Chapter 221
"However, if this is the case, their purpose is very clear."

Pu Changlin shook his head and said, "An awakened Xingzi, this kind of person is extremely rare no matter where he is, and he can be regarded as the arrogance of heaven."

"There are also people who are knowledgeable in the Yang family, and they must be planning to take the doll away, using this as an opportunity to join a certain sect handed down from generation to generation."

"Sounds good."

Chen Ming was packing up his things. Hearing Pu Changlin's words, he asked curiously, "What about us?"

"It's hard to leave from the industry city, have you thought about where to go next?"

Looking at Pu Changlin, he asked curiously.

Chen Ming didn't really care about where he was going.

For him, this trip only needs to practice the magic book on his body once, even if he has achieved his goal, as for the awakened star power and star map on his body, it is completely incidental.

Strictly speaking, Chen Ming didn't care where he went next, he just needed a safe place for him to practice martial arts well.

However, he was still a little curious about Pu Changlin's next itinerary.

Mentioning this, Pu Changlin's face became a little melancholy, and his face full of vicissitudes seemed to have some color.

"Didn't you ask me before, where did the thing that my senior brother came to look for go?"

He looked at Chen Ming with a complicated expression on his face; "Now let me tell you, I gave that thing to someone else."

"The place we went this time is where this person is."

Chen Ming was silent, looking at Pu Changlin's face at this moment, he always felt that the other party seemed to have a story to tell.

"That person is very important to you?"

After being silent for a while, looking at Pu Changlin's face, Chen Ming asked, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have given that thing to him, would you?"

"That person is my wife."

Pu Changlin's face was complicated, and he said, "Not only my wife, but also my daughter is also there.",

"It sounds pretty good."

Chen Ming turned around, looked at Pu Changlin's appearance, and said, "Then if you go this time, it can be regarded as a family reunion."

Pu Changlin nodded, and then shook his head with a wry smile: "Our goal this time is the Yuanyue Sect of Qiongyuan Kingdom, a small stargazer sect. Although it is not a top-level inheritance, it is responsible for your early teaching. It's enough."

"When we get there, I will also find an opportunity to arrange a baptism for you, so that your star life can be awakened more thoroughly."

He said so, without saying more.

Chen Ming didn't ask any questions, just stood there quietly, watching Pu Changlin alone, sighing secretly.

Time passed gradually, and in the blink of an eye, more than three months had passed.

They walked out of this mountain range, completely out of the range of Ye Country, and came to a new country.

Qiong Yuan Kingdom!
The strength of this country seems to be far stronger than the previous Ye country, even a random frontier city is bigger and more prosperous than the Yecheng where Chen Ming stayed before.

However, they did not stay in the city for a long time. After a short rest, they immediately started their journey again and arrived at a hidden place in Qiongyuan Kingdom.

"Pu Changlin, you still know to come back to see me!!"

In a gorgeous hall, a roar came from afar.

Hearing the sound, Chen Ming turned around and saw a beautiful woman in Taoist gown striding towards her with a look of displeasure on her face.

She came striding forward from a distance, every inch of her skin was as white as jade, holding a [-]-year-old girl by her right hand, walking so fast.

"Seven years! For seven years, Pu Changlin, tell me why you only came to me now!!"

The woman in Taoist robes was named Wang Lingmiao, Pu Changlin's married wife, and she seemed to have a very sharp personality.

Beside her, the little girl led by her looked a little shy. At the moment, she was led by Wang Lingmiao, hiding behind her, looking at Chen Ming and the two timidly, looking very shy.


Looking at Wang Lingmiao approaching from a distance, Pu Changlin sighed softly and said, "I"

He seemed a little speechless, although he wanted to say a lot in advance, but at this moment he couldn't say anything, he just sighed deeply and said nothing.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Lingmiao snorted softly, but did not continue speaking in front of everyone, but turned around and looked at Chen Ming: "Who is this?"

She looked at Chen Ming with some doubts in her eyes, and looked at Pu Changlin and asked.

"This is... the apprentice I have accepted in the past few years, he can be regarded as my successor."

Pu Changlin said, looking at the girl behind Wang Lingmiao.

Behind Wang Lingmiao, the young girl's appearance was delicate and innocent, and she looked at Pu Changlin curiously at this moment, with a little bewilderment in her eyes.

Feeling this scene, Pu Changlin sighed secretly, it was difficult to express his feelings for a while.

I haven't seen her for several years, and the daughter has grown up, but she has also forgotten her father's appearance, and feels strange to him.

"Let's go out and talk."

He turned around, looked at Wang Lingmiao in front of him and said, "Let Ling'er and Ming'er stay here for a while."

"it is good."

Hearing that Pu Changlin was so tall, Wang Lingmiao's complexion softened a little, she lowered her body, and spoke softly: "Ling'er, take your junior brother out for a stroll."

After finishing the words, she and Pu Changlin walked towards the side room, leaving it to Chen Ming and the girl.

Watching the figures of the two of them disappear in place, Chen Ming turned around and looked at the girl in front of him.

Coincidentally, the girl in front of her also turned around and was looking at him at the moment

"Master and brother"

She looked a little shy and a little nervous, and after a while, she said, "Shall I take you out to have a look?"

Chen Ming smiled, with a smile on his face, which made the girl in front of her lower her head nervously: "Okay."

"You have old injuries on your body, the star power on your body is slack, and the star chart is almost about to collapse."

In the quiet room, feeling the situation on Pu Changlin, Wang Lingmiao frowned and said, "Who did it?"

Seeing that Pu Changlin didn't speak and was just silent, he quickly realized: "Is it your brothers?"

There was a fierce light in her eyes, and her face suddenly became fierce: "I'll kill them!!"

"It's all over."

Looking at Wang Lingmiao's appearance, Pu Changlin said helplessly: "Let him pass on the past."

"What happened back then, after all, I was sorry for the teacher, and I will be reduced to the current result, and it is my own fault."

"What's your own fault?"

Wang Lingmiao sneered disdainfully: "You still have such a temper, mother-in-law."

"A dignified man, if you do something, do it, what are you hesitating about?"

"You hide outside and dare not come to see me, because you are afraid that I will kill you, so kill all your senior brothers!"

 No, I really can't finish Chapter 3 tonight, I can only do one chapter, and I will make it up tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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