Sweeping the world

Chapter 218 Stargazer

Chapter 218 Stargazer

"You mean those star power?"

Chen Ming helped Pu Changlin up, lowered his head and thought for a while: "It was probably yesterday."

Pu Changlin frowned, feeling a little moved in his heart: "You really just woke up last night?"

"What are you cheating on?"

Chen Ming smiled and said so.

It is true that the star power in him was only awakened last night.

As for the martial arts on his body, there is no need to explain it.

There seems to be no martial arts in this world, and some so-called martial arts practitioners only practice boxing skills.

In the past six months, Chen Ming practiced martial arts in front of Pu Changlin more than once, and he didn't see him say anything, he only thought it was a way to strengthen his body.

"It's really true that Wu Qu Xing enters his body overnight, and he can do this."

Pu Changlin had a wry smile on his face, feeling that he was more stimulated today than ever before.

At the same time, he felt a little rejoiced.

The situation just now was already a dead end, if Chen Ming hadn't stepped forward, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Compared to this, I'm more curious about you, Master."

Chen Ming helped Pu Changlin up and looked at him speechlessly: "What kind of thing is worth maintaining like this, even if it costs your life?"

"This isn't like you normally."

Having been together for half a year, both masters and masters have a certain understanding of each other.

From Chen Ming's point of view, Pu Changlin's temper may be a bit stubborn, but he is definitely not someone who is ignorant of current affairs. The behavior of preferring death to submission just now does not seem to be done by him.

No matter how precious that thing is, if people are dead, it will naturally be worthless.

Besides, judging from Pu Changlin's state, that thing may not be very good.

Otherwise, how could Pu Changlin look like this after guarding that thing for so many years?


Speaking of this, Pu Changlin sighed deeply, his face looked haggard: "Didn't I say that, that thing is really not in my hands."

"Not in your hands?"

Chen Ming looked surprised: "Master, I'm your apprentice, so there's no need to lie to me, right?"

"Why did I lie to you?"

Pu Changlin said angrily: "Is your master such a person who is not afraid of death? If the thing is really in my hands, I would have handed it over!"

"I watch"

Chen Ming stared at Pu Changlin's appearance carefully, and finally smiled and said: "It's really not very similar."

After the words were finished, he didn't ask any more questions, turned around, walked aside silently, and went to decoct medicine for Pu Changlin.

During the fight just now, Pu Changling was badly injured by Song Jie, and he couldn't move at this moment. If it wasn't for his weak body, he might not even be able to speak at this moment.

If there were no accidents, he might have to lie on the bed for a long time.

"You boy!"

Listening to Chen Ming's words, Pu Changlin shook his head, a little speechless, then watched his movements, and said again: "You don't want to know what that thing is?"

"Master, if you want to say something, you will naturally say it. If you don't want to say it, it's useless to ask."

In front, Chen Ming skillfully packed up all the things, and said at the same time: "I asked too much, maybe you thought I was thinking about that thing and wanted to grab it too."

"If it was someone else, maybe I would be worried, but Ming'er, you will never be like this."

Pu Changlin shook his head and said, "Ming'er, your spirit is the purest I feel, different from those ordinary people."

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head without saying anything.

After a while, he cleaned up the messy pharmacy, and helped Pu Changlin into a room.

"In this world, all living beings have spirits in their bodies, but there are differences in strength, weakness, and inclination."

"The heavens and the earth also have spirits. The infinite stars in the sky are the spirits of the heavens and the earth."

In the room, Pu Changlin told Chen Ming about the practice in this world in a serious manner: "Through your own spirit, resonate with the spirit of the heaven and the earth, so as to obtain the power between the heaven and the earth, this is practice."

"In some places I have stayed in, if ordinary people want to embark on the road of cultivation, they must start from sensing the astrology. Through visualization and sensing the astrology, they can gradually obtain a ray of inspiration from the world and make their own spirit stronger. , in order to embark on the road of stargazers.”

"Then what's going on in my situation?"

Listening to Pu Changlin's narration, Chen Ming nodded first, and then asked with some doubts.

He has never been in touch with the practice system of this world, and he has never visualized the so-called star map, but somehow sensed the stars and embarked on the so-called stargazer road.

Speaking of this, Pu Changlin had a strange expression on his face: "This is about those special people."

"Ordinary people who want to embark on the road of practice need to constantly visualize the star map, hoping that one day they will be recognized by the stars and be conceived by star power."

"But there is still a kind of people in this world. Their spirits are naturally powerful and have reached a certain extreme. They don't need to visualize the star map, and they can be recognized by the stars naturally, and they can directly become a stargazer."

"This type of person is also known as a born star. As long as he doesn't die in the middle way, he will definitely do something in the future."

Having said this, Chen Ming understood a little.

Although the spirit of this world does not know what it refers to specifically, it is mostly related to the soul.

Chen Ming possessed his body to shuttle, although the main body never came, but the tyrannical spirit was not compromised, maybe at the beginning, it reached the so-called standard of pulling the stars in this world, so even if there is no special star map method, it can be easily done Connecting the stars, reaching the lowest threshold for stargazers in this world.

"Traveling the stars only needs to be up to the standard, so why is it Wuqu?"

Looking at Pu Changlin in front of him, Chen Ming asked again.

"Tianxing traction, all pay attention to a fit."

Pu Changlin sighed deeply: "The star you linked to is Wuqu, which means that you are most compatible with Wuqu."

"This is a good thing, but now, it is also the thing that worries me the most"

"How to say?"

Chen Ming raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Wu Qu's star life, although not as good as Ziwei, Sun, Taiyin and other stars, but it is also among the best, among the top ten."

Pu Changlin opened his mouth and stared at Chen Ming for a long time: "Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?"

With a calm face, Chen Ming asked.

"This means that your future obstacles are also unprecedentedly huge."

Pu Changlin stared at Chen Ming for a long time before he let out a sigh: "You know, this life can also be plundered."

"There are star formations in this world, which can plunder other people's star lives, transfer them to others, and forcibly obtain other people's star lives."

"The price of this kind of star array is very high. It's fine if you have an ordinary star life, but you are the star life of Wuqu, but you are not from a noble family, and you have no elders to protect the way!"

"Once you are exposed, the big clans in this world will definitely look for you like crazy! The purpose is to catch you and send you to the altar! Just to take even a tiny bit of star life from you!"

"So, do you understand?"

He looked at Chen Ming and said in a deep voice.

Listening to his narration, Chen Ming frowned secretly in front of him. Although his face was still calm, it also meant the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

According to what Pu Changlin said in front of him, his martial arts star fate is completely a piece of meat for people in this world. Once a piece of Tang monk meat that has been cleaned is exposed, everyone will come up and take a bite.

The troubles involved can be imagined.

Looking at the handsome and tall Chen Ming in front of him, Pu Changlin sighed softly.

In front of Chen Ming, there were some things he hadn't said yet.

The biggest trouble in awakening the life of Wuqu star is not those who try to take the life of Wuqu star.

The real danger is the other awakened Wuqu Xingming.

Wu Qu!

This is definitely the pinnacle star destiny. In this world, Ziwei is scattered and the sun and the moon are not out, so the Wuqu and other stars are the most powerful.

Martial arts master martial arts, and now the countries have been in chaos for hundreds of years, and the perennial battles have spawned many killing stars and martial arts stars.

Among them, there are not a few awakeners of Wuqu.

If an awakened star can kill the existence of the same kind of star, he can completely capture the opponent's star and make his own star more vigorous.

Among the other martial arts awakeners among the nations, none of them are easy to live to the present. If Chen Ming, a martial arts awakener, is discovered, what will happen then?
According to the characteristics of Wu Xingming's life, I believe that it will never be a happy and harmonious one, most likely there will be people splashing blood, and the most terrifying and terrifying battle will happen.

Thinking of this, Pu Changlin sighed deeply, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, his eyes gradually became firm.

This is his disciple, and also the child he regards as a younger generation, and he has awakened the star life of Wuqu, and has a bright future in the future.

He couldn't just watch his disciples fall into danger, so he had to do something.

"Ming'er, go pack your things!"

He struggled to get up, looked at Chen Ming in front of him, and said: "The army of the Qing Kingdom is coming soon, and when the time comes, this neighborhood will become a dangerous situation."

"We must leave as soon as possible!"

Although Song Jie died, what was not considered dead was of no value.

Before his death, he told the news that the Qing army was coming, and Pu Changlin kept it in his heart.

Of course, even without this news, they would have to leave here.

No matter what, Song Jie was a stargazer, and even a member of the Qing Kingdom.

If he died here like this, someone would probably come to investigate afterward, and he would also face the pursuit of the Qing Kingdom.

Rather than waiting passively like this, it is better to leave immediately, pick out this fish pond, and go to the outside world to find life.

In the same place, Chen Ming also understood this truth, nodded slightly at this moment, turned around directly, and went down to prepare.

There are many things in Pu's pharmacy, but there are not many valuable things.Pu Changlin's net worth is also much stronger than imagined, so there is no need to care about these properties.

Before leaving, Chen Ming asked Pu Changlin for his opinion, and refunded the medical expenses of some people who came to seek medical treatment during this period. Some familiar pharmacies for treatment.

Two days later, Chen Ming took Pu Changlin away.

(End of this chapter)

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