Sweeping the world

Chapter 216 Unexpected arrival

Chapter 216 Unexpected arrival
Walking out of the door, Chen Ming came to the lobby of the pharmacy, and saw Pu Changlin sitting in front.

He seemed to have gotten up very early, sitting on the medicine cabinet at the moment, seemed to be thinking about something, and the whole person seemed a little silent.


Looking at Pu Changlin, Chen Ming was a little puzzled: "Why is it so early today?"

Usually, due to some unique reasons, Pu Changlin basically came late, and it was very rare for Pu Changlin to come early like today.


Hearing Chen Ming's words, Pu Changlin came back to his senses, smiled at Chen Ming, and said, "It's just that I get up early occasionally, let's see how you are doing here."

"But now it seems that there is no business."

"Master, you came too early."

Chen Ming shook his head, and said, "It's early in the morning, and the patients are still cooking. Who would come here early in the morning?"

"It makes sense."

Pu Changlin smiled, looked around, and said, "Okay, you go to work, I'll take a look here."

He looked at the familiar place around him and said so.

Hearing what Pu Changlin said, Chen Ming ignored him, picked up the medicine brush at the side, and went out to process a batch of medicinal materials.

Just as he walked outside the door, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his keen sense of spirit reminded him that someone seemed to be approaching in the distance.

He raised his head and looked, only to see in the distance, a child in shabby gray clothes running quickly.

"Is this Changlin Pharmacy?"

The child ran from a distance, and when he reached Chen Ming, he was already out of breath.

"There is something here, someone asked me to give it to Dr. Pu Changlin."

The child looked about seven or eight years old. Although he was dressed in shabby clothes, he was still very clever when looking at the mountains. At this moment, he looked at Chen Ming with big timid eyes full of curiosity.

Chen Ming took what the child handed over and found that it was a letter.

The letter was wrapped in yellow paper, with a seal on it, and a complex pattern like a tiger. From this look, it should represent someone's identity.

Chen Ming took the letter, looked at the leaving figure of the child in front of him, shook his head, walked directly into the pharmacy without thinking too much, and handed the letter to Pu Changlin.

"Where did you get this letter?"

Pu Changlin took the letter, saw the tiger pattern on the envelope, his expression changed suddenly, and he looked more dignified.

"A child gave it to me, why? Is there any problem?"

Looking at Pu Changlin's performance, Chen Ming asked with some doubts.

"No, nothing."

Pu Changlin shook his head, and said calmly, "It's just a letter from an old friend to me, an old guy."

"It's you, don't run around recently."

"The state of Qing in the north is negotiating with the state of Ye. You may call back when the negotiation fails. You should be careful during this time, and don't go out of the city if you have nothing to do."

"Also, after a while, I'm going to go on a long trip to meet an old friend. During this time, you should be honest and be careful."

He told Chen Ming carefully.

"I see."

Hearing Pu Changlin's words, Chen Ming was somewhat puzzled.

Pu Changlin's words contradicted himself a bit. On the one hand, he said that the situation outside was dangerous and asked Chen Ming to be careful, and on the other hand, he went out to visit friends by himself and wanted to travel far away.

Normally, shouldn't you wait for a while, and wait for the situation outside to stabilize before going out to have a look?

Chen Ming was puzzled in his heart, but he didn't say anything on the surface, he just nodded silently, and then continued to busy with the work at hand.

In the same place, looking at Chen Ming's busy figure, Pu Changlin smiled, but sighed softly in his heart. ,

"Brother, have you still found this place?"

Looking at the peaceful city outside, he sighed in his heart, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to be alone, early this morning, Pu Changlin asked Chen Ming to go down to rest, instead of letting the pharmacy open.

Chen Ming was surprised by this, but he didn't say anything. He nodded to Pu Changlin, then went out the gate and returned to his courtyard, ready to practice martial arts.

Pu Changlin was the only one left on the spot.

Sitting next to the medicine cabinet, he looked at the familiar furnishings and objects around him, and sighed in his heart.

He is not a native, not even a native of Ye country. He grew up in a foreign country since he was a child, and he came here because of an incident a few years ago.

This is not his hometown, but after a few years, it has become more meaningful to him, like his second hometown, which makes him miss it in his heart.

If possible, he didn't want to leave here.

"I am an old bone, and I will die when I die, but Ming'er is still young"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and this thought flashed through his mind, but the scene of his hometown inexplicably appeared in his mind.

"In my hometown, it should be snowing now, and I don't know what's going on now."

step on
In the distance, there was a slight sound of footsteps coming from outside, as if someone was walking towards here.

At this point in time, according to the usual inertia, most of the patients who came to seek treatment, maybe some of his acquaintances.

"Sorry, the pharmacy is closed today. If you want to get medicine and treat your illness, come and see it next time."

Without raising his head, he spoke softly.

"I didn't come to see a doctor to get medicine."

In the distance, a hoarse voice sounded, very ear-piercing.

Hearing this voice, Pu Changlin froze and raised his head slowly.

In the distance, a young man was standing there. His appearance was just ordinary, but his expression was a bit stern, with an indifference that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Just such an ordinary person, when Pu Changlin saw it, he immediately froze, his expression looked complicated, and finally he sighed deeply, and said, "Senior Brother Song"

"Junior Brother Pu, long time no see."

In the distance, the young man looked stern, looking at Pu Changlin in front of him, his eyes were indifferent and indifferent: "The star power is slack, the body is empty, and he looks like he is about to die."

"In just a few short years, you have become like this?"

Pu Changlin smiled wryly. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Brother, I."

He hesitated to speak, trying to say something, but was interrupted by the young man in front of him.

"I don't want to say any more. I'm here today, and I only want to ask one thing."

The young man looked at Pu Changlin with a stern face, and said coldly, "Hand over the things and read them in the same class, and I will let you go."


Hearing the young man's stern words, Pu Changlin showed a wry smile on his face: "If possible, I would also like to give that thing to you, but it is really not in my hands."

"So, you don't want to hand it over?"

The young man's face was stern, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Pu Changlin could only smile wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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