Sweeping the world

Chapter 220 The Yang Family

Chapter 220 The Yang Family
When Chen Ming traveled to this world just now, the identity of this body was a beggar.

At that time, he just arrived, weak and without food and clothing, but an old man gave him three big cakes.

But at this moment, the old man with a trembling body and a somewhat thin figure in front of him is the one from before.

"The Yang family."

Chen Ming turned around and looked around for a moment. After confirming the origin of this group of people, he hesitated for a while, and finally walked forward.

A majestic strong wind enveloped the four fields, and in the entire sky, the originally extremely bright sun seemed to be dimming, and there were a little cloudy clouds on it, and there was a martial arts star with the aura of iron and blood fighting Flashing brilliance, a red starlight appeared indistinctly, which seemed to indicate something.

Chen Ming walked forward alone, and his figure was quickly spotted.

"Where is the little doll?"

A savage bandit smiled ferociously, and looked at Chen Ming walking in the distance without paying attention. He waved the big hammer in his hand, and swung it forward heavily.

He didn't pay attention to Chen Ming in front of him, he just thought that he was a fish that slipped through the net from the people surrounded inside and could be hammered to death at will.

However, the force from his hand was very wrong, and he didn't have the refreshing feeling of hitting someone.

Before he could react, he flew out the next moment.

With a calm face, Chen Ming just walked forward.

He has a thin figure and a handsome appearance. At this moment, he is unknowingly shrouded in a layer of divine light, and a faint radiance surrounds him, making him look like a son of God.

In the same place, he walked through the blood, but wherever he went, everyone was directly shaken and sent flying by the mighty star power.

In the dark, a mighty star shone slightly, and with Chen Ming's movements at this moment, the brilliance on the star gradually brightened.

"What monster is this!"

The people around were stunned, and after a while, a wildling warrior who spoke an unfamiliar language came roaringly, the blade in his hand was still bloody.

Chen Ming raised his head, raised his right arm, curled up his slender and fair five fingers like a horned dragon, and squeezed them into a complex fist shadow. The mighty star power was concentrated in it, and then squeezed hard.

boom! !

Violent punches erupted, and the star power spread out in mid-air, bursting with brilliance for a moment, obviously standing there motionless from the beginning to the end, but erupting with terrifying power enough to make people tremble.

With one blow, dozens of savage warriors flew horizontally and slammed into the distance, and the rest didn't dare to stay any longer, trembling in both hands, and ran to the distance like crazy.

In situ, there was a burst of bloody smell.

After killing dozens of people in one breath, a warm current surged from all parts of his body, and the cultivation base of the secret code was promoted to a higher level in just an instant, saving Chen Ming for several months in an instant. Penance.

Not only that, after the murder, the life of the Wuqu star on him seems to have increased, and the connection with the Wuqu star has become closer.

This is quite understandable.

Wu Qu is Wu Xing, the master of killing and conquest.As the star master of Wuqu, killing his opponents, he somehow matched the fate of the star of Wuqu, making the fit between the two even closer.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming took a deep breath, suppressing the strange feeling coming from his body, then turned around, raised his head and looked forward.

In front, the savages and bandits scattered in all directions, most of them fell under the blow just now, and the rest also fled in fear, not daring to appear in front of Chen Ming.

Chen Ming didn't have the intention of going forward to chase after him. He calmed down and turned around calmly, looking in the direction of the convoy.

After the scene just now, the people in the motorcade hadn't reacted yet, they just stared blankly at Chen Ming's figure with deep awe in their eyes, not knowing what to do for a moment.

To them, Chen Ming was a dangerous person, even though he helped them expel the thieves, he didn't know the purpose, and the friend and foe were not yet clear.

However, Chen Ming didn't care about these people's opinions, he just calmly looked into the distance, in the direction where the old man was.

In the middle of the motorcade, the old man was staring at him at the moment, looking at him with some dignity, it seemed like he didn't recognize Chen Minglai.

It's no wonder, after all, it was just a one-sided relationship, and after half a year, Chen Ming's body has changed a lot, and it's normal if he can't recognize him, and it's not surprising.

Chen Ming had no intention of stepping forward to explain, and after confirming that the other party was fine, he turned around and left.


A familiar shout came and stopped Chen Ming.

In the middle of the motorcade, a middle-aged woman with a good figure and rather delicate appearance quickly stepped out of the carriage, seeming to recognize Chen Ming.

Seeing this person, Chen Ming was taken aback.

He was very familiar with the middle-aged woman in front of him. When he was in the pharmacy, he often came out to get medicine for some old people in Yang's mansion. He liked Chen Ming very much.

But I didn't expect to meet again in this place.


Yang Qingyi strode up to Chen Ming, and after seeing Chen Ming's appearance, his face was full of surprises: "It's really you!!"

"How did you come here?"

"Auntie Qing."

Looking at Yang Qingyi in front of him, Chen Ming smiled and asked, "Why are you here?"

"We are leaving Yecheng."

Speaking of this, Yang Qingyi's face darkened: "What's the specifics, I don't know what the situation is, it's just that the master fell ill some time ago, and after he recovered, he sold a lot of property, and left with his clan and moved to other places .”

She didn't seem to know the inside story of this matter, nor did she understand the real reason for leaving Yecheng, but she just passively left with her tribe.

Of course, from the perspective of the Yang family, this kind of thing is completely understandable.

If the news of the Qing army's attack had been made public from the very beginning, it would be more troublesome to do some things when people were panicked, and accidents would easily occur. It would be better to leave in the name of relocation.

Judging from their current situation, they obviously started to leave a long time ago, but the number of people was too large and they brought their families with them, so the schedule was delayed.

"I saw a lot of thieves along the way, but they were all repulsed. The gang I met the most on the road just now. Fortunately, Xiao Ming, you arrived in time, otherwise I don't know how many people will die."

Yang Qingyi sighed lightly, and after a while, looking at Chen Ming, he hesitated to speak: "Xiao Ming, what's the matter with you?"

She looked at Chen Ming and asked, obviously curious about what Chen Ming had just shown.

"Something happened and then something was gained."

Chen Ming nodded, then turned and looked ahead.

In front, the people of the Yang family were clearing up the battlefield and treating some wounded. Occasionally, someone would secretly look at him. Because of Yang Qingyi, the original vigilance had disappeared.

Finally, in Chen Ming's sight, a carriage appeared.

The carriage looked very ordinary, and there was nothing special about it. There were some embroidery on the cloth, and it seemed that the people sitting inside should be female relatives.

A hazy feeling came from the carriage, making Chen Ming's heart skip a beat.

"The breath of star power, is a stargazer sitting in this carriage?"

Chen Ming withdrew his gaze from the carriage, and this thought flashed in his mind.

"Ming'er, do you want to go with us?"

In front of him, Yang Qingyi asked: "Walking alone, is it dangerous in this wasteland? Let's walk together, at least there is one between us."

"Master and I are used to walking alone, so I won't go with you, Auntie Qing."

Chen Ming withdrew his gaze, said like this, and then asked: "Which lady is sitting in that carriage?"

"Not any lady."

Yang Qingyi shook his head: "That's the carriage of Third Miss Yang Liuru."

"Wild Willows"

Secretly writing down the name, Chen Ming nodded to Yang Qingyi, and then turned around and left without intending to stay here for too long.

After he left, amidst the commotion, Yang Qingyi walked to the carriage that Chen Ming had been watching before, and said softly, "Miss, he's gone."


There was a faint sound from inside the carriage, and then a petite girl with a pale face walked slowly.

She looked as if she had suffered from a serious illness, and her skin was extremely pale, and she looked bloodless.

Between her brows, a little golden star mark emerged, proving her identity as a stargazer again.

"It's such a terrifying star power. With one blow, hundreds of people can be easily changed. How can you do this at this age?"

Her face was pale, she looked at the little trace left by Chen Ming just now, stood there and muttered to herself: "What kind of star did he awaken?"

"Miss, are you alright?"

On the side, Yang Qingyi looked at her worriedly, and said, "I'll just handle the outside affairs, you'd better go in and have a good rest."

"I am fine."

Yang Liuru shook his head, and said, "Qing Kingdom's army is coming soon, and there will be even more chaos around here."

"We must hurry up and try to leave this mountain within half a month."

When Chen Ming returned to the original place, in the carriage, Pu Changlin was still soundly asleep, apparently sleeping soundly.

Chen Ming didn't bother him, just sat on the side silently, and waited for more than half an hour before he saw Pu Changlin wake up.

"Is that so?"

Listening to Chen Ming's narration of the matter just now, Pu Changlin was a little surprised, but also a little stunned: "So it is, so it is."

"If you say that, it's completely right."

He told Chen Ming about some past events: "More than a year ago, people from the Yang family often came to my door and asked me for some special things. Now it seems that they are for this awakened star."

"Unexpectedly, there are two awakened stars in a mere industry city."

He shook his head, a little surprised at this.

The awakened star is so rare, in normal times, even if decades pass by in a place, there may not necessarily be a born star.

Although Yecheng is not small, it is actually not a big deal in the world.

In such a small place, in just a few years, two stars appeared in succession.

This had to surprise Pu Changlin.

(End of this chapter)

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