Sweeping the world

Chapter 217 Resolved

Chapter 217 Resolved
"There is a strange breath coming from a distance, and it seems to have some star power on it."

In a courtyard not far from the pharmacy, when the young man came here, Chen Ming felt something in his heart: "Do you want to go and have a look?"

He is very interested in the power of the stars in this world, and if he has the opportunity, he would like to see it to find out its secrets.

Before making a decision, a faint smell of blood suddenly came, making him frown, and looking into the distance, a bad premonition rose in his heart: "Master."

He bowed his head in thought for a moment, and finally stopped hesitating and walked forward slowly.

"Cough cough."

In the small medicine shop, medicinal materials were scattered all over the place, and bits and pieces of things were broken apart.

Pu Changlin coughed and backed away, choking on blood from the young man's beating, the front of his clothes was stained red with blood, and his whole face looked pale.

If you look carefully, you can find that there is a faint remnant of star power on his body, faintly floating in his body, connected to a star.

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

Looking at Pu Changlin's appearance, a sneer appeared on the young man's face: "Pu Changlin, the majestic master, was also a figure on the same side in the past, but now he can't even transform into a star power!"

"Brother, I feel aggrieved for you!"

"Cough cough."

Pu Changlin struggled to get up, even though he had fallen into the current situation, but he still had a smile on his face, and he didn't care about his own safety: "People always do this, I'm already dying , I think it’s pretty good to be able to maintain this situation.”

"But you didn't have to die!"

Song Jie's face was stern, with a fierce look in his eyes: "Brother, you know how important that thing is to me, brother! I must get it before I have a chance to go to the next step!"

"Hand over the things now, and I will spare your life!"

"If the thing is really in my hands, how can I not hand it over?"

Pu Changlin smiled wryly: "I already look like this, do I still expect that thing to do something for me? If I could give it to you, I would have given it to you."

"But now, that thing is really not in my hands."

"That thing was handed over to you by the master before he died."

Song Jie's face was stern, and he didn't believe Pu Changlin's words at all: "I saw this incident with my own eyes, there can be no falsehood."

"Now you say that the thing is not in your hands, so tell me, where did it go?"

Pu Changlin smiled wryly and opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end.

After a long time, he let out a sigh: "Forget it, senior brother, please do it."

"If I really do it, it will be more than the level in front of me."

Song Jie's face was indifferent, and there seemed to be no emotion in his eyes: "Qingguo Embroidered Guards, there are 72 kinds of torture, each of which is enough to make a man who is hard-fought speak. It's all sevens and eights, but I don't know how many you can hold, junior brother?"

"Of course, Junior Brother, you are an extraordinary person. Over the years, the feeling of star power eclipsing the body is no less severe than any torture. You can bear it, and I am no exception."

"But junior brother, you can do it, but you don't know, can the people around you, junior brother?"

Pu Changlin finally changed his color: "What do you want to do?"

"I'm not afraid to lie to you."

Song Jie's expression was indifferent: "King Qing has ordered troops to be dispatched, and the army of the Qing Kingdom is already on the way, and they will arrive here in a few days."

"When the army arrives, the whole city will be raised, and none of your relatives and friends will be able to escape, so all of them will come to me."

"For one's own selfishness, trap relatives and friends in unrighteousness."

"So, junior brother, are you satisfied?"


The smile on Pu Changlin's face disappeared, looking at Song Jie in front of him, his face was a bit ferocious at this moment: "Aren't you afraid of retribution if you do this?"


Song Jie stepped forward, raised his right hand, and swung a strong wind with one arm, one after another, directly hitting Pu Changlin with heavy blows, knocking him into the air, and choking blood.

Looking at Pu Changlin, who was lying on the ground with a ferocious and blood-red face, he sneered: "In this world, what will you give me as retribution?"

"Stop making trouble, obediently tell me what you know, otherwise."

He looked ruthless, and then suddenly looked to the corner of the room: "Who! ! '

A ray of starlight flickered, and a little bit of starlight stirred up, manifesting a figure in the corner.

After seeing the figure in the corner clearly, Song Jie heaved a sigh of relief.

Because the person standing there is not the master who is good at lurking as imagined, but just a boy in his early ten years old.

Children in their early ten years old, even if they have been trained since childhood, are also vulnerable in front of him, and they are not even close to the imaginary master.

"It really surprised me. Looking at him, he is the apprentice you accepted in this city. He looks quite delicate."

Looking at Chen Ming in the distance, Song Jie sneered: "Speaking of which, His Majesty King Qing likes handsome little boys. With his appearance, if he is castrated and sent to the palace, he must be very popular."

"It just so happens that this pharmacy will be closed soon, and becoming a eunuch in the palace is also a way out."


Pu Changlin stood up reluctantly, and shouted angrily: "Ming'er, go away!!"

"Go? Have you asked me!"

Song Jie sneered, and suddenly grabbed out an arm, and a little bit of star power remained in the midair, stirring thousands of times, and then there were waves of ripples, turning into a big hand that suddenly grabbed down, and grabbed Chen Ming in the distance.

In the distance, watching this scene quietly, Chen Ming turned around, the expression on his face did not change at all, it was always calm and indifferent.

"Have you been scared out of your wits?"

Looking at Chen Ming's reaction, Song Jie felt a little disdainful, and was about to turn around and look at Pu Changlin in front of him, wanting to observe his reaction.

His purpose was to get that thing back then, but Pu Changlin's temper was too stubborn, and he refused to tell the whereabouts of that thing no matter what, so that was the only way he could do it.

The next moment, he gradually felt that something was wrong, and the feedback from his hand felt something wrong, it didn't look like he had caught someone.

After a while, a sharp gust of wind came from one side.

Afterwards, he flew out directly.

Chen Ming walked out of the corner calmly, looking at Song Jie who was flying away from the blow, although his face was still calm, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

"Such a powerful body!"

In the distance, Song Jie got up quickly, looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Lian Shan was a little incredulous: "A mere child, how could it be."

Before he could finish a sentence, he was hit again.

In the same place, Chen Ming raised his hand, and the majestic force in his body pressed down. Suddenly, as if the space collapsed, pieces of starlight flickered out, illuminating the entire quiet room.

As Chen Ming's divine power condensed, golden lines emerged on his face, and the incomparably pure star power of martial arts penetrated directly like a golden halberd, turning into the most violent attack under Chen Ming's control .

"This is a star power possession!"

Looking at the star marks manifested on Chen Ming's mountains, not far away, Pu Changlin, who fell on the ground, was shocked: "And this star power is martial arts!!"

"Last night, the star with star power was Ming'er!"

He was shocked in his heart, it was hard to say what kind of mood he was feeling at this moment, it was extremely complicated and unbelievable.

On the other side, Song Jie's mood was not much better either.

"Wuqu, it's actually Wuqu!!"

Feeling the majestic atmosphere and the traces of the unparalleled star soul, Song Jie was shocked at first, and then overjoyed: "Good! Good! Good!"

"A star of the martial arts star, he is still so young, this trip is really not in vain!"

"Even if you don't have that item, just you alone, this trip is totally enough!"

With a sneer on his face, he strode forward, countless acupoints all over his body were flickering, and pure star power was stirring in them, as if they might explode at any time, erupting with terrifying power.

At this moment, the prestige that Song Jie erupted was astonishing, his whole body was filled with star power, and behind him, a blurry star map manifested, in which there seemed to be a more powerful and mighty force bred in it, and there was something on it. Little stars twinkled in the sky, emitting starlight, trying to suppress Chen Ming in front of him.

"It's almost close to the day after tomorrow."

Looking at Song Jie who was slowly approaching, Chen Ming calmed down and silently estimated the opponent's strength.

The strength of the acquired Xiaocheng, put it in the big team, is the level of a first-class master. Chen Ming has been practicing the magic tome in this world for half a year, and his cultivation level is almost the same.

In terms of cultivation, the two are roughly evenly matched, but Chen Ming's cultivation strength is completely solid, while the other party relies entirely on the blessing of the stars to have the current strength.

It was enough to deal with other people, but for a pure fighter like Chen Ming, it was big and inappropriate, and every move was full of mistakes and omissions.

So, he walked forward, took a step forward, made a fist mark with his right hand, and swung it lightly. The mighty fist was as powerful as a galloping horse, and he moved forward heavily. The gusts of wind burst out together, and exploded in an instant.

boom! !

It was just one punch, and under Song Jie's unbelievable eyes, the star power on his body disintegrated in large chunks, layers of star power were suppressed, and collapsed directly, unable to reappear automatically.

"Impossible, you obviously don't have the star power!"

His face was a bit ferocious, looking at the fist that was getting closer, a strong sense of danger rose in his heart, with the breath of death.

The next moment, his whole body was knocked into the air, a punch moved forward strongly, and the mighty star power rushed down at the same time, if the Tianhe was tilted, mighty and mighty, one would wash away the star map behind him.

Inside the small medicine shop, a star suddenly brightened, then quickly dimmed, and indistinctly, a piece of starlight spread, gradually returning to dullness.

Song Jie's face was ferocious, and now his body fell to the ground weakly, with a deep fist mark on his chest.

Looking at Song Jie's body, Chen Ming shook his head, then walked to the side, and carefully helped Pu Changlin who had fallen on the ground to his feet.

Being lifted up from the ground, looking at Song Jie's body in the distance, and Chen Ming beside him, Pu Changlin had a complicated expression on his face: "When did it happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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