Sweeping the world

Chapter 228 Cooperation

Chapter 228 Cooperation
In situ, in the peaceful cave.

A faint light circulated in it. In the same place, after Chen Ming left, a tall middle-aged man in purple came out from the side and turned to look in the direction Chen Ming left.

"Patriarch, is it really okay to do this?"

He looked at the direction where Chen Ming was leaving, and asked with a frown, "The matter of the Holy Land is no small matter, so I'll leave it to an outsider like this?"

"If not, how else?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Since I was half-destroyed, my situation has been declining. For ten years, I haven't had a single disciple who has truly entered the Holy Land."

"If this continues, according to the current situation, the situation will only get worse in a few decades."

"Letting him participate in the selection as a representative of our Tianyun is a matter of mutual benefit."

"The disciple understands."

The middle-aged man sighed deeply and said, "But"

"You care about the martial arts star life on him, right?"

The old man in front of him smiled and said so.


The middle-aged man nodded and sighed at the same time: "If I remember correctly, Wang Xingwang 20 years ago was Wu Qu Xingming. If something happens, what should we do if Tian Yun is involved? .”

As a top martial arts star, Wu Qu has a great reputation in this world. He has produced many talents in the past, not just Chen Ming.

Twenty years ago, a person with extraordinary talent was born. He was promoted to the star map in just a few years. In the end, he was promoted successfully. No.20.

Now that 20 years have passed, with the opponent's talent and the resources of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, it is unknown how far he has come.

"It happens to be martial arts."

The middle-aged man sighed softly.

Awakening the same star life is an original sin in itself.

Between the same star life, they can plunder their star life by fighting to grow themselves.

Two people who have awakened the same star destiny are like each other's natural enemies, and there is almost no possibility of coexistence.

Chen Ming and Wang Xingwang seemed to be in the same place, and that could hardly change the fate of fighting each other.

This is precisely what worries middle-aged men the most.

In his opinion, Chen Ming's talent is not inferior to his predecessors at all, and even surpasses him. If it is a fair competition, he may not lose to the opponent.

But this world has never paid attention to fairness.

The other party was born decades earlier than Chen Ming, and entered the Heavenly Star Holy Land earlier, where he practiced for 20 years longer than Chen Ming.

One step first, one step at a time, this almost announced the final outcome.


The old man shook his head, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "I watched you grow up since I was a child, and the reason why I let you be the head later is because I value your prudence."

"But sometimes, if you are blindly cautious, nothing can be done."

"You have been in charge of Tianyun for decades, you should know what is going on with Tianyun now."

"Since the great change decades ago, when your masters and uncles fell, and I became like this in order to break through, the strength of the faction has plummeted, and until now, it is almost impossible to maintain the star spirit formation. open."

"In a few years, the Xingzhou League will be held again. At that time, those old friends will definitely make trouble again."

"If you don't seek changes, I'm afraid that in a few decades, the family business passed down from our ancestors will be swallowed up by others."

The old man sighed softly, and said: "No matter how powerful that Wang Xingwang is, it's a matter of the future, and the other party may not be interested in our Tianyun."

"After the matter is completed, we will send a heavy gift, and let's just separate the relationship."

"As of now, that's the only way to go"

The middle-aged man sighed softly, and finally he could only say so.

on the other side.

Sitting quietly in the room arranged for him by the Tianyun faction, Chen Ming didn't know what the two of them were talking about in the cave just now, maybe he would just smile if he knew it, and wouldn't say much.

After all, a transaction is a transaction, both parties can benefit from it, and mutual benefit is enough.

As for the warmth outside the transaction, it's best not to count on it.

"So, is that so?"

Sitting quietly in the quiet room, Chen Ming's body was rippling with starlight, a little bit of divine light was swaying, and there was faint purple air around him, as if a god was alive, noble and mysterious.

The vast divine power rose up overwhelmingly, and the rich spiritual power covered this area. Just the spontaneous escape of the body's aura forcibly transformed this area into a spiritual land.

And in the vast inspiration, there is a piece of divine pattern rising, each with different mysteries, and the textures in it emerge, mysterious and natural, with a unique aura, as if containing the essence of the whole world Origin and reason.

At this moment, the number of divine patterns on Chen Ming's body was exceptionally large, reaching seven.

The seven gods, converted into the martial arts of the Dagan world, is the great achievement of returning to the source, which is already close to the level of a master.

In the era when the grandmaster was not around, Chen Ming possessed the combat power of the seven divine patterns, which could already be called invincible.

These are the results of Chen Ming's refinement of star power during this period of time.

Through the connection of stars and fate, the process of extracting the power of the stars from Wuqu star and converging the divine pattern is much easier than Chen Ming imagined.

In just a few months, Chen Ming possessed the seven divine patterns. In terms of cultivation, it has already surpassed his original body.

You must know that his main body is only cultivated at the moment, and it only condenses two divine lines. When it comes to cultivation, it is far inferior to Chen Ming's clone.

The increase brought by the so-called power of stars can be imagined.

However, judging from the current situation, with the condensing of the seven divine patterns, Chen Ming's speed of condensing the divine patterns has also greatly slowed down. It is impossible to think of it as fast as before.

"Unless you get a higher level of star life and deepen the fit between Wu Quxing and yourself, it can only be like this."

Feeling the bursts of star power bathing his body, Chen Ming shook his head, and this thought flashed in his mind.

Chen Ming is not in a hurry to deepen Wu Qu's star fate.

Judging from the ratio of this world to the Dagan world, he still has a long stay in this world. Even if he wants to improve his star life, he still has a lot of time after that.

What really concerned him at this moment was another matter.

The magic tome he has practiced has now been cultivated to the level of returning to the source, but it still hasn't changed at all, as if there is nothing abnormal about this magic tome.

But judging from the origin of this grimoire, this obviously shouldn't be.

"Is it because my level of practice is not enough, or is it because of different reasons in the world that some of the mechanisms cannot take effect?"

Chen Ming frowned, and this thought flashed through his mind.

After a while, the sound of footsteps from outside made Chen Ming temporarily put down his thoughts.


Outside, Song Chengen pushed the door open and walked in, with obvious joy on his face: "The Patriarch told us to pack our luggage, we can set off now."

(End of this chapter)

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