they really sleep in the wild.

But the barbarians can do this, but the accompanying female relatives can't be so rough, they always have a place to settle.

"I'll go back and have the room cleaned!"

Seeing Chen Ming nodding, Su Ming was overjoyed, making the Longshui County Commander at the side a little envious.

After a while, seeing that Chen Ming did not continue to speak, they left the place wisely, leaving this place for Chen Ming and Lu Qing to be alone.

In the same place, watching the girl's intermittent crying, Chen Ming sighed softly, stepped forward slowly, and hugged the girl in his arms.

"It's okay, just have a good rest."

He said softly, with a soft tone, a wisp of energy dissipated, and slowly let Lu Qing fall into a deep sleep, so that she could have a good rest.

"Brother Lu."

Putting Lu Qing down carefully, Chen Ming picked up a stick of incense from the side, bowed lightly to the tombstone in front of him, and said, "Please rest assured, Qing'er is by my side, you don't have to worry about it."

"In the days to come, I will let her come every year to burn incense to you, and I will gradually watch her grow up, get married, have children, and take care of her until the end of her life."

He quietly looked at the tombstone in front of him, and said.

Up to now, he has already faintly realized something in his heart.

With his current cultivation base, his lifespan has long surpassed that of ordinary people. If there is no accident, although Lu Qing is younger than him, she may die of old age before him.

Not only Lu Qing, but also her biological father, family members, and friends
As he continues to move forward, the people around him will gradually wither sooner or later, and in the end they will be like that Zhongqiu. After returning from Nirvana, all the events are silent, and the whole world is vast, and there are not many acquaintances to be found.

Chen Ming would reach this point sooner or later.

He has already realized this.

However, before reaching this step, he hopes that every parting around him will be complete without regret.

Just like what he said right now.

In situ, a stick of incense was injected with incense ash.

Chen Ming got up, calmly picked up Lu Qing, and gradually walked aside.

Perhaps it was because she was too tired before, but this time, Lu Qing fell asleep for a long time, and when she woke up again, it was almost evening.

"Sui'er, why don't you come over to meet your uncle!!"

On the Zhuangzi of the Su family, Su Ming brought his children forward.

His eldest son was named Su Sui, who was born before Chen Ming met Su Ming. Now he is only five years old, and he is round and round, with a pair of big round eyes that turn around, looking very clever.

"Hello, Uncle."

Xiao Su Sui stepped forward, bowed to Chen Ming as his father said before, and then stepped aside, staring at Chen Ming and the others with curious eyes.

"The qualifications are not bad."

Glancing at Xiao Susui, Chen Ming smiled and nodded.

Compared with the mediocre aptitude of his biological father Su Ming, Xiao Su Sui's aptitude is undoubtedly better, and because he is still young, he is more malleable.

In time, if there are no accidents, I believe that he can surpass his father and achieve higher achievements.


Seeing that Chen Ming was in a good mood, Su Ming stepped forward slowly, and said boldly, "I see Miss Qing is alone, so it's a bit boring, why don't you let my son accompany you and leave together?"

He bite the bullet and said so.

Chen Ming took a deep look at him, but he didn't object. Instead, he turned to look at Lu Qing and asked her opinion: "Qing'er, what do you think?"


Lu Qing nodded, still not detached from her emotions, forced a smile: "I also think it's a bit boring to be alone at ordinary times, and it's good to have a child with me."

"That's settled then."

Chen Ming nodded and settled the matter like this.

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and joy rose in his heart.

Even if it was given to Lu Qing as a companion, but in this way, he could be regarded as Chen Ming's person after all.

With the status and strength of this Wuzi of the current dynasty, even a casual leak is enough to benefit a person for a lifetime, let alone the people around him.

For a while, the atmosphere on the field became more enthusiastic, only Su Sui in the distance was still confused, not knowing what happened.

Chen Ming didn't stay long in Longshui County.

After all, he is the governor of Dingzhou appointed by Emperor Qian, and he has the emperor's order in his body. He has no intention of leaving with his seal, and it is not easy to delay his duties again and again.

It took several months to go to Tianzhou, and it was considered a postponement. It would be too much to stay in Longshui County for too long.

Therefore, he only stayed in Longshui for a few days, and then he led people away and walked further north.

Dingzhou, Dinghuang City.

When Chen Ming came to this city, all the officials in Dingzhou went out to greet him, and welcomed Chen Ming all the way into the Tianzhou mansion.

"Where's Tianzhou State Shepherd?"

Sitting quietly at the top, Chen Ming was dressed in white, not the governor's uniform, but no one dared to underestimate him.

His eyes turned and he looked down at his hand, but no one dared to look up when he looked at him, except for a young man whose face remained unchanged, with a smile on his face, just looking at Chen Ming quietly.

Seen from a close distance, his figure is not tall, nor is his appearance majestic. He looks very ordinary, but he has a unique charm that makes people dare not underestimate him.

In Chen Ming's perception, this is also the most powerful person present. He has both internal and external skills, and his strength has reached the peak of the day after tomorrow. He can try to take that step at any time.

It's just that he concealed this very well. He seems to have practiced a special secret method. Outsiders can only see that he has a good external strength, and they can never see his internal strength.

When Chen Ming looked at this person, this person also said, "The previous Tianzhou State Shepherd just passed away half a year ago, and he is not here."

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded, a little surprised.

Theoretically speaking, the governor of a state can control the military and government, and can appoint and dismiss officials on his own. It is almost a small town, so there is often a state pastor, and the two control and balance each other.

But here in Dingzhou, Zhou Mu died half a year ago, but Emperor Gan didn't appoint Xin Zhou Mu to come here, isn't he afraid that his family will dominate?

However, Dingzhou is bitterly cold, borders on the frontiers of the Northern Region, and is often invaded by the barbarians in the Northern Region. It is understandable to choose to decentralize power.

The Governor's Mansion of Tianzhou has been passed down for three generations before, and it has become a place of its own. I haven't seen what the Emperor Qian said, let alone a mere monopoly of power,

"what's your name?"

Looking at the man in the distance, Chen Mingruo asked with interest.

"My servant, Gongsun Shang, is the secretary of the Governor's Mansion."

In the distance, seeing Chen Ming speak, the young man smiled respectfully and introduced himself.


Chen Ming frowned, and said, "Are you from the Gongsun family?"

"It's just a branch."

Gongsun Shang saluted Chen Ming and said so.

Chen Ming nodded, he didn't delve into this issue, but secretly remembered it in his heart.

The Gongsun family is also one of the emperor's lineages passed down in ancient times. It was inherited from the ancient emperor Liang's family, and even today's Tianjiao was born, which is suspected to be an emperor's body.

"I didn't expect to meet someone from Gongsun's family so soon."

Looking at Gongsun Shang, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

Chen Ming didn't think it was a coincidence that he ran into a member of the Gongsun family just after arriving in Tianzhou.

A martial artist who has reached the peak of Houtian, no matter where he is, is the top. How could he come to Dingzhou to be a clerk for no reason?
(End of this chapter)

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