Sweeping the world

Chapter 215 Stars Entering the Body

Chapter 215 Stars Entering the Body
"Master, what's wrong?"

Chen Ming paused, looking at Pu Changlin not far away, with doubts on his face.

"The recent days have been a bit uneven. You usually stay in the pharmacy, so remember to be careful."

Looking at Chen Ming who was looking at him from a distance, Pu Changlin hesitated to speak, and finally sighed softly, and said so.

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded to show that he understood, then moved away and walked to the side, ready to pack his things.

"My cheap master doesn't seem to be simple"

Recalling Pu Changlin's words just now, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

In the past six months, staying in this pharmacy, apart from recovering his cultivation, he has not found nothing else.

The abnormality on Pu Changlin's body is one of them.

Almost every period of time, Pu Changlin had to make an excuse to leave. Every time he left, it seemed that there was a reason for it. It was natural for ordinary children to find nothing, but it was easy for Chen Ming to find that abnormality.

Every time he came back, Pu Changlin would be weak for a long time, as if he had fought a battle with others,

that night.

After Chen Ming finished his day's work and confirmed that Pu Changlin had fallen asleep, he walked into a courtyard alone.

"After half a year's accumulation, the practice accumulation of the magic tome is almost enough, and we can try to break through the second floor."

Walking in the courtyard, after finishing a set of punches and stretching his hands and feet, Chen Ming stood there, thinking alone.

The grimoires he studied progressed rapidly.

Now that half a year has passed, the surrounding refugee tide has gradually receded, and the original environment suitable for magic tome training has disappeared.

But even so, Chen Ming's own practice speed is also very fast. Even without the support of that kind of environment, after more than half a year, he has almost reached a peak at this moment.

This is because he is unwilling to use some insidious and cruel methods to speed up his cultivation. Otherwise, with the characteristics of the magic tome, the speed of cultivation will be even faster.

In the same place, Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes. In his body, wisps of devilish energy accumulated in the past half a year gradually rose up, gathering bit by bit into the five internal organs, and gradually condensed in the five internal organs.

This is gathering demon seeds.

Concentrate the devil seed with the essence of devil energy, and then use the devil seed as the basis to gradually transform one's own physique into the corresponding devil body.

Chen Ming's concentration of demon seeds at this moment, if put into a big job, is probably close to the level of a first-class master and a small success the day after tomorrow.

The step of condensing the demon seeds was not very smooth, but it was not difficult for Chen Ming.

For ordinary people, if they want to gather demon seeds, the biggest test is their own distracting thoughts.

When condensing the demon seeds, the distracting thoughts accumulated in the past will explode in one fell swoop, and if you can't keep your mind at that time, your mind will be exhausted and you will go crazy.

But this is naturally not a problem for Chen Ming.

Although he is studying magic tome, but the way he is walking is very correct. Except for the convenience of the environment at the beginning, he has been practicing honestly since then, and he has never used some insidious methods. Compared with other people in the magic way It can be said to be extremely clean.

Although this greatly reduced the speed of his grimoire practice, it also resulted in relatively few distracting thoughts accumulated in his mind, which could be easily resolved with his profound spiritual cultivation.

Wisps of demonic energy gradually rose, and within the five internal organs, crystal-clear demon seeds slowly formed and were about to condense successfully.

At this point, this time the breakthrough can be declared a success, and it can basically end.

However, at this moment, a change suddenly occurred.

In the same place, Chen Ming's heart moved, and he suddenly looked towards the sky.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just after the breakthrough at this moment, he only felt that the stars in the sky were extremely bright at this moment, and the brilliance of the stars made him stunned.

"This is not an illusion!"

The next moment, he reacted suddenly, looking at the sky in the sky, his face was a little stunned.

On the vast sky, a ray of starlight that seemed to be illusory but also seemed to be real suddenly fell down. In just a short moment, the vast starlight suddenly poured into Chen Ming's body, making him surrounded by starlight. At a glance, it looks like the Son of God falling from the stars, extremely sacred and stalwart.

A kind of mighty power was growing in his body, and Chen Ming suddenly discovered that in his body, a strange power was filling his body, causing his body that had just been strengthened by the devilish energy to expand again and quickly become stronger. A short period of time saves a long time of penance.

And in his mind, mighty stars emerged one after another, with different auras emerging from them.

Some are majestic and majestic, some are weird and inexplicable, some follow the way of military strategists, and combine righteousness and strangeness;
"These are the stars of this world, the stars?"

In the same place, Chen Ming frowned, a little dazed, but at the same time, there was a sense of understanding: "This is, let me choose one of these stars?"

"But, how should I choose?"

He first tried with his mind, trying to get close to the lofty and mighty Emperor Star.

A faint sense of traction came, and the Dixing in front of him was spontaneously pulling Chen Ming's will, as if he wanted to combine with his will.

Sensing this, Chen Ming stopped his actions, and did not make a rash choice.

Although it was the first time he encountered this scene, Chen Ming could feel that the choice this time was very important to him.

"Do you want to choose the one that suits you best?"

In the same place, Chen Ming muttered to himself: "In that case."

Thoughts circulated in my mind, and the next moment, a change suddenly occurred in that vast world of stars.

A vast god-man stepped out suddenly, and the mighty power of the gods swept across, almost crushing everything, horrifying the world.

The billowing baleful aura was sweeping, turning into smoke and filling the air. In the darkness, the god-man came to the world like a god of war, walking forward.

Survive in a hundred battles, transform the indestructible fighting spirit of metamorphosis into bones, extract the essence of various martial arts, and turn them into flesh and blood, but there is compassion hidden in a pair of eyes, between opening and closing, a wisp of great silence The transformation of Buddha's will made this God of War born for war a little more peaceful.

This god-man is none other than Chen Ming's soul, and it is also a portrayal of his soul, which is reflected at this key point at this moment.

As soon as the god-man came out, a hazy change occurred.

In the world of stars, the stars all over the sky suddenly brightened, and the stars that matched with it twinkled, bursting out with brilliance at this moment.

In the end, a ray of stars fell, and a majestic and peaceful star entered the body, and suddenly fell on Chen Ming.

"This is."

The star entered the body, and in an instant, Chen Ming knew the name of the star, and was a little dazed: "Wu Qu."

The sky and the stars penetrated the body, and at the moment when Wu Qu Xingchen entered the body, a force suddenly appeared in Chen Ming's body, and there was also an instinctive pull.

beat!Devour!hook up!

Through the light of the high stars in his body, Chen Ming suddenly understood something.

The sky is unfathomable, what is poured into the body at this moment is just a seed.

Through the corresponding method, the seeds in the body can be nourished and fed back into the body, making the body gradually become stronger, and finally completely merged with the stars, becoming the only incarnation of the stars on the earth.

"This feeling is special, is it a unique rule in this world?"

Feeling the star power surging in his body, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, recalling the scene just now, he was thoughtful.

Different worlds have different rules.

Just like in the world of King Wu, Chen Ming would be rejected by the world, in different worlds, there are different rules, and occasionally some unique phenomena will occur.

The scene in front of me is probably caused by the unique rules of this world.

As for why this scene happened, Chen Ming felt that it was mostly related to his promotion.

In the same place, he pondered for a while, then left and returned to his room.

In the distance, at the moment when Chen Ming broke through and hooked up with the power of the stars.

In the dark room, Pu Changlin woke up suddenly, looking at a certain direction in the distance, his eyes filled with fear: "It's so strong star power, someone awakened in the city, who is it?"

He sat on the head of the bed, feeling the mighty power of the stars just now, his eyes were full of surprise.

It's not that he has never seen the power of stars entering his body. He has seen it many times in his life. Although it is unexpected, it is not surprising.

But the star power that emerged this time was too strong, and that kind of star power was so strong that Pu Changlin had never seen it in his life.

According to common sense, the stronger the star power obtained when a star awakens, it means that the awakener's own aptitude is high enough.

With such a powerful gathering of star power at this moment, the aptitude of the awakened person tonight may be crazy enough, comparable to the top children of the stars.

"Also, look at the aura. The star awakened this time seems to happen to be Wuqu"

Feeling the majestic atmosphere, the peaceful and harsh atmosphere of the stars, Pu Changlin's heart moved: "It seems that there will be more troubles among the nations."

"Unfortunately, I don't have much time. Otherwise, I should find this person and teach him carefully, so as not to lead him astray in the future."

He sighed, raised his arm silently, looked at the scar on his arm and sighed deeply, and he gradually calmed down after a long time.

The next day, Chen Ming got up, found a bronze mirror, and looked at his appearance in this life.

The power of the stars entered his body last night, and a new wave of star power remained in his body, making him seem to have changed a little bit.

In the somewhat hazy bronze environment, Chen Ming's thin figure emerged, with long hair hanging loose, and a handsome and delicate face calm, but at this moment there are many golden textures on his body, starting from his arms, spreading all the way to his chest.

This is the star mark, the symbol and proof of the awakening of the stars, and also represents a unique mysterious power.

"It's a bit of an eyesore."

Looking at the very conspicuous golden star marks in the mirror, Chen Ming frowned. After thinking for a while, he deliberately put on another long-sleeved garment to completely cover up the golden marks on his body, and then walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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