Sweeping the world

Chapter 229 Assessment

Chapter 229 Assessment
Walking past the residence of Tian Yunzong, dozens of days passed quickly.

After dozens of days of journey, they gradually came to a mansion.

"Junior Tang Que, I have met the Palace Master."

Coming to the mansion, the master of Tianyun Sect, Song Chengen's master brought Chen Ming into it, and said to an old man respectfully: "I haven't seen you for many years, the mansion master is still in the same state, and I am envious of others."

"Sect Master Tang has won the prize."

In front, listening to Tang Que's words, the old man turned around, looked at him and smiled.

In Chen Ming's eyes, the old man was dressed in white with fluttering sleeves and long white hair hanging down, carrying a unique aura.

What Chen Ming cares about the most is the aura of the old man, which seems to be vague and uncertain, like infinitely broad, but also seems to not exist at all, between existence and non-existence, it is extremely unique and mysterious, making Chen who is secretly observing Ming couldn't help frowning, feeling a little more cautious.

He had never seen such an existence.

No matter how strong a person is, there are some things that cannot be concealed. At least the basic blood, breath, etc. must exist. No matter how powerful the strength is, there should be traces to follow.

But the person in front of him was different. There was no trace of blood, no breath, and Chen Ming felt that he was not a living person, but a dead thing that could move.

"This little friend has a keen sense." A voice broke the silence.

Quietly looking at the appearance of Chen Ming in front of him, the old man showed some surprise on his face: "The annual ring is only twelve, and it is already in the realm of the star map. It is really a talent beyond compare."

"Sect Master Tang's visit this time is probably for this little friend."


Tang Kuang nodded, sighed softly in his heart, and then said, "I'm waiting for this time to come, and I hope that the Palace Master will open the star gate and send this child to the examination place."

"Sent to the assessment place?"

The old man frowned, looking a little surprised, then looked at Chen Ming seriously, and said, "Is that true?"

"The assessment of the holy land is no small matter. If one fails, one's life will be in danger."

"This child is only twelve now, and he is already a star map. Wouldn't it be better to let him practice for a few more years and become stronger?"

He said with some doubts.

The assessment of the Heavenly Star Holy Land is not the sooner the better, as long as you are under 20 years old, you can participate.

With the age and talent shown by Chen Ming, he can practice for a few more years before participating. At that time, the cultivation level will be stronger, and it will be easier to pass.


Hearing what the old man said, Tang Que showed a wry smile on his face, and subconsciously looked at Chen Ming.

Although the situation of Sky Cloud Sect is bad, it is still worth waiting for a few years.

Before that, he also advised Chen Ming to stay in the sky and practice in the sky, and wait a few years before going up to challenge.

It's just that this proposal was finally rejected by Chen Ming himself.

Contrary to what Tian Yunzong and others thought, among these people, Chen Ming happened to be the one who couldn't wait the most.

Staying in the Sky Cloud Sect, if you don't have the exact source of the Star Rhyme Stone, it's fine, staying there for meditation is also a good place to go.

But now knowing where to have the Star Rhyme Stone, it would be a waste of time to stay in the Sky Cloud Sect.

Therefore, Chen Ming refused Tang Que's proposal without thinking about it.

"We have our reasons."

In front of Chen Ming and the old man, Tang Que had a wry smile on his face, and in the end he could only say so.

"So, that's all right, you must have your own difficulties."

The old man sighed softly, his breath was light, as if it didn't exist in Chen Ming's senses: "But although this child is young, his cultivation has reached the level of the star map, so it should be no problem to pass the examination. "

"Go down and prepare. Come back after three days."


With a respectful attitude, Tang Que carefully left the place with Chen Ming.

"Old Master Xing is not a real person, but a spirit transformed from a star spirit array."

After walking out of the mansion, Tang Que seemed to understand Chen Ming's doubts, and said so.

"A formation of spirits?"

After the words fell, even though Chen Ming had been prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help being stunned at this moment, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"When I first heard the news, I was as shocked as you."

Seeing the astonishment on Chen Ming's face, Tang Que smiled.

Chen Ming has been too calm in dealing with people and dealing with things all the way up to now, he doesn't look like a normal child at all, until the astonishment appeared on his face at this moment, he has gained some popularity.

"Cultivation is a path of continuous transformation. The further you go, the stronger your ability is, and the more things you can do."

Looking at Chen Ming, he said, "For mortals, our level can already be called a god. For us, stargazers at a higher level are also gods."

"Xingzhou Mansion was originally a large array of star spirits arranged in Xingzhou by a star god before countless epochs."

"Those people have already mastered the essence of the world, blessed by the heaven and the earth, and there is a sympathy between the heaven and the earth in every move. The grand formation they have arranged has been nourished by countless years of time. It is not surprising that the core of it is born with wisdom. "

Tang Que shook his head and said: "It is said that in ancient times there were giants who were unrivaled in the world, and a drop of blood could destroy a world, and it could also give birth to life, turning into a clan, and conquering the world."

He said so, but didn't look to the side, Chen Ming's face became more serious.

"How strong is this world?"

Listening to Tang Que's narration, Chen Ming couldn't help but flash this idea in his mind.

If what Tang Quak said is true, then the force value in this world is probably higher than Chen Ming's imagination.

A spiritual array gives birth to spiritual wisdom, and a drop of blood destroys a world. What kind of level is this?
"However, those are ancient legends. In our generation, at least in our world, such strong people have already disappeared."

In the same place, Tang Que shook his head and said with some regret.

"Our world?"

Chen Ming accurately grasped this word, and asked numbly, "So, there are other realms?"

"It's natural."

Tang Kuang nodded, and said, "There are many great realms in this world. Our realm is called Xingzhou, and it is a realm governed by the Heavenly Star Holy Land."

"Palace Master Xinglao is the boundary array of this world, responsible for cross-boundary teleportation, and is the only channel between this world and the outside world."

"I see." Chen Ming nodded, unable to express his mood at this moment.

"After you enter the secret realm for assessment, there is a high possibility that you will meet geniuses from other realm states, so don't take it lightly."

Tang Que warned, speaking seriously to Chen Ming.

"Not only do you have to pass the rigorous assessment, but you also have to compete with geniuses in other great worlds?"

Chen Ming nodded secretly, and had a preliminary understanding of the difficulty of this assessment.

Needless to say, the assessment of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, just to compete with the geniuses in other great worlds is enough to see the difficulty.

Who can stand out from the assessment of the Heavenly Star Holy Land is not a real genius, but an outstanding person and arrogance who have broken out from among hundreds of millions of people in the world.

Competing with such outstanding people, the gold content of this test can be imagined.

However, for Chen Ming, that was all.

Looking at Chen Ming, Tang Que thought that what he said today would cause some pressure in his heart, but he did not expect that his expression was still so calm, and he couldn't help but asked with some doubts, "Don't you feel nervous?"

"What are you nervous about?"

Chen Ming glanced at him, there was no sign of nervousness on his face at all: "The assessment is right there, what's the use of being nervous?"

Although the difficulty of the examination in the Heavenly Star Holy Land is predictable, it is nothing more than an enhanced version of the college entrance examination.

Chen Ming is the best at exams.

After all, he can cheat.

"Let's go."

Three days later, following Tang Que, Chen Ming came to an altar.

"When you step onto the altar, you will be sent to a secret place, and someone will pick you up when the time comes."

Standing quietly beside the altar, the old Palace Master said to Chen Ming.

His eyes were calm, just like three days ago, looking at Chen Ming now with a smile on his face: "Son, after the assessment starts, although we can't follow in, we will still watch you here."

"No matter what, keep yourself safe."

"I will."

Chen Ming nodded, calmly accepted the old palace master's kindness, and then walked up.

As if sensing his arrival, a faint radiance bloomed on the altar, gradually covering Chen Ming's body, covering him from head to toe, looking very extraordinary and extraordinary.

Shrouded in brilliance, in Chen Ming's induction, a little bit of inexplicable aura began to emerge and descend gradually.

However, before he realized it carefully, his eyes went dark, and all his senses disappeared.

"he has gone."

Looking at Chen Ming who disappeared, the smile on the old Palace Master's face disappeared, and he looked at Tang Que and said, "If there is nothing important, Sect Master Tang, please go back."


Facing this old palace master who had lived for an unknown number of years, Tang Que naturally didn't dare to make a fuss, left respectfully, and walked outside.

Before leaving, looking at the old man in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, and asked bravely: "Mansion Master, in your opinion, can he pass the examination?"

"The assessment of the Heavenly Star Holy Land is difficult to say the least, but in the eyes of those true arrogances, it's actually not too difficult."

The old palace master shook his head: "It shouldn't be a problem for a star map to pass the assessment. The real difficulty is to get a good ranking."

"With Palace Master's words, I can rest assured."

Tang Que breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't even think about whether Chen Ming could get any good grades, as long as he could pass the assessment, he would be satisfied.

At that moment, he let go of a big stone in his heart, thanked the old Palace Master in front of him, and then slowly left.

on the other side.

"Is it here?"

A hazy light came from ahead, and in the darkness, Chen Ming opened his eyes.

In front of him was a very magnificent hall, in which there was a person sitting in the center, holding an amethyst pen in his hand, gesturing non-stop there.

It was a young man in a purple robe. He looked very young, his body was perfect, and he was full of a unique vitality, which made Chen Ming's eyes gradually dignified.

In Chen Ming's line of sight, the blood of the person in front of him was as strong as a melting pot, even if he just approached, it was enough to burn a whole group of people, which was extremely terrifying.

"Huh? Such a sensitive sense."

There was a sound of surprise in front, and then the young man raised his head with a look of surprise on his face: "Is there another one?"

"And it's still so young."

Looking at Chen Ming, he obviously became interested. Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, he asked, "Which family are you from? The Liu family? Or the Song family?"

Hearing the young man's words, Cheng You was stunned for a moment, and then you came to your senses, cupped your hands at the person in front of you, and said, "Your junior is from Xingzhou."

"Xingzhou? That dilapidated place that doesn't even have a star spirit?"

Hearing Chen Ming's words, the young man was not disappointed, on the contrary, he became even more interested, and became somewhat curious about Chen Ming in front of him.

He raised his head, and looked at Chen Ming with a pair of purple eyes, in which the shadows of stars emerged faintly, spreading and covering all directions.

In his line of sight, Chen Ming in front of him was shrouded in a layer of mist, his body was covered by the mighty star power, and a phantom of a star that exuded the intention of killing and fighting emerged indistinctly.

"Is this a martial song?"

(End of this chapter)

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