Sweeping the world

Chapter 219 The Old Man

Chapter 219 The Old Man
The wilds of this world are wild.

Taking Pu Changlin with him, Chen Ming went out of the city all the way, and walked along a small road for a long time. After walking for many days, he finally walked out of the range of Yecheng.

Pu Changlin's injuries were serious, and he couldn't go on the road with Chen Ming at all. He could only lie in the carriage and leave in the carriage.

This greatly slowed down the travel speed, so that Chen Ming only needed half a day's journey alone, but it took them half a month to complete the journey.

"After passing this mountain, you will be outside the scope of Yecheng."

On the carriage, Pu Changlin said, barely standing up, looking out of the carriage, with nostalgia in his eyes.

"This road is very difficult to walk. There are many savages in it as bandits, and they usually harm the village, which is very troublesome."

"But because of this, Qing's army is unlikely to come from this direction."

Combined with the current form, he judged so.

The news that Qing State was planning to attack Ye City was concealed. At this moment, on the surface, peace talks between Qing State and Ye State were still underway, and the envoys of both sides were still negotiating.

The road in front of me is not only full of mountain roads, but also many savages are hiding here. If the army passes by, it is likely that they will be discovered halfway.When the time comes, one will spread ten, ten will spread one hundred, so why talk about raids?
So going this way is the safest for Chen Ming and Pu Changlin at the moment.

As for the savages and bandits along the road, it was not a problem for Chen Ming.

After confirming the next moving route, the two of them decided to continue walking on the road.

After a while, at noon, the two stopped, and Chen Ming got off the carriage, and went to the side to live and cook.

"Ming'er, how do you remember the star map?"

Sitting down, after Chen Ming finished his work, Pu Changlin asked.

"Ninety percent of them have been memorized, and the rest can be fully memorized before tonight."

Chen Ming spoke, the content of the words made Pu Changlin on the opposite side speechless for a while.

"It's only been three days, have you remembered [-]% of it?"

Pu Changlin took a deep look at Chen Ming, and at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Chen Ming's progress was really too fast.

Ever since Chen Ming took action that day, in order for Chen Ming to truly embark on the path of stargazer, Pu Changlin gave Chen Ming the basic visualization star map.

Although it is only the most basic way to visualize the star map, its difficulty is far from being called basic. If ordinary people were to visualize it, they might not be able to complete it for several years.

But Chen Ming visualized [-]% of the star map in just three days.

Even if it is known that those who can awaken their star life are all so-called monsters, but the current speed is too frightening, and Pu Changlin can't sit still.

After helping Pu Changlin into the carriage and letting him rest in it, Chen Ming did not leave, but sat down here quietly, and slowly closed his eyes.

In his mind, the majestic soul danced, and a vast and complex star map emerged, brightening up in his mind.

"It turns out that the so-called process of visualizing the star map itself is a kind of tempering of the soul."

Feeling the power of spirit rapidly consumed in his mind, Chen Ming was thoughtful.

Cultivation in this world is very interesting. The starting point of practice does not start with tempering the body, but directly starts with the soul.

The so-called visualization of the star map is to draw it in the mind with the power of spirit, and it can exercise the spirit in the process of visualization.

Chen Ming could feel that even with his tyrannical spirit as he is now, when he visualized the star map, it had an extremely significant effect.

This is just a basic star map, and it has such an effect. If it is a more advanced star map, the effect will be even more amazing.

"This trip to the world, even if there is no other gain, just these star maps are enough."

Chen Ming felt a little joyful as he felt that his spirit was being tempered and strengthened.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked into the distance with some vigilance.

In his tyrannical spiritual induction, he seemed to feel someone in the distance, and there was a faint cry of killing.

Someone is fighting in the distance, and it should not be far from here.

Feeling this, Chen Ming got up from the spot and looked in the direction of the carriage.

In the carriage, Pu Changlin was still resting in it. He seemed to have fallen asleep, and his breathing sounded very steady.

Chen Ming stretched out his hand, leaving a trail of devilish energy on the carriage, covering up the aura of strangers on the carriage, then left, and walked forward slowly.

It's not that he wants to meddle in other people's business, it's just that the people fighting in front seem to be blocking the way for Chen Ming and the two of them to walk next.

Not long after, Chen Ming came to a level ground.

On the flat ground, strands of blood were scattered everywhere, and the green lawn was tinged with bright red.

A brutal fight took place here, and the two groups of people were fighting here, and they were jealous of each other.

One of them is mixed with people, including savages and some people in leather armor. It seems that they should be local bandits.

As for the other side, there was a convoy of hundreds of people, including guards, old and weak women and children, and their families. It didn't look like a caravan, but rather a large family fleeing for refuge.

At this moment, these refugees overturned the carriage and were fighting with others while hiding behind the carriage, but they gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Their fighting power is really too small. Although there are a lot of people, most of them are women, children and family members who have no fighting power. There are very few people who can really go forward to fight.

On the other hand, although the number of people on the other side is only half of them, they are all desperadoes licking blood.

The time is not long at this moment, and he can barely resist. When the time passes, I am afraid that he will be taken down sooner or later.

Seeing this, Chen Ming shook his head, and secretly let go of what was in his heart.

Although it was guessed before that most of the army of the Qing Kingdom would not go this way, but everything is not afraid of [-], just in case.

So Chen Ming confirmed it himself.

If it wasn't for the overwhelming army, it would be nothing to Chen Ming, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

He didn't have any thoughts of being nosy, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a sound attracted Chen Ming's attention.

"Beast! Beast!"

A spear flew from a distance, although it did not cause any hindrance to the guards, it directly hit the body of a seven or eight-year-old child with frostbite, and the death could not be more dead.

Inside the gorgeous carriage, an old man rushed out, howling.

He was thin and thin, and he looked to be in his sixties. He had reached the age of retirement. Looking at the dead body of the child in front of him, his whole body was trembling with anger.

Seeing this figure, Chen Ming paused, a little surprised: "It's him?"

(End of this chapter)

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