Sweeping the world

Chapter 226 Farewell and Xingzhou

Chapter 226 Farewell and Xingzhou

King De's face was ugly, and facing Chen Ming at this moment, his face was livid: "Do you really think you can beat me?"

"shut up!"

A ray of star power fell, and before Chen Ming could make a move, the old man's face changed drastically, and he slapped down hard, sending his whole body flying, hitting the ground heavily, choking blood.


There was an expression of disbelief on King De's face, he couldn't believe that the old man in front of him would shoot at him.

"Isn't it enough for you to lose face this time?"

The old man's face was stern, looking at King De who fell on the ground in front of him, his face looked icy cold: "If there were no outsiders present at this moment, I wish I could slap you to death!"

He seems to be in a very bad mood at the moment, if King De is not his descendant, and his blood is involved, he would like to draw a line with him at this moment.

Of course, although he was annoyed at the moment, the demeanor he showed at the moment was mostly fake.

The strength of the martial artist in front of him is unfathomable. De Wang's defeat is nothing. After all, it is not a crime of war, but people have already reached this point, how dare they speak harsh words?
Is this for fear that the other party will not slap him to death?
He took the initiative to attack, no matter how hard the attack was, it would not kill him, but if the other party attacked, it would not be necessarily so.

In front of him, Chen Mingrao watched the other party's performance with interest, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

"Are you still angry?"

Seeing his appearance, the old man's heart skipped a beat, he gritted his teeth secretly, and slapped him hard without saying a word.

what! !

A burst of screams broke out.

The palm of the old man was much more ruthless than the previous one. When the palm fell, De Wang almost failed to explode directly. At this moment, the star power on his body was faint, and the little star power left on his body was directly wiped out.

The star point was broken, and the star chart was dim. After this palm, the German king will probably become a useless king in the future, and his cultivation base will probably be abolished.

Under the impact of the powerful force, he passed out directly, bleeding all over his body, looking extremely miserable.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming took a deep look at the old man, with deep meaning hidden in his eyes.

He is so cruel to his younger generations.

is a cruel man.

On the opposite side, stared at by Chen Ming's strange eyes, the old man felt a little nervous.

He has already reached such a point, and the other party still refuses to give up?

It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance, but they are so vicious at such a young age.

It's ruthless!

"It seems like this is the only way"

He sighed inwardly, looked at King De who was lying on the ground and had fainted at the moment, his face was calm and calm, but secretly he gritted his teeth, and was about to step forward and slap him to death.

But in the end, his movements were interrupted by Chen Ming.

"what are you doing?"

Chen Ming looked at the old man's movements strangely, and asked.

"This person has offended Your Excellency. He has committed a heinous crime and cannot be forgiven! Let me slap him to death to make amends for Your Excellency!"

The old man gritted his teeth and said.

As of now, there is no other way.

The strength of Chen Ming in front of him was unfathomable. Even if he searched the entire Qiongyuan Kingdom, he couldn't find many people who could match him.

If King De is not dead, what should he do if the other party implicates the entire Qiongyuan royal family?

"For the safety of the entire royal family, King De, you should die!"

He felt ruthless, and this thought flashed through his mind.

However, at this time, Chen Ming's words came from the front.

"Heaven has the virtue of loving life. Now that he has become like this, what happened before is nothing more than that."

Looking at King De who was lying on the ground, Chen Ming said, "But."

"But what?"

The old man's heart just let go, and then suddenly raised it again.

"I heard that there is a star stone in De Wang's mansion"

Looking at the old man, Chen Ming said slowly.

"I'll deliver it to Your Excellency immediately."

The old man immediately understood, and as soon as the words fell, he immediately spoke.

Hearing the old man's reply, Chen Ming nodded.

Up to now, he doesn't care whether King De is alive or not.

The only thing he cares about now is whether he can make up for the source power he lost now.

This time he showed great power, but behind his back, his loss was extremely huge. Now more than half of the source power on the source power panel has disappeared, leaving only the last bit of Lao Di.

If he didn't think of a way to recover a wave of blood, Chen Ming might have to find a place to cry to death.

"Star Stone"

On the side, listening to Chen Ming's conversation, Wang Lingmiao's expression turned ugly, but in front of Chen Ming, she couldn't say anything in the end.

Just at this moment, Chen Ming turned around, his eyes were dim, and he was watching her quietly at the moment.

Suddenly, a bad premonition rose in her heart.

a few days later.

In a quiet room, Chen Ming sat quietly on a wooden chair.

Source Power: 2175
Martial Arts: Great Compassion Seal, Great Chu Martial Arts Classic, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method [-]rd Level (can be upgraded), Star Map Quenching God Method (can be deduced)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
"That's all?"

Putting down the crystal stone that had turned into a piece of white in his hand, Chen Ming's face was a little ugly.

The white crystal in front of him was the Star Rhyme Stone held by Wang Lingmiao back then, and all the source power contained in it had been absorbed by Chen Ming at this moment.

According to the normal situation, if the power in the Star Rhyme Stone is exhausted, it will still maintain a crystal clear purple color, and the power in it will still slowly recover after a period of time, gradually returning to its original level.

But the star rhyme stone after Chen Ming absorbed it was different. Not only did the color of the whole star rhyme stone become transparent, but the power in it didn't seem to show signs of recovery again.

The source power that Chen Ming absorbed seems to be different from the power received by ordinary people for baptism. It belongs to the original power that built this piece of Star Rhyme Stone, and once it is extracted, it will not continue to regenerate.

This discovery made Chen Ming very disappointed.

What disappointed him even more was that the source power contained in this star rhyme stone was not as much as imagined.

He had previously consumed his source power to improve himself, and in a short period of time, this clone had obtained a strength comparable to that of the Realm of Returning to the Source. This in itself had exhausted his source power, leaving only a mere two hundred.

After absorbing this piece of star rhyme stone, his source power was only restored to the number of two thousand, not as much as he had imagined before.

As for the Heavenly Star Stone that was obtained from King De, it cannot increase his source power at all, and it is a completely different thing from the Star Rhyme Stone.

"A unique rare treasure, held for a long time, seems to be able to deepen a person's potential and accommodate more star power"

Looking at the cyan gem in his hand, Chen Ming shook his head secretly, feeling a little disappointed.

Increasing one's own potential and allowing oneself to accommodate more star power, this effect is undoubtedly excellent for people in this world, and it is definitely considered a treasure, but it is of no use to Chen Ming.

There is no other reason. Chen Ming's foundation is martial arts, and his strength is completely based on his martial arts cultivation. Although the so-called star power increase cannot be said to be completely useless, it is not as useful as imagined.

But no matter what, this is also a rare treasure, and keeping it in your hand will be more or less useful.

"Anyway, that's where things are going."

Sitting there quietly, Chen Ming sighed in his heart.

If we lose our horses, we can't know what a blessing is.

Chen Ming was forced to this point, although he lost a lot of source power, but it also allowed him to recover his strength.

Judging from the performance of the old man before, his current strength should be regarded as the top in this world, at least in this surrounding.

With such strength, the world is so big, where can't you go?It will also be easier to collect source power.

Moreover, this increase in strength was a bit of a surprise to Chen Ming.

Sitting quietly on the head of the bed, on top of Chen Ming's body, acupoints opened up, in which there was black divine power rolling, roaring like a river.

In addition, in some orifices, wisps of martial arts star power are flooding, among which mysterious and profound divine patterns can be faintly seen, flashing in his body.

There is no doubt that the pattern of concentration in the acupoint is the mark of Guiyuan realm.

It's just that at this moment, on Chen Ming's body, these unexpected divine lines did not come from himself, but from his star life.

Wu Qu!

Just as the power of the blood of the ancestors is contained in the divine veins, which can be refined into divine patterns, the star life of this world also seems to contain the origin of the power of the stars. With the opening of the acupuncture points by Chen Ming, the stars condensed in them The power emerged naturally, condensing into one after another divine lines.

This discovery was both surprising and surprising.

It is not easy to condense the divine pattern. Under normal circumstances, if you want to condense a divine pattern, you must either have a divine pattern, have the legacy of the predecessors, or be proficient in one, and have an amazing understanding of a certain field. Only then can you realize the divine pattern.

If you want to break into the master at the Guiyuan level, you need to condense enough divine lines. According to Chen Ming's estimation, it may take at least nine lines to reach the standard.

Under normal circumstances, if you don't use the source power bonus, with Chen Ming's talent, even if you have two major divine veins, it will take at least several decades.

But in this world, he found a shortcut.

Through star instillation, extracting the divine veins from the stars, this method is undoubtedly much faster and easier than practicing alone.

"Wu Qu Xing Ming."

Sitting quietly on the spot, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

When he came to this world, he originally had no other thoughts about the Wuqu star fate he carried on his body, but now it seems that this is probably the most precious wealth he has come to this world.

Pu Changlin was walking on the road, wearing a white shirt.

Compared with before, his complexion at this moment is much better. Not only have all the previous injuries healed, but even the original slack star power has recovered all over his body. He looks like a master at this moment.

After the events of that day were over, in order to please Chen Ming, the Qiongyuan royal family sent a lot of things in one go. Although most of them were not used by Chen Ming at all, they were of great use to Pu Changlin.

Under the support of all kinds of rare treasures, in just a few days, Pu Changlin's past hidden injuries recovered a lot. Although he did not recover to his full strength, he recovered nearly half of his strength.

At this moment, he was alone and walked into the room where Chen Ming was.

In the room, he saw Chen Ming sitting on the bed.

He is still the same as before, with exquisite and handsome appearance, long hair hanging down, a pair of deep black eyes, and his every move has his own style.

Looking at Chen Ming at this moment, Pu Changlin was a little lost.

When he came to this world, Chen Ming never changed. It was just that in the past, in order to play his role well, Chen Ming's original appearance was rarely revealed.

Only at this moment, after all the shackles were lost, did Pu Changlin realize how outstanding his disciple was.

Just in his early teens, he already has this kind of demeanor, and the future is promising.

Even if it is the so-called innate knowledge, I am afraid it is not as good as the person in front of me.

"I gotta go."

Looking at Pu Changlin, Chen Ming spoke first, and said, "Go to a place far, far away."

"Will you come back?"

Pu Changlin raised his head and looked at Chen Ming at this moment, with a complex expression on his face, with both reluctance and relief in his eyes.

"Probably, but more likely not."

Chen Ming was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Maybe you live quietly here, and after a while, you can hear about me from other people."

"That news may be my glory, or it may be my death."

he opened his mouth to speak.

Chen Ming was destined to leave.

In the world of Dagan, he still has concerns in his heart, and it is impossible to stay in this world for a long time.

To this world, he is destined to be just a passerby.

He has come, made trouble, and indulged in it, no matter what the process is, he will eventually leave.

The moment he left this world was also the moment his clone died.

This time is destined not to be too long. With the lifespan of a stargazer, as long as there is no accident, Pu Changlin will be able to see this day sooner or later.

But I don't know, at that time, I don't know how he will feel?
Pu Changlin fell silent.

From Chen Ming's words, he could hear the determination and the foresight of the future.

"If you want to go. Just go."

He opened the mouth and said, staring at Chen Ming closely, as if he wanted to write down his appearance: "The baby bird will always fly outside when it grows up. As a teacher, I have no right to interfere with this."

"As long as you still remember me as a teacher, that's enough."

"I'll remember."

Chen Ming smiled: "In life, everyone is destined to leave. When I came to this world, I knew that I would leave sooner or later. This cannot be changed."

"Maybe my time in this world is limited, but no matter what, you will always be my teacher, and I will always remember you in my heart."

"me too."

Pu Changlin looked at Chen Ming very seriously at this moment: "Ming'er, your heart is the purest I have ever seen, compared to your star destiny, compared to your talent, this is the most precious thing. "

"The outside world will be very exciting, and the days ahead are still very long. Don't let your heart change, just keep walking like this."

"I will."

Chen Ming smiled, and said softly: "King De has been abolished, and the Qiongyuan royal family will never forget this account. It doesn't matter if I'm here, but after I leave, it will probably involve you and the teacher's wife. "

"While I'm still here for a while, you'd better take your teacher's wife and Ling'er away, and find a place far away from Qiongyuan Kingdom to start over."

"If the master is unwilling to give up the foundation of Yuanyuezong, she doesn't want to leave"

Chen Ming paused, and said, "Then take Ling'er and leave quickly."

"Continuing to stay in this place will not end well."

The Qiongyuan royal family now treats Pu Changlin's family with courtesy, that kind of care can be regarded as meticulous, but the harmony is based on the illusion of Chen Ming's supremacy of strength.

It is absolutely impossible for them to forget the lesson of this time, especially Wang Lingmiao, the chief culprit who caused King De to be abolished, is even less likely to be forgotten.

Chen Ming is still here at the moment, so they are naturally respectful, but once Chen Ming leaves, it will be fine for a short time, but after a long time, sooner or later they will attack Pu Changlin's family.

Chen Ming saw this very clearly.

It is impossible for him to stay here and guard Pu Changlin's family. Sooner or later, he will leave.

"I see."

Pu Changlin nodded and said, "Actually, even if you don't tell me, I'm going to leave this place with Linger and find a place to reopen my pharmacy."

"As for Lingmiao, well, just let her go."

He shook his head, thinking of Wang Lingmiao, he felt a headache.

Wang Lingmiao's character is too selfish, and sometimes she will do anything to achieve a certain goal.

Some time ago, when she learned that the Sky Star Stone was in Chen Ming's hands, she kept begging, hoping to use Pu Changlin's hand to get the Sky Star Stone into her hands.

Chen Ming had also heard about this matter, but he ignored it.

The reason why this incident happened was entirely caused by Wang Lingmiao alone, and the result was bad, which made Chen Ming feel very bad.

Compared with King De, he felt even worse about Wang Lingmiao, his teacher's wife. If she hadn't been Pu Changlin's first wife, he would have slapped her to death.

Although the Sky Star Stone was not important to Chen Ming'er, if it was given to her like this, it would be a pain in the ass.

Pu Changlin also understood that Wang Lingmiao's request was too much, so this time, no matter how much she pleaded, she ignored it, and never mentioned this matter in front of Chen Ming from the beginning to the end.

In the room, after a while, Chen Ming asked about the Star Rhyme Stone.

This matter is very important to him.

In the Qiongyuan Kingdom, he also asked the people of the Qiongyuan Kingdom, but in the end not only did not find anything similar, but he could not even find any information about this thing.

The origin of this star rhyme stone is mysterious, not many people know where it comes from, only know that the power in it can be used to baptize people, it is very precious,

Pu Changlin in front of him is the only one who knows the origin of that star rhyme stone.

"That star rhyme stone was passed down from my ancestors, and it was something my master accidentally obtained when he went out."

With nostalgia on Pu Changlin's face, he looked at Chen Ming and said softly, "I once heard him say that he obtained this item in Xingzhou, and it seems to have originated from a certain relic and restricted area."

"If you want to get the Star Rhyme Stone, I'm afraid you have to go there once."

"restricted area?"

Chen Ming frowned, secretly wrote down the message, and then nodded: "I remember."

The so-called restricted areas are some mysterious and dangerous places in this world, which often have some kind of unique magic, which is different from ordinary places.

The star rhyme stone that Pu Changlin obtained was obtained from a certain restricted area.

"In addition, when this piece of Star Rhyme Stone was brought out from the forbidden zone, it seems that not only this piece, but also other pieces were brought back. I don't know where they are scattered now."

Sitting quietly against Chen Ming, Pu Changling thought about it, and then added.

He didn't know the significance of the Star Rhyme Stone to Chen Ming.

After all, to the people of this world, although the Star Rhyme Stone is precious, it is only limited to baptizing people and laying a solid foundation for them.

This effect is naturally miraculous for ordinary stargazers, but for people in the Star Map Realm, it's just that, and it won't have much effect at all.

It is also because of this that after Pu Changlin's master got such a piece of star rhyme stone, he didn't think of a way to search for more.

"Go back."

In the same place, the two chatted for a while, looking at Pu Changlin, Chen Ming said: "After going back, I immediately started to prepare to leave."

"I won't leave before you leave, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes, and said so.

In front of him, Pu Changlin opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, but looked at Chen Ming's appearance, finally sighed, didn't say anything, just left silently.

After he left, in the quiet room, Chen Ming opened his eyes, his eyes were calm, but his mood still had some ripples.

For the next few months, he just sat here quietly, never leaving this place.

His body didn't change. For several months, he didn't sleep or eat, but he didn't feel any weakness on his body. On the contrary, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and he could faintly feel a mighty and sharp martial arts star power Diffusing, escaping from all parts of his body, became more and more powerful as time passed.

In the past few months, the surrounding situation has also undergone some changes.

Pu Changlin's family left anyway.

After bidding farewell to Chen Ming, Pu Changlin left with Pu Ling'er and some things from Yuan Yuezong over the years.

Wang Lingmiao also left this place.

Although this woman's character is a little selfish, she is not stupid enough to be fooled by the enthusiasm of the Qiongyuan royal family. She understands that sooner or later the two sides will turn against each other, so she has already made up her mind to leave this place with Pu Changlin.

According to what Pu Changlin said, they will go to the vicinity of Ye Country, choose a relatively stable country among the many small countries around them, and start over there.

Maybe a new Yuanyue Sect will be re-established there.

As for the foundation in Qiongyuan Kingdom, they did not give up either.

Wang Lingmiao found an elder of the Yuanyue Sect who had been in seclusion for many years, and invited him to come out of the mountain to assume the position of the suzerain of the Yuanyue Sect.

This Supreme Elder has a very high seniority, and when he was active in the past, he had some relations with many people in Qiongyuan Kingdom.

With the relationship of this Supreme Elder and Wang Lingmiao taking the initiative to leave, Yuan Yuezong may be able to avoid venting his anger and continue to develop here in a stable manner.

Before leaving, Chen Ming gave Pu Ling'er the star map training he had deduced to repay her for taking care of him these days.

After doing this, most of Chen Ming's relationships in this place were cut off.

After Pu Changlin left, he did not leave immediately, but took advantage of the special environment in Qiongyuan Kingdom to practice and slowly adjusted his state.

He is carefully comprehending the changes in his body.

The star power of this world is a manifestation of the original rules of this world. It is very transcendent in nature, and the power contained in it is also of great help to Chen Ming.

So, taking advantage of the time in Qiongyuan Kingdom, he carefully realized the changes in the star power on his body, and did not choose to leave until several months had passed.

He didn't inform anyone of his departure, and he didn't tell anyone. He just left without saying goodbye and left directly.

In the place where he practiced, after Chen Ming left, the star power in that place was still deep and unstable, and it might not recover until a long time later.

In summer, a rain comes gradually.

The heavy rain was crackling, and the ground was wet, and there was dirt all over the ground.

This is a very remote town. Few people come here on weekdays, but today it looks extraordinarily lively.

Roar! !

A gigantic beast with a body of tens of meters rushed out of the river, crushing several people to death with a single palm.

A little bit of star power swept across the sky, crushing everything. In mid-air, a middle-aged man in a white robe, bathed in starlight, choked blood and flew upside down.

"Senior Brother!!"

On the ground, a purple shirted woman's complexion changed drastically, and her body was faintly star power. Seeing the middle-aged man flying across the air, she hurriedly stepped forward to catch him.


The middle-aged man struggled to get up, blood choked at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the raging star beast in front of him with horror: "The news is wrong, this is not a star beast from the star point realm, but a star map realm!"

"Come on!"

"it is good!"

The woman picked up the middle-aged man and wanted to leave.

However, at this moment, a pair of eyes as huge as lanterns opened quietly, the tyranny and madness in them made people tremble and dare not look directly at them.

This is the craziest ferocious beast. It has no reason at all. It is only born for killing and destruction. It is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, it stared at the two people in front of it, and slapped it hard with a giant claw.

boom! !

A mountain peak exploded, and the entire mountain was directly shattered. Although it didn't hit the two people in front of them directly, the majestic star power was wrapped in just those broken stones, which caused a terrifying impact on them.

At the same time, the giant beast raised its claws, raised it high, and wanted to continue to shoot forward.

A sense of suffocation that surpasses everything comes from his body, as if a mountain is pressing down on him. If he wants to slap himself to death, he will not be able to resist at all. It is irresistible, unstoppable, and impossible to anything.

Feeling this blow, Song Chengen felt desperate and his scalp tingled.

He tried to leave with the woman beside him, but he was intimidated by the vicious beast in front of him. He had no way to break free with his seriously injured body, so he could only stand where he was, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

But in the end, the envisioned scene did not come.

Because in the distance, a more majestic star force rose and rushed to the sky.

Roar! !

Like a thunderstorm blowing from the ground, a ferocious beast roared in front of it, and the two star forces collided with each other, distorting the concept of space.

In the middle of the sky, there is a faint star power, rushing straight to the sky, and a mighty, majestic star phantom emerges faintly, among which there are faint sounds of fighting, with the air of iron and blood fighting.

Wuqu manifests! !
Under the stunned eyes of the two people on the spot, in the mist, there was a handsome figure flying horizontally, like a god in the nine heavens carrying a sacred mountain on its back, rushing down brazenly, delivering a killing blow.

boom! !

The next moment, the giant beast screamed, and its huge body fell down, as if it had lost its last strength.

A young man stood quietly in front, searching for something on the giant beast.

The boy is not very old, he looks only about twelve or thirteen years old, handsome, tall and straight, even though he was fighting a fierce beast just now, his face looks calm at the moment, as if this is not worth mentioning at all, there is no Not at all moved.

He has a peaceful aura, with a lightness, which makes people feel relaxed when they look at him at a glance, and they don't know how to feel good about him.

Looking at the boy's appearance, Song Chengen was a little dazed, he didn't expect him to be so young.

Judging from the situation of the opponent's attack just now, this person's strength is at least in the Star Map Realm, even at the top of the Star Map Realm, but he is so young.

"And... the star power just now."

He recalled the star power he felt just now, and his face couldn't help but change color.

"Is there only so much?"

In front of that ferocious beast, Chen Ming held a piece of purple spar in his hand, felt the thin source power in it, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

He has been in this area for several months.

For several months, he has been looking for news about the Star Rhyme Stone, and finally came here and found this beast.

I don't know where this fierce beast came from, and for some reason, there is a star rhyme stone inlaid on its paw, which is very conspicuous.

After Chen Ming got the news, he kept looking for it, and finally found it until today.

"Forget it, talk is better than nothing."

Putting away the fragments of the Star Rhyme Stone in his hand, looking at the ever-expanding Yuanli number on the Yuanli interface, Chen Ming turned around and wanted to leave.

"Please stay still!" At this moment, a shout came from behind.

Song Chengen strode over from behind, looked at Chen Ming who was about to leave, and said quickly, "May I ask if you are the Star King of Wuqu?"

"Martial arts star king?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

It was not until a while later that he realized what the other party meant.

He had been in this area for a while, and during this time, in order to obtain news about the Star Rhyme Stone, he had shot more than once, so he was witnessed by some people and caused some influence in a small area.

Wuqu Xingwang is one of the titles he has held since this period of time.

The so-called Wuqu refers to his awakened star life. As for the title of star king, it corresponds to the ancient star king, which is a recognition and expectation of his potential.

After all, the Star Map Realm in his early teens is too bluffing. In some people's eyes, his potential is astonishing, and only the title of Star King can be worthy of it.

For these, Chen Ming didn't pay much attention to them, they were just some words of praise, and he didn't take them to heart.

"What's the matter with you?"

Chen Ming turned around, looked at the two senior brothers and sisters, thought for a while and did not leave immediately.

"I'm Song Cheng'en, a direct disciple of Tianyun Sect."

In front of him, Song Chengen tried his best to step forward, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, his eyes lit up: "I heard that your Excellency is searching for news about the Star Rhyme Stone?"


Chen Ming's eyes lit up: "Do you have a clue?"

He couldn't help being a little interested, looking at Song Chengen's brother and sister with scrutiny in their eyes.

"To be honest, I do know some news about this kind of strange thing."

Looking at Chen Ming in the distance, Song Chengen showed a smile on his face, and what he said made Chen Ming's heart move.

"The so-called star rhyme stone, also known as star stone, has been around since ancient times, and it is an extremely rare strange thing."

Sitting in front of a bonfire, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, Song Chengen said: "This kind of strange thing is extremely rare. Because of its rare production and unique function, few people have known about it since ancient times, let alone know its origin. .”

"I can know some, or because of some special reasons."

Looking at Chen Ming, he seemed a little wordy when he spoke like this.

"and then?"

Chen Ming didn't think Song Chengen was too wordy, so he just looked at him with interest and asked.

"Have you heard the rumors about the Heavenly Star Holy Land?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Song Chengen suddenly spoke.

"I've heard of some."

Listening to Song Chengen's words, Chen Ming hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

It has been nearly a year and a half since he came to this world. During such a long time, he is naturally very clear about some legends in this world.

The Heavenly Star Holy Land is one of the legends in this world. According to the rumors, it is the supreme holy land for stargazers and the most powerful holy land in this world.

It is rumored that many epochs ago, this world has been ruled by the Holy Land. In the world at that time, there was only this stargazer power, and the inheritance of the whole world came from it.

Up to now, although the Heavenly Star Holy Land has disappeared long ago, some relics and remnants of the Heavenly Star Holy Land have been preserved. Over the years, sporadic inheritance and records about the Heavenly Star Holy Land have been unearthed and discovered by people.

Naturally, Chen Ming had heard about this kind of records similar to myths and rumors, and even went to some so-called Tianxing relics to investigate in person, hoping to get some clues about the Star Rhyme Stone.

"According to some records I have learned, the original star stones seem to have been discovered from some ruins of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, and were finally slowly brought back by the original explorers."

"It is so."

Hearing this, Chen Ming felt a little stunned.

This news is very important to him.

It has been nearly a few months since he came to Zhongzhou. Although he has been searching for this place for so long, in fact, he still has no clue about things like the Star Rhyme Stone. Most of the time, he has no clue at all and can only be like a headless chicken. Running around.

After getting the news from Song Chengen, he will have another goal in searching for the Star Rhyme Stone in the future. He only needs to search for the relics left by the Heavenly Star Holy Land, so as not to run around like a headless chicken.

After thinking about this, he nodded to Song Chengen in front of him: "Thank you."

"It doesn't have to be."

Song Chengen shook his head hastily, and said, "You saved the lives of our brothers and sisters. You can't repay your kindness for saving lives. It's just some news, not worthy of praise."

"However, if benefactor wants to search for star stones, it is not the best way to search in various ruins."

"It is best to start directly from the Heavenly Star Holy Land."

"Start directly from the Holy Land of Celestial Phenomena?"

Chen Ming couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't understand what Song Chengen meant.

According to the legends he has learned, the so-called Heavenly Star Holy Land has disappeared for an unknown how long now, even if he wants to start from this aspect, I am afraid there is no way.

"Contrary to what outsiders think, the real Heavenly Star Holy Land has not really been destroyed."

Seemingly guessing what Chen Ming was thinking, Song Chengen said before his eyes, "On the contrary, the real Heavenly Star Holy Land has always existed."

"Always existed?"

Chen Ming frowned, somewhat puzzled by this sentence.

Judging from what he has learned, the so-called Heavenly Star Holy Land has undoubtedly disappeared, which is recognized by the field of stargazers.

Now, Song Chengen in front of him told him the opposite fact.

If Chen Ming was really a native of this world, and he grew up listening to the legends of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, he would have been stunned by now.

But if it was Chen Ming, he naturally didn't have such a unique feeling. He even turned around at this moment, looked at Song Chengen in front of him, and asked with great interest: "He hasn't disappeared, so where has he gone after all these years?" ?”

It didn't take a day or two for the Heavenly Star Holy Land to disappear. For almost a thousand years, the Heavenly Star Holy Land has been disappearing from the sight of the world. Except for a few relics proving its existence, there is no trace of the rest.

If it has existed for such a long time, where has he gone for such a long time?
Thinking of this, Chen Ming looked at Song Chengen with great interest, wanting to see how he would answer.

He didn't think the other party would lie to him about this kind of thing, so the other party undoubtedly knew much more than the others, which was enough to clear Chen Ming's confusion.

that's enough.

"Can benefactor know the secret realm?"

Facing Chen Ming's gaze, Song Chengen took a deep breath and said so.

Chen Ming suddenly understood.

Things like secret realms are no strangers to him, and he has encountered them in many worlds.

In the world where Xu Qing lived, Chen Ming even inherited the mantle of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord and inherited a secret realm, so he naturally knew this kind of thing very well.

"If that's the case, it's understandable."

This thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

Secret realms are often isolated from the outside world, and the environment is very different from the outside world. If the so-called Heavenly Star Holy Land really moved into a certain secret realm, then the current situation would be justified.

Even thinking about it further, is this so-called star rhyme stone also a product of that secret realm?Otherwise, there are no other places, only the relics left by the Heavenly Star Holy Land exist.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, but on the surface, looking at Song Chengen in front of him, Chen Ming finally showed a smile on his face.

"I don't know if Brother Song has a connection?"

The smile on Song Cheng'en's face gradually widened, and he said, "I don't dare to make connections, but I just have a bit of vulgarity."

"I would like to hear the details." Chen Ming asked seriously with a correct attitude.

"Benefactor doesn't know, although the Heavenly Star Holy Land is isolated from the world, but every once in a while, it will send people to send money out to recruit disciples from the outside world."

"Every year, new disciples can obtain a strange object from the Holy Land as a reward. Among them, there seems to be a star stone."

After the words fell, Chen Ming's eyes lit up.

"I did it!"

(End of this chapter)

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