Sweeping the world

Chapter 223 Star Rhyme

Chapter 223 Star Rhyme
Standing calmly outside the altar, Wang Lingmiao's heart skipped a beat as she watched the changes on the altar.

The three-story altar in front of me looks ordinary, but it is actually a baptism place carefully arranged by the entire Yuanyue Sect. The crystal beads all over the floor are extremely rare special materials, which can detect the concentration of star power in a person's body.

But at this moment, after Chen Ming went up, the crystal beads were all brightly lit up, directly illuminating the altar.

Others don't know the meaning of it, but she knows it very well.

To a certain extent, this shows that the star power in Chen Ming's body has reached its limit at the moment. As long as there are no accidents, the future is bright, and there is a high probability that he will become a powerful stargazer.

This discovery made her complexion slightly calm, and the original resentment in her heart that made Chen Ming go to the altar also subsided a lot.

The price of this kind of baptism is extraordinary, not only the precious materials that need to be looked at, but also the power in that piece of star rhyme will be reduced a lot. The things that need to be consumed for a baptism are enough to make anyone feel heartbroken.

Such a huge price has been spent, if the person who is baptized is a genius, it will be fine, if it is an ordinary mediocrity, then the final result will make anyone feel heartbroken.

Before she could recover, the scene that appeared in front of her eyes shocked her directly.

As the baptism continued, on the altar in front of him, Chen Ming gently placed his hand on the altar, and then the whole world began to change.

A mighty, hazy star cast its brilliance and gradually emerged behind Chen Ming.

Wisps of starlight exploded, and Chen Ming was surrounded by divine light. At this moment, he looked as if a god was alive, so extraordinary.

The world seemed to undergo a shocking change. Under the mighty starlight, a unique breath and charm gradually emerged.

The sacred and majestic light of the stars emerged, but it made Wang Lingmiao feel cold in his heart.

"Is this a martial song?"

She murmured in her heart, it was difficult to express her feelings at this moment.

On the other hand, Chen Ming also experienced some changes.

There is a mighty power pouring in from the amethyst in front of him, blessing him, causing the Wuqu star life on his body to emerge spontaneously, and a larger power falls down, which is fed back to his body, making up for it in just a moment. months of penance.

But for Chen Ming, this kind of gain is still secondary.

Source Power: 4087
Martial Arts: Great Compassion Seal, Great Chu Martial Arts Classic, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method [-]rd Level (upgradeable), Star Map Refining Method (upgradeable)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
"It really is Yuanli!"

Looking at the source power panel in front of him, Chen Ming's heart was shocked, and a little surprise appeared in his heart at this moment.

The unique purple crystal in front of him can increase his source power impressively. In just a short moment, the increased source power can be hundreds.

This crystal contains a certain kind of unique power, which can increase Chen Ming's source power.

If he could absorb all the power contained in this crystal, Chen Ming reckoned that it would bring him at least thousands of sources of power.

Unfortunately, before he could fully absorb the source power contained in that piece of amethyst, a delicate hand stretched out and put away the piece of purple crystal.

The ceremony ended here and was interrupted by someone.

"That's it."

Putting the purple crystal into the wooden box, Wang Lingmiao looked coldly, looked at Chen Ming, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Go down and rest first."

Chen Ming glanced at Pu Changlin, and seeing that he didn't speak, he nodded and left the place with the servants beside him.

In the same place, after Pu Changlin and Chen Ming both left, Wang Lingmiao's expression instantly became cloudy.

It was not until a long time later that she suddenly said, "Come here!"

"Go to De Wang's mansion for me!"

Her face was stern, and she said so, her face looked so cold at this moment.

Inside the majestic palace, in a gorgeous room, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe was reading the letter in his hand.

"Awakening Wuqu Xingming is really good news."

Looking at what was written in the letter, the middle-aged man showed a smile on his face.

After a while, footsteps came from outside.


Accompanied by a burst of shouts, a handsome young man walked in from the outside, looking at the middle-aged prince in front of him and bowed respectfully.

"I don't know why you called Erchen over so urgently, what's the matter?"

"Look at this."

Looking at the young man, the middle-aged prince nodded and handed over the letter in his hand.

The young man received the letter, and his face suddenly changed: "Wu Qu!!"


The middle-aged man smiled, and said: "The Yuanyue Sect Master wants to hand over the man of Wuqu Xingming, but the condition is that you and his daughter get married immediately, and take the Tianxing Stone as the bride price."

"Ye'er, what do you think?"

"wishful thinking."

The young man had disdain on his face: "A mere Star Map Realm, how dare you try to spy on Tianbao?"

"I'm afraid this woman wants to go further and go crazy."


With a sneer on his face, the middle-aged man said, "Of course we can't give the Sky Star Stone, but we accepted the Wu Qu Xing Ming and her daughter."

"Ye'er, you have been contemplating for many years, and you are approaching the awakening of your star life. This time, the star life of Wuqu just happens to be grafted onto you."

He sneered and said: "Notify the Deyuan army, and immediately lead Gu to go up. I will rush to Yuanyuezong within tomorrow!"

When his martial arts star fate was being missed by others, Chen Ming was sitting alone in his room practicing.

After the previous baptism, not only Chen Ming's star power increased greatly, but even Chen Ming's own magic tome cultivation base seemed to be driven by the magic tome and improved a lot.

"It's getting close to the limit."

Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

With the passing of a long time, on his body, the several demon seeds that had been condensed were constantly jumping, and the brilliance in them was faint, coordinating with the majestic star power in the body, and it was already close to a limit at this moment.

If it is converted into the system that Chen Ming is familiar with, at this point, it is already a great accomplishment, close to innate cultivation.

And this step, for Chen Ming who had already experienced it more than once, was already considered familiar.

"This magic book, although it seems to be an evil way in the early stage, there is no problem for me. I don't know if it's because the world is different, or it's because I haven't practiced the key points."

In just one breath, the demon seeds in the body surged up, a wisp of demonic energy rose and then fell, and there seemed to be vitality in the calm.

Feeling this, Chen Ming was a little stunned, and slowly looked into the distance, thoughtfully.

"The world is getting lively again."

He muttered to himself, as if foreshadowing something.

(End of this chapter)

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