Chapter 224
Standing alone on a high platform, looking into the distance, Chen Ming gazed into the distance, only to see a dark cloud approaching in the distance, accompanied by the sound of soldiers and horses fighting.


His face was calm, his eyes were calm, and he muttered to himself.

"Wang Lingmiao! What do you want to do?"

In a large hall, Pu Changlin's roar followed.

He looked at Wang Lingmiao in front of him, with an incredulous expression on his face: "Send people down the mountain to attract King De's army, do you know what you are doing!"

"What I'm doing, I don't need Pu Changlin to take care of you!"

Wang Lingmiao's face was stern, and she was not moved by Pu Changlin's words, but rather impatient: "What did I do wrong?"

"Things in the world belong to those who are virtuous. Your apprentice has the star destiny of martial arts, just like a three-year-old child carrying treasures into the market, and he will never end well."

"I'm saving you!"

She said coldly: "A star of martial arts, you know what this means. Once exposed, do you know how big a storm it will cause?"

"At that time, even if your master and apprentice have great abilities, it will be difficult to survive!"

"I don't need you to control my life!!"

Pu Changlin's face was full of anger: "I don't need you to save me."

"Yes, you are a hero who doesn't care about your own life, and you are not afraid of life and death."

Wang Lingmiao's face turned cold: "But why have you ever thought about what will happen to Ling'er and me!"

"You brought Wuqu Xingming to Yuanyuezong for nothing more than to use Yuanyuezong's power to cultivate Wuquxingming and help it grow."

"But have you ever thought about what will happen to the entire Yuanyue Sect once this matter is exposed? What will happen to Linger and me?"

"you have not!"

Her face was stern, and every word and every word was like a knife, extremely cold: "You never think about our mother and daughter, you only think about yourself!"

"So, that's why you want to lure King De over and hand Ming'er over?"

Pu Changlin's face was cold, and at this moment, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to explode: "You don't think Ming'er's future is optimistic, and you think he will die in the future.

"You didn't say anything, you turned around and informed King De, in the final analysis, you are not coveting the Star Stone in Prince De's mansion!"

"What the in-laws said is too much." A voice came from outside.

King De was wearing a golden royal robe, looking very energetic at this moment, with a smile on his face, he looked at Pu Changlin and said, "Wu Qu is a martial star, the master killer, and he is born to be incompatible with Yuanyuezong, so it is better to waste it." , it would be better to attribute it to a virtuous person.”

"As for the Sky Star Stone, this king agreed half a year ago and gave it to Sect Master Wang. It is considered to be Sect Master Wang's property. Why is it in the name of coveting it?"

"Who is your in-laws!"

Pu Changlin's face was cold, and he dismissed De Wang's words: "You think I can't see your thoughts?"

"Wang Lingmiao, you're making a good plan now. Use Ming'er's life and Ling'er's life to exchange for a so-called Sky Star Stone, but this King De is not a simple person."

He sneered: "Hand over Ming'er, without the last bargaining chip, why do you think King De will fulfill his promise?"

Wang Lingmiao's face was as gloomy as water, and he waved his hand, a star power flickered silently, locking Pu Changlin's body in an instant, making his face flushed, but he couldn't speak

On the side, De Wang shook his head with some regret: "It seems that the in-laws still have some misunderstandings about Gu Wang."

"My lord is serious."

Wang Lingmiao restrained her temper and showed a smile on her face: "My husband-in-law has a bit of a stubborn temper. I have told him many times in the past, but he just doesn't change. This time he offended the prince again. It really shouldn't be."

"It's okay, Mr. Pu is also quick to talk, and he must have misunderstood me because of his preconceived ideas."

King De smiled, and said: "After Ye'er and Gui Qianjin get married in the future, it will be all right."

"I think so too."

Wang Lingmiao had a smile on her face: "My daughter is disobedient or disrespectful, please take care of her in the future."

"Good to say, good to say"

The two were talking and laughing happily here, without any sense of tension or urgency.

Presumably in the hearts of these two people, the matter in front of them has already become a certainty and a foolproof matter.

The army is coming, and there are countless masters among them. How can a mere child, even if he is a martial artist, escape?
It is not an exaggeration to describe it as impossible to escape.

Neither De Wang nor Wang Lingmiao took this matter to heart, they were talking freely here at the moment, just waiting for the good news to come from outside.

However, things always backfire.

Outside, in a mighty courtyard.

"Brother Ming, hurry up!"

Pu Ling'er sneaked through a corner of the eaves, and rushed into the house. Looking at Chen Ming inside, she hurriedly shouted: "A lot of people are coming outside to arrest you, hurry up now!"


Inside the house, Chen Ming was holding a book in his hands, his face was calm, as if he was not aware of any sounds from the outside world.

Seeing Pu Linger rushing over, he put down the scroll in his hand, looked at Pu Linger with a little surprise on his face: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to take you out!"

For some reason, looking at his current appearance, it seemed that he was infected by some kind of emotion, and Pu Linger's mood suddenly calmed down a lot.

She managed to gather herself together, looked at Chen Ming in front of her, and said, "King De's army has arrived, and now the son of King De is outside, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

"I can't go."

Chen Ming shook his head: "I don't know how you got in, but once I leave here, I'm afraid you will be implicated in the end."

"Instead of that, I might as well go out by myself."

"Are you going to die?"

Pu Linger's face was anxious, and at this moment, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Let's go back."

Chen Ming said, his face looked calm and calm: "I won't die."

"At least not now."

Seeing his appearance, Pu Ling'er opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

She couldn't persuade Chen Ming, so she had no choice but to turn around and leave.

However, she still felt lucky in her heart, and she had some expectations for what Chen Ming said just now, so she didn't leave too far away, hid in a place, and watched here secretly.

She held some expectations in her heart, hoping that Chen Ming would find a way to leave as he said.

"Is it here?"

Prince De's son Mingwei was doing business, and at this moment he brought people to a tall building and looked into the distance.

He is also a stargazer who has visualized the star map. Standing outside the tall building at this moment, he can clearly feel the fluctuation of the star power inside. With the arrival of the outside army, it gradually became active, and slowly condensed stars on the tall building. The manifested scene.

The star life of Wuqu is spreading, and it seems to feel the bloody battle that is about to happen. At this moment, it has gradually become active, extremely exciting and active.

"Wu Qu."

Looking at the tall building in front of him, sensing the looming and ubiquitous martial arts star power, Qianye's eyes showed a little infatuation: "You are mine!"

"Rush in for me and arrest people!"

Looking ahead, he collected himself and ordered.

The people around responded and rushed forward, trying to rush in and grab the people inside.

But before they came forward, the wooden door was pushed open with a sizzling sound, and a young man walked out from it.

The boy looked very young, but around twelve or thirteen years old, with a handsome appearance and a calm face, but his face looked a little pale, as if he had suffered a serious illness, and looked a little weak.

He was dressed in a green dress, with long hair loose, even though he was trapped here at this moment, his eyes were still peaceful, neither pleased with things nor sad with himself, revealing a faint Buddha-nature.

On his body, the star power of Wuqu continued to intertwine and flow behind him, adding a sharpness to him, like a brave warrior and a compassionate Buddha, perfectly blending together.

Looking at Chen Ming, Gan Ye sighed lightly, a little surprised.

At that time, he only knew that someone had awakened Wu Qu Xing Ming, but he didn't expect that it was such a child who awakened Wu Qu Xing Ming this time.

However, when the matter has developed to this point, there is no way to say anything. Those who make big things don't care about small things, even if it is a child, they should be killed as well.

"If you want to blame, blame your bad life."

He thought lightly in his heart, then waved his hand.

Beside him, several soldiers tentatively stepped forward.

Looking at these, Chen Ming glanced lightly, did not move, just sighed lightly.

"I don't want this."


Gan Ye was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, he suddenly saw an astonishing scene.

The sky in the sky suddenly dimmed, and the sun that was hanging high in the sky seemed to have lost its light. At this moment, the light was taken away by people.

A huge star suddenly flashed and appeared in the sky.

The stars are vast and bright, and every inch of the light seems to contain the sound of countless weapons and killings. As long as ordinary people look at it for a moment, they will only feel that they are trapped in the battlefield and are experiencing endless fighting.

Everything in the universe has been changed by him, and the mighty divine power is suppressed. At this moment, everything in the world loses its brilliance, and only one star lasts forever, blooming with brilliance.

Wu Qu! !
"This is impossible!"

Looking at the vast and noble stars above the sky, Gan Ye was a little distracted, and subconsciously shook his head: "He just introduced star power into his body, and he didn't even condense the star points, how could it be possible? It caused the Wuqu star to manifest spontaneously."

boom! !

A sound of gold and iron intertwined came from the front.

In the midair, a phantom wearing armor and full of evil spirit emerged from Chen Ming's body. The evil spirit all over his body was condensed like billowing wolf smoke, like a god of war coming to the world, which made people awe and fear.

And in his eyes, a little bit of the Buddha's mind of great silence emerged, with a deep Buddha nature, which made this Dharma figure a little more detached.

This was transformed by Chen Ming's soul, which had been hidden in the depths of Chen Ming's consciousness until now, with the support of Yuanli, it finally manifested.

As soon as this dharma figure manifested, the mighty Wuqu star in the midair immediately underwent some changes. A ray of starlight fell and blessed Chen Ming, leaving a complex and mysterious imprint on the center of his brow.

Star point, success!

In the distance, Gan Ye and others were dumbfounded.

However, this is far from over.

Accompanied by the rapid consumption of source power, on Chen Ming's body, the golden star marks that had been covered up before emerged, and at this moment, with the real awakening of the star's life, it began to recover crazily.

A complex and mysterious star map unfolded behind Chen Ming, with stars dotted on it, and every ray of star power exploded, as if it had the terrifying power to destroy mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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