Chapter 213
In the middle of the night, a light gradually brightened. Chen Ming took care of Lu Qing to sleep, so he came to the hall and sat down alone, looking at the copywriting on it.

These are all past files, recording the situation in Dingzhou for decades.

It took several hours before Chen Ming put down the file in his hand and rubbed his forehead with some headaches.

The situation in Dingzhou was much worse than he had imagined.

Strictly speaking, the situation of Dingzhou and Tianzhou is somewhat similar, they are both located in the frontier, with few dry people and many foreign races in the territory.

But unlike Tianzhou, the environment here is much harsher.

Even though Tianzhou is located in the frontier, it is also connected to the countries of the Western Regions. Many caravans come and go to trade, which greatly prospers Tianzhou, making it not inferior to some continents.

Dingzhou does not have this condition.

Although it is also close to the barbarians in the northern region, there are many mountains and roads in the area, which greatly hinders the development.

Most of the caravans that come and go travel from neighboring states and counties, and go around Dingzhou.

More serious than this is the matter of evil spirits.

In the past, Chen Ming devoted himself to cultivation. Although he occasionally encountered evil spirits, he never paid attention to how many evil spirits there are in the world.

He didn't know until now that he was in charge of a state, how many people died under the evil spirit at any moment within the Daqian.

In Dingzhou alone, there are at least nearly a thousand evil spirits entrenched all year round, and the real number will only be more or less than this.

With such a huge number of evil spirits, how many people will be killed every day?

Chen Ming didn't want to think about this question.

But he also understands, I am afraid that in the next period of time, he will already have the source of his source of strength.

Such a huge number of evil spirits is enough to kill him for a long time.

He stretched out his hand and took out another file, which contained nothing but Gongsun Shang's records.

Chen Ming was very concerned about this martial artist from the Gongsun family, so he deliberately gathered his files when he came here.

"Gongsun Shang, a Jinshi in the third year of Qianyuan, came to Dingzhou in the fifth year of Qianyuan, and served as a secretary"

Today is the tenth year of Qianyuan.

That is to say, Gongsun Shang stayed in Dingzhou five years ago?
"Five years ago."

Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

Five years ago, he hadn't transmigrated. This body is just a mortal, not to mention being treated like this, even if the Gongsun family knows about him.

Gongsun Shang came to Dingzhou five years ago, so it was not for him, probably for other reasons.

"Let's see."

Chen Ming shook his head, put down Gongsun Shang's file, and continued to look at the next file.

Time is still passing slowly.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

With the buffer of this period, Chen Ming also gradually adapted to life in Dingzhou, and began to perform his duties and powers as the governor of a state.

Of course, that's what it says, but there's really not much to do either.

Dingzhou has existed for such a long time, and it has already formed a system that operates spontaneously. In the past half a year, even if both the governor and the state shepherd were missing, didn't it still function well?
As the governor of Dingzhou, if Chen Ming had no intention of taking over power, there were not many trivial matters, and he only needed to make decisions on some major issues.

In this environment, Chen Ming soon started his next journey.

In a dark world, a foul smell spreads
In this dim space, Chen Ming opened his eyes, only to feel a severe fainting sensation coming from his head, as if someone had hit his head hard.

"There are wounds on this body."

Chen Ming reacted quickly, this thought flashed in his mind, and then he looked to the ground.

There is an alley in front of me, and the ground is full of potholes. It seems that it was not well leveled when it was built.

But in front of his eyes, there was a pool of blood, which was very clear when viewed from the mountain, making Chen Ming frown secretly.

"I saw blood at the beginning. This shuttle looks a little unlucky."

This thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and then he raised his hand.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a slender arm, which didn't look like an adult, but a child.

His clothes were also tattered, and he looked like a beggar.

This kind of discovery made Chen Ming a little speechless. Before he had time to comment on it, there was a loud noise in the distance, as if there were many people fighting there, and there was a burst of cursing amidst the sound of swords and soldiers colliding. .

Hearing this, Chen Ming got up quickly, resisting the feeling of weakness in his mind, and quickly left this place.

Compared with Chen Ming's past state, Chen Ming's current state can be said to be the weakest time in his history.

In the past, even if Yuan Ling shuttled back and forth, the possessed person was still a normal person, unlike this time, it turned out to be the body of a seriously injured beggar.

"Also a wretch"

Outside the alley, looking through the memories in his mind, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

Judging from memory, this body was originally a child of a normal family, but it happened to be a war, and there was a rebellious army attacking the country. In the end, the whole family died, leaving him wandering here alone, and was almost beaten die.

This start was so unsatisfactory that he didn't even dare to use the power of origin to add points to this body.

The addition of source power does not come out of thin air, the strengthening of the body also needs to consume the energy contained in the body.

And with the badness of this body, if you directly use the source force to add points, I am afraid that you will kill yourself before you become a master.

"First find a way to recuperate this body."

Feeling the bad condition of this body, Chen Ming felt a little headache.

Just at this moment, there was a cooing sound, accompanied by a sense of weakness.

Chen Ming was a little helpless, according to the memory of this body in the past few months, he walked slowly to the street, ready to try his luck.

Along the streets, beggars and refugees were everywhere. Occasionally, some bloodstains could be seen, and some people fell on the ground with pale faces.

These are refugees.

According to the situation in this body's memory, in the past few months, the capital city in the north was devastated, and many refugees from the north went south to beg for food in this area.

The original body of Chen Ming was also one of them.

This also leads to a dangerous atmosphere around.

A group of refugees gathered in the city. This is the most dangerous situation, not only in terms of safety, but also the potential plague.

Walking on the street, Chen Ming saw armored soldiers wearing torn leather armor patrolling the surroundings, picking out a few people from the crowd from time to time, and dragging them out.

These are all dead.

It was still summer, and if a corpse was left untouched, it would soon rot. At that time, the nausea and smell would come next, and it would be bad if it caused an epidemic.

Chen Ming watched coldly, looking at the tragic situation around him. Although he felt pity in his heart, he was still in danger at the moment, and it was impossible to help these people.

Most of the pedestrians around had ugly expressions on their faces, and even accelerated their walking pace, not daring to stay here too much.

Occasionally, some carriages would pass by, causing a large crowd of refugees to get excited.


"This master, give me a bite to eat!!"

They rushed forward like crazy, praying constantly, hoping that someone would leave some property behind.

But the guards around them were very indifferent, and directly stopped these refugees, preventing them from rushing forward.

This is necessary.

These refugees are thirsty and hungry at the moment, and their sanity is on the verge of collapse. If they rush forward, it is very easy for some people not to see things happen.

In fact, in the memory of Chen Ming's body, there seems to be such a thing.

It was a kind lady who asked someone to take some food as alms. As a result, the refugees around rushed up and almost stripped the kind lady naked.

It is precisely because of these examples that these armored soldiers are tense and do not allow these refugees to come forward.

At this time, the advantages of Chen Ming's body came up.

His body looks to be about ten years old, he is young, and he looks good. Looking at the mountainous area, his lips are red and his teeth are white, which is cute.

A guard stopped the other refugees, but seeing Chen Ming's appearance, he finally just sighed, turned sideways, and let him in.

"Thank you."

Chen Ming thanked the guard, and then stepped forward to see if he could have luck.

"Master, there is a child outside."

On the carriage, a servant reported to the people in the carriage.

In the carriage, upon hearing this, an old man wearing a blue shirt and looking in good spirits looked out, and after seeing Chen Ming's appearance, he couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, this is the way of the world!"

"Give this child three pieces of white cake, and treat it as a blessing for Wei Er."

He sighed and said so.

"Thank you."

After receiving the three big cakes, Chen Ming was a little surprised and also a little novel.

It was the first time for him to experience begging in the street.

Taking advantage of the moment when the old man on the carriage picked up the blindfold, Chen Ming remembered the appearance of the old man, as well as the handsome,

"Are you from the Yang residence?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and after he thanked him, he turned and left.

Along the way, many refugees were staring at him. To be precise, they were staring at the three pies in his hands. Their eyes were horrifying.

Regarding these, Chen Ming didn't care, walked directly through an alley, and walked to a place according to the memory of this body.

A temple that has long been abandoned, there is no human habitation in it, it is covered with dust, everything looks dirty, but it is just right for Chen Ming at the moment.

"What should I do next?"

Sitting in the ruined temple, Chen Ming thought about it.

His start was really bad. Not to mention that the object of his possession was a child, he still had no food or clothing, and even food was a problem.

The most important thing right now is to get rid of the current situation.

At least, the most basic problem of eating is always solved.

After eating a piece of white cake, Chen Ming managed to recover some strength, and then walked outside, ready to find a job.

After half a day.

"You know medicine?"

In a fairly spacious pharmacy, a middle-aged man looked at Chen Ming's little man with a surprised expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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