Sweeping the world

Chapter 225 Raising Hands to Suppress

Chapter 225 Raising Hands to Suppress
Above the sky, there are starlight dots, and the vast star power falls straight down, pouring into Chen Ming's body, making the texture of the star marks on his body more complicated, mysterious and dignified, with a mighty power that sweeps away everything.

Behind Chen Ming, a bright star map flickered, and the stars on it were shining brightly, looking very beautiful, vast and mysterious.

In an instant, the star map was completed!

Looking at this scene quietly, watching the whole process, Gan Ye felt cold all over his body at this moment, and his face was extremely pale: "This is impossible. Impossible."

He muttered to himself, feeling dazzled.

However, the vast and mysterious star map in front of him reminded him that all of this was true.

But he still couldn't believe it.

A child in his early ten years old is actually a Star Map Realm?

If this matter was told, a large group of people might laugh out loud, thinking that he was still asleep.

"and many more!"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, Gan Ye suddenly remembered something.

In the letter Wang Lingmiao sent to them before, it only stated that this was a newly awakened martial arts star, but did not say what level this awakened martial arts star was.

You know, even if they are both stars, they are actually different.

Theoretically speaking, the higher the degree of compatibility with the star constellation, the greater the power that can be obtained when awakening.

In the past legends, those ancient sages who were hailed as gods did have legends that once awakened, they reached the Star Map Realm.

"Could it be that this person is comparable to the ancient sages?"

Gan Ye trembled all over, and he couldn't describe his mood at this moment.

"However, if it's just a mere Star Map Realm"

The thought flashed through his mind.

At this moment, King De came in person. In order to be safe, one of the people accompanying him was from the Star Map Realm. If King De and Wang Lingmiao were added, there would be a total of three people.

With three enemies and one, there is still a good chance of winning this battle.

As if he understood what he was thinking, beside him, a tall man wearing a red armor stepped forward. At this moment, his whole body was surrounded by star power, but a wisp of breath escaped, which was unbearable Want to kneel.

There was a faint divine light all over his body, and the red armor on his body burst into icy brilliance. At this moment, he looked like a small sun, with a faint star behind him, shining down, and the long knife in his hand split like a mountain.

boom! !

With one blow, the mountains and rivers began to turbulent, and ripples appeared in a space, and thousands of cracks appeared on the ground at the same time. With one blow, it seemed that the place was going to be completely flattened.

The next moment, everything disappeared.

"Already close to the peak of innateness"

Standing quietly on the spot, feeling the power contained in this blow, Chen Ming murmured softly in his heart, and then raised his hand.

Under the eyes of everyone, he raised his right hand lightly, his slender fingers stretched out, coiled like a horned dragon, and there seemed to be infinite divine power contained in his palm. A complicated and mysterious fist mark.

With one punch, it was like a raging thunder tearing apart the sky, its sound was like thunder, and its momentum was like the sea. A vast blow.

The dragon elephant moves the mountain!
The next moment, all the images of light and shadow disappeared, and the boundless and majestic star power exploded, turning into the shadow of a dragon and elephant and smashing down!
boom! !


In just an instant, the face of the man in the red armor changed drastically, and his body was flying upside down. He felt an incomparable and unstoppable force pressing madly in front of him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it, as if It was like being stepped on by a dragon elephant, unable to move at all.

"The same star map realm, how can the gap be so big!!"

He roared in his heart, but his consciousness gradually became blurred. The next moment, with a bang, the whole thing exploded.

A Star Map Realm has just fallen!
The star map fell, and on the man, the remaining star power exploded, shattered together with the star map, and sputtered out, covering the entire Yuanyue mountains, causing countless mountains to be swept away by the star power, causing There was a wail.

There was wailing all over the place, and those ordinary soldiers could not resist the erosion of star power, even if they got a little bit of it, they would either die or be injured, even if they survived by chance, they would not be able to stand up again.

Only a few people are still standing at this moment.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Qianye was dumbfounded, and was about to say something when a wave of star power surged up.

In an instant, he passed out and was grabbed by Chen Ming with one hand.


In the distance, King De's expression changed drastically, and he grabbed Pu Changlin and stepped forward, with a little bit of star power all over his body, which was much stronger than the previous star map realm.

"Your master is in my hands, let me go immediately!"

He looked at Chen Ming shouting in the distance, his face looked extremely ugly.

On the side, looking at Pu Changlin who was held by King De, Wang Lingmiao opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, but finally said nothing.

The development of things is completely beyond their expectations.

Full of joy, he came to capture the cub, but in the end he ran into a tiger.

She had thought about everything, but she missed Chen Ming's own strength, so that things happened to this extent.

If she had known that Chen Ming had such strength, she would never have invited De Wang here no matter what.

But things have developed to the point where it is now, it is useless to say anything, there is only one way to go to the dark!

"Don't let go yet!"

In front of his eyes, King De roared angrily, exerted a little force on his hands, and Pu Changlin, who was being held by his hands, showed a ferocious expression on his face, and it seemed that he was suffering from great pain.

"If you don't let him go, do you want your master to die!"

King De stared at Chen Ming, and spoke in a deep voice.

Hua Ying fell, but Chen Ming remained indifferent, but had a strange expression on his face. He stared at him for a long time before smiling: "If you push harder, your son will really die."


King De was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at his hand, but he couldn't see Pu Changlin at all.

What he was holding was his own son, and he was holding it with a grim expression at the moment.

"When is it!"

He was horrified, a little unbelievable.

"and also."

Ahead, Chen Ming's stern voice continued to sound.

He stood quietly on the flat ground, the clothes on his body fluttered with the wind, and the star power of martial arts was surging all over his body, a little bit agitated, which gave him a unique charm.

Looking at De Wang and the two in front of him, his face was stern: "The one who is really threatened is not only your son, but also yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, the strength of the dragon and elephant to move the mountain emerged, and the vast starlight condensed. Among them, a god elephant was faintly seen carrying the sacred mountain on its back, and smashed down.

One blow and the sky collapses!
It was as if a big world exploded in front of his eyes, De Wang felt a surging force crashing down from the front, irresistible, and the unstoppable terrifying force was surging, rushing to all parts of his body, really like a head on the ground The god elephant stomped down, almost crushing him.

He tried hard to block this force, but found that he couldn't stop it at all. Even the star map condensed on his body began to dim. It was extremely terrifying and overbearing, but it also contained an inexplicable Buddha spirit and tenderness. , sneaked into the body, almost causing his whole body to explode directly.

It was clearly an extremely domineering blow, but it was filled with piercing calm, extremely contradictory, and extremely tyrannical.

The next moment, the golden soft armor shattered, De Wang's tall body flew horizontally, blood and flesh splashed in mid-air, spreading around, and he was defeated in an instant.

As Chen Ming said before, in front of him, the so-called King De was completely vulnerable.

Wang Lingmiao stared at this scene dumbfounded. At this moment, she almost thought that she was hallucinating, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

The scene in front of me is really too dreamy. They are both in the Star Map Realm. Even though they are different in strength, they shouldn't be so disparate to such a terrifying extent.

The reason for this is definitely not that King De is too weak, but that Chen Ming in front of him is too strong.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and stared blankly at Chen Ming, all the coldness and domineering before this moment disappeared.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at Wang Lingmiao, Chen Ming sighed softly in his heart.

Things have developed to this point, no matter who it is, it is not a good result.

At this moment, Chen Ming showed his supernatural power and looked unrivaled, but what he paid behind it was a lot of source power.

If today's incident did not happen, he would be able to practice alone, relying on his past experience, sooner or later he would be able to recover to the current level of cultivation.

Now, it is a heavy loss.

"It seems that we can only find a way to recover the loss."

Chen Ming sighed softly in his heart, slowly raised his head, and looked in front of him, a ray of starlight turned into a sharp sword energy, which struck straight down, intending to split King De in half.

But in the end, this blow failed, only because a new voice appeared from the same spot, standing in front of De Wang without a sound.

It was an old man in a white robe, with white hair and beard. He looked very old, but his skin was still ruddy. He looked healthy and healthy, without any signs of aging.

"It's just a misunderstanding, why is it so?"

He stood in front of De Wang and waved his hand casually, and the sword energy disappeared instantly.


Chen Ming didn't seem to be surprised by the old man's appearance. Listening to his words at this moment, his face was cold: "If I lose today, my end will be worse than theirs. If I say a misunderstanding now, I want to send me away." Is it?"

While speaking, a phantom of the Martial God violently appeared, and the stars of Wuqu burst into bright light, shining on Chen Ming, making everyone's scalp tingle when they saw it.

As Chen Ming opened his mouth, in the dharma, a little bit of Buddha's intention was removed by the magic. At first glance, it looked so majestic and peaceful, but at this moment, it was so terrifying and violent, full of domineering arrogance, like someone looking down on the world. The king stands high above everything.

Even if he didn't make a move, the emergency was just the drooping aura, as if it wanted to crush everything in the world and shatter everything in the universe.

"What kind of monster is this"

King De struggled to get up, feeling the breath of Chen Ming at this moment, his face was extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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