Sweeping the world

Chapter 214 Pharmacy Apprentice

Chapter 214 Pharmacy Apprentice
In front of the pharmacy, the middle-aged man was wearing a long white gown, and his face looked a little surprised.

Understanding pharmacology is not an easy task. Even if ordinary apprentices study for several years, they may not be able to master many things. It is not known how long it will take to become a teacher to heal alone.

It is really surprising that the boy in front of him looks so young, but he can achieve such accomplishments.

"In the next family, medicine has been passed down from generation to generation, so I know a little bit."

Chen Ming lied casually.

He naturally understands medicine.

Since ancient times, there is no distinction between medicine and martial arts. He has read all the classics, and he knows countless martial arts secrets.

Even if you come to this world, some medicines may be different, but the structure and basic physiology of the human body are common, no matter which world you are in.

"It's also a crime."

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Ming's appearance, felt his conversation like a scholar, and immediately believed him [-]%. After hesitating for a while, he said: "You are also a poor person. If that is the case, you are here with me Be an apprentice."

"Thank you."

Chen Ming nodded with a smile on his face.

In this way, he became an apprentice in this pharmacy.

There is no salary, but three meals are all included. Occasionally, if the business is good, and the middle-aged doctor is in a good mood, he can get two rewards.

For Chen Ming, although this start was not very good, he finally got rid of the previous state of lack of food and clothing, and there was a space for a safe transition.

that's enough.

So, for the next few days, he just stayed in this pharmacy. Apart from seeing a doctor and getting medicine, he was taking care of his body every day.

Soon, half a month passed quickly.

In a spacious courtyard, a small figure is doing morning exercises in the courtyard.

His hands and feet are waving, although the movement is very slow, but there is a unique sense of beauty, which is very eye-catching.

"The age of this body is still too young. Half a month of recuperation, except for adapting to this body, has little effect."

Chen Ming stopped the movement of his hands, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

He himself is a return to the source. If he is possessing an adult body at this moment, then even if he does not use the source power ability, he will have the confidence to quickly recover his cultivation.

But this body is somewhat different.

Children's bodies are too fragile, their blood energy and muscles are far inferior to those of adults, and the speed of recovery is really slow.

However, Chen Ming was not too anxious about this.

The passage of time in different worlds is different. As early as when he first came to this world, Chen Ming felt that the time in this world was very fast compared to Daqian.

The ratio is too specific to be clear, but according to Chen Ming's impression, it is roughly equivalent to the level of the past seven years here, and the past year of Daqian.

For such a long time, Chen Ming had the patience to wait slowly, waiting for the moment of harvest.

"However, on the other hand, some things should be experimented with"

With some dried medicinal materials skillfully packed in his hands, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

When he was in the world, he had obtained a practice method of the demon body in a forbidden place.

The origin of this method is strange, and it seems to contain malice and ominousness. When he was in the main world, Chen Ming definitely would not practice it, but in this world, there is no such problem.

He was just an incarnation, and the body he possessed was not his own body. If something happened to him, he would just abandon this body and walk away.

Moreover, there are some benefits for Chen Ming to practice this method.

Authentic practice of external kung fu focuses on tempering the body, while the practice of internal kung fu focuses on refining and transforming qi.These are too heavy for the body of a ten-year-old child, and it is destined to be difficult to practice.

There is no such problem in the method of magic door.

Moreover, compared with the normal methods, the magic way method takes a slanted sword and specializes in cunning ways. As long as you don't die, you often far surpass others in terms of entry.

"Sorcerer's Way."

A few hours later, after finishing the work in hand and comprehending the memories in his mind, Chen Ming walked to a place.

This is a dilapidated street, surrounded by refugees who have fallen to the ground, and there are wailing colors everywhere, resounding here.

If you look carefully, you can even see a few pale corpses from the corner.

These are refugees who came from the north. They usually nest in the city, relying on the city's once-a-day relief to barely survive, but they can barely make ends meet and struggle to survive.

However, it is not bad that these can go to the city, at least there is still a mouthful of food.

Those outside the city are the poor ones.

It is said that there is a plague outside now, and the places are afraid to accept the victims anymore.

Chen Ming walked in and attracted some people's attention, but they quickly turned their eyes away from him.

There was an illusory aura remaining on his body. People around him clearly saw him, but they would be confused by that aura and ignore him involuntarily.

So, he just stood there straight, and the refugees around him were like a tide, but no one noticed him.

Chen Ming just stood in a corner and closed his eyes silently.

On his body, the scriptures of the demon body slowly circulated, and in his induction, the surrounding world seemed to have changed.

The world is still the same world, the place is still the same place, but compared to before, there is something more at this moment.

Flames of life appeared in his senses one after another, and each flame looked so thin, as if it might be extinguished at any time.

And on these flames, some impurities with very different radiances began to appear.

Fear, bewilderment, madness, greed, despair... Many emotions emerged and crazily grew in the most violent desperate situation. At this moment, along with the operation of the scriptures, they poured into Chen Ming's body one by one.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chen Ming's body's experience and cultivation base rapidly improved, and the power of emotion was transformed into cultivation base, which was directly blessed on him.

At the moment of the blessing, a great sense of joy came, and many distracting thoughts were chaotic, infecting the mind for a short moment, and spontaneously connected, causing terrible thoughts to arise in Chen Ming's heart.

He wants to kill, capture all these people, torture them in the cruelest and cruelest way, let them die in extreme fear and resentment, and absorb their emotions.

"Fortunately, it is a magic book"

Chen Ming shook his head, a bright knife flashed in his mind, and all invisible distracting thoughts were skipped and cut off one by one, without shaking his mind at all.

He inherited the implication of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord, and the power of the mind is strong, and distracting thoughts can't shake his mind at all, so they can be ignored directly.

But he can ignore these, others can't.

It is conceivable that if one really practiced these magic scriptures all the year round and was infected by these distracting thoughts day and night, what would the whole person be like in the end?
I am afraid that even if he is not crazy, he will eventually become a real devil.

People from Buddhism, on the other hand, have a very high compatibility with these magic tomes.

Buddhist classics themselves attach great importance to the cultivation of spiritual power and the infection of Buddha nature. If you practice seriously, you will end up with a clear mind and deep Buddha nature.

At this time, if you practice the magic tome again, you can easily keep yourself pure, unlike ordinary people who are easily infected by magic and become lunatics and devils.

There is some truth in the so-called one thought becoming a demon and one thought becoming a Buddha.

Chen Ming was thoughtful, and after staying in place for a while, he left here.

In the days that followed, Chen Ming concentrated on practicing the magic tome, taking advantage of this unique environment to practice.

Time passed quickly, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

half year later.

"Ming'er, a guest is here."

The middle-aged doctor was wearing brown clothes, and when he saw someone walking in outside the door, he yelled.

"I'm coming."

A voice came, and then a figure walked out of the room.

It was a thin young boy who looked to be in his early ten years old, with long hair hanging down. Although he was still young, his appearance was very handsome and surprisingly delicate.

Although the young man was young, he was very agile in his work, behaved politely, and skillfully grasped the medicine, which surprised the people in the pharmacy.

"Pu Lao, you apprentice, you are really good-looking."

The person who came in to grab the medicine was a middle-aged woman. After seeing Chen Ming's appearance, she couldn't take her eyes away immediately, and looked at it several times: "And she also does things neatly, much better than others."


Pu Changlin laughed, but his face also looked a little smug: "The child is still young, so I can't help but praise, but Ming'er's qualifications are indeed the best I have ever seen."

"I have intentionally accepted him as a disciple, and inheriting my pharmacy in the future can be regarded as a way of earning a living."

This is intentional delivery of inheritance. Obviously, Chen Ming's performance in the past six months has made Pu Changlin very satisfied.

In the distance, hearing the two talking, Chen Ming raised his head and smiled towards this side. He didn't express much even after hearing Pu Changlin's words. He looked very stable and had a unique charm at a young age.

Considering his real age, this is actually as it should be.

"You came here to grab the medicine, is there something wrong with Mr. Yang's body?"

Looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him, Pu Changlin asked.


The middle-aged woman sighed softly, with a look of sadness on her face: "The previous days were fine, but recently, the wind and cold have intensified, and the old man's old problems have recurred. Recently, he has fainted several times .”

"Hey, after a while, let me finish what I'm doing, and I'll go to the mansion to show the old man for himself."

Pu Changlin sighed softly and spoke.

"So. That's okay"

The middle-aged woman nodded and said so.

After a while, her medicine was also finished, and Chen Ming took it over with his own hands.

"See you later, little guy, next time you are free, you can come to Yang's mansion to have fun."

The middle-aged woman smiled at Chen Ming, greeted him, and then went out and left this place.

"Yang Mansion. I don't know if it is the same as that day."

Looking at the figure of the middle-aged woman leaving, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and he wanted to turn around and go to pack the medicine basket.


On the side, Pu Changlin stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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