Sweeping the world

Chapter 222-Baptism

Chapter 222-Baptism
"You are still the same as before, so angry."

There was a wry smile on Pu Changlin's face, Rao had been prepared in his heart, and he didn't know what to say at this moment.


Wang Lingmiao looked sternly, looked at Pu Changlin, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Come this time, don't leave, just stay here."

"After a while, I'll find a way to help you heal your injuries."

"it is good."

Pu Changlin nodded, and at this moment, he hesitated and said: "I came to you this time, not only to see you, but also for my disciples."

"Ming'er is my new disciple. She has become a stargazer at a young age, with outstanding talent."

"So, I want to use the thing from that year to baptize him."

"You want to baptize him with Xingyun?"

Wang Lingmiao's face turned cold instantly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"The remaining power in that piece of star rhyme is running out. If you baptize him, what will happen to Linger?"

"That Xingyun, when I gave it to you back then, its power was almost exhausted, and it was only enough to baptize Ling'er once."

Pu Changlin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "But after so many years, the power in that piece of star rhyme should have recovered a lot, no matter what, it should be enough for another baptism."

"Ling'er is not the only one who wants to be baptized!"

Wang Lingmiao's face was stern, and at this moment she seemed very uncomfortable to speak: "The son of Prince De, is talented and intelligent, and has been friends with me Yuanyue for generations. I have intended to betroth Linger to him. This time the baptism opportunity is prepared for him. .”

Pu Changlin frowned, looked at Wang Lingmiao in front of him and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he just sighed lightly and didn't say much.

"Anyway, I gave you that star rhyme. Now I want to use it to baptize my disciple, can't I?"

After being silent for a long time, he opened his mouth, looked at Wang Lingmiao in front of him, and said so.

But with his appearance, all he got was a cold face.

"The baptism of Prince De's son was decided half a year ago, and it is impossible to change it. If you want to baptize your good disciple, let him wait a few more years!"

Wang Lingmiao said in a cold voice, then turned and left.

on the other side.

"The practice of stargazers can be roughly divided into three levels, that is, the initial stargazing, attracting star power into the body, and then gathering star points and constructing a star map."

In a garden, Pu Ling'er explained to Chen Ming in a low voice.

Perhaps it was because of Chen Ming's seemingly young age, Pu Ling'er seemed very friendly to Chen Ming, and in just a short while, the two became very familiar.

Under her whispered explanation, Chen Ming also had some understanding of the practice system in this world.

The stargazer system in this world, at the beginning, needs to visualize the star map to strengthen the spirit, and only when the spirit is strong enough to pull the star power into the body can one truly be called a stargazer , truly has the mighty power to become a saint.

The star power will nourish the body and make the soul more powerful. At the same time, the powerful soul can also mobilize the star power and affect the surrounding world.

When the body spirit reaches a limit, it is necessary to condense a star point in the body to further transform itself.

After that, it is to build the star map, the soul and the body are combined to transform the original star map.

At this point, he is already a rare figure in the world, even in the entire Qiongyuan country, there are not many people.

According to Pu Linger's explanation, her mother, Wang Lingmiao, seemed to be standing on this step.

"What about after these three steps?"

Chen Ming asked.

"After three steps."

Pu Ling'er lowered her head and thought for a while, then shook her head in embarrassment: "I don't know too well."

"My mother said that things after three steps are too far away from me, and I will tell me when I reach her level."

"It's because I'm afraid that you are too ambitious, so I only tell you this."

Chen Ming said with a smile, then turned and looked into the distance: "Your mother is here."


Pu Ling'er looked into the distance in a panic, and saw Wang Lingmiao standing there with a stern face, just looking at her quietly without saying a word.

Seeing her mother's appearance, Pu Ling'er lowered her head subconsciously.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming shook his head secretly.

Pu Ling'er's mother has a too cold temper, and Pu Ling'er is probably living a life of fear when she is at home.

However, this is someone else's family business, he is an outsider, so he can't say much, just lowered his head quietly at the moment, as if he didn't see anything.

After a while, a servant came up and took Chen Ming down to rest.

Only Pu Ling'er and Wang Lingmiao were left on the spot.

"Ling'er, what do you think of Ming'er?"

Looking at his daughter, thinking about the scene when they were together just now, Wang Lingmiao asked.


Pu Linger nodded: "I had a great time playing with him."

"How is it compared to Prince De's son?"

Wang Lingmiao's face remained unchanged, and she continued to ask.

Pu Ling'er lowered her head and thought for a while, finally shook her head, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty is too serious, I always feel very uncomfortable to get along with."

No need to say anything, Wang Lingmiao understood what her daughter meant after hearing this.

She nodded calmly, and didn't say anything more on this issue, she just spoke calmly, and said in a commanding tone: "From today on, you are not allowed to have any contact with Ming'er alone."

After the words fell, she turned around and left the place.

Chen Ming didn't know much about the conversation between their mother and daughter, and even if he did, he wouldn't care.

At this moment, he is still studying the star map.

Source Power: 3827
Martial Arts: Great Compassion Seal, Great Chu Martial Arts Classic, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method [-]rd Level (upgradeable), Star Map Refining Method (upgradeable)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Great Nirvana Buddha Blood (Advanced)
"Sure enough, as far as the source power is concerned, this star map is also a unique martial arts skill, and it can also be improved with source force."

Looking at the things displayed on the source power panel, Chen Ming nodded, not surprised by this.

Not enough, even though he confirmed this, he has no intention of using the source power to improve the cultivation of the star map.

For Chen Ming at this moment, the increase in source power is extremely scarce, if it is not necessary, it is better to save some.

It is better to practice the things that can be cultivated by oneself, and it is a fortune to save a fortune.

Otherwise, I'm afraid his source power will soon be beyond his means.

"Fortunately, the world seems to be peaceful for the time being. For a short moment, I don't need to do anything."

Standing where he was, looking at the distant scenery, this thought flashed through his mind.

A whole day passed in a peaceful time.

During this period, except for a few servants who took care of daily life, few people came to him.

Pu Ling'er also seemed to have disappeared, and I haven't seen her again in the past few days.

This kind of life lasted for several days before it was broken.

"Master, why do you look like this?"

Staying in his own room, looking at the appearance of Pu Changlin in front of him, Chen Ming was a little surprised.

Compared with the previous image, the image of Pu Changlin at this moment has changed drastically.

There were red marks all over his body, almost everywhere, as if he had been scratched by a cat's paw.

His face was no longer the calm it used to be, and gradually became haggard.

However, compared to before, the aura on his body has changed a lot. The original thin star power is surging again, and at this moment, he has the appearance of a stargazer in his senses.

"In order to restore my cultivation base and get rid of the hidden injuries, I spent a lot of effort, and I accidentally made it like this."

Looking at Chen Ming, Pu Changlin said casually, his voice sounded weak, as if he hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days.

"Okay, come with me."

He looked at Chen Ming and said.

"What to do?"

"Christ you."

Chen Ming followed Pu Changlin to leave, and soon came to a flat land.

On the flat ground, small crystal beads were inlaid on the floor, forming a mysterious pattern. At first glance, it looked like some mysterious ceremony was being held.

"Did anyone bring it?"

In the center of the flat ground ahead, Wang Lingmiao was dressed in white, with a cold face and a beautiful appearance, which seemed to have her own demeanor.

She saw Chen Ming approaching in the distance, she nodded slightly, and then said, "Stand in the center."

Listening to her words, Chen Ming looked forward.

On the flat ground ahead, layer after layer of altars have been built, with faint white light flickering, layers of faint starlight complement each other, making this place look so beautiful.

On the side, Pu Linger was holding a black wooden box. Under Chen Ming's gaze, she walked forward slowly and took out the contents of the wooden box.

It was a piece of purple crystal, it looked like a fragment of something, when you looked at it, it was like a fragment of a star, it looked very beautiful and extraordinary.

On the purple crystal, a little bit of complicated traces emerged, some similar to star traces, intertwined with each other, forming a unique pattern.

Looking at the purple crystal fragment quietly, Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat, and a warm current surged through his body and rose up.

"Source power!"

In front of his eyes, the familiar source force panel appeared, and the source force number on it was slowly increasing at the moment.

Ahead, Pu Ling'er quietly placed the crystal on the three-story altar, then walked down slowly, and nodded to Chen Ming.

"Ming'er, go up and put your hands on it."

beside.Pu Changlin said, looking at the crystal in front of him, with a complicated expression on his face.

This is something he took painstakingly to snatch from the hands of his brothers in the past, and it was stained with the blood of more than one person.

On the side, Chen Ming's mind was not as complicated as his. At this moment, listening to his words, he just stepped forward quietly.

Walking up the tall chicken soup, a feeling of being high rises, accompanied by a sense of coldness.

The moment he stood up, the crystal beads on the surrounding ground began to flicker, and a faint light emerged from them, intertwined with each other, enveloping Chen Ming in a sea of ​​starlight.

Looking at this scene quietly, Wang Lingmiao's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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