Sweeping the world

Chapter 230 Su Ling

Chapter 230 Su Ling
"Wu Qu. This is really interesting."

Looking at Chen Ming, the young man's face was a little surprised at first, and then he showed some amusement: "What is the relationship between Wang Yuntian and you?"

"Wang Yuntian?"

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why the other party asked such a question suddenly.

"Don't you know?"

This time it was the young man's turn to be stunned, looking at Chen Ming with some doubts, he said, "You are from Xingzhou, why don't you even know who Wang Yuntian is?"

"Didn't your referee tell you?"

He frowned, looked at Chen Ming and said.

Chen Ming shook his head in a daze, an ominous premonition rose in his heart at this moment.

Sky Cloud Sect did not inform him of the owner of Wuqu Xingming, the reason was nothing but fear that he would be afraid and would not dare to participate in the assessment.

Although judging from Chen Ming's previous performance, this possibility is very small, but Tang Que and the others still dare not take the risk.

This also led to Chen Ming still being ignorant of the situation he was going to face next.

"Things are getting more interesting."

The young man showed a playful smile on his face, looking at Chen Ming's appearance, thoughtful in his heart.

As an introduction officer, he looks young, but in fact he has lived for an unknown number of years.

A long time has accumulated, and he has seen many things like this for a long time. Now that he just knows this information, he automatically fills up a variety of possibilities in his mind.

"Have you been treated as an abandoned child?"

If he looked at Chen Ming with interest, if he was an ordinary person, he would probably be taken aback by him.

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he was watched by the young man's gaze. The expression on his face never changed, and he didn't look nervous at all.

Looking at his appearance, the young man showed a smile on his face, and said, "Now there are two news, good and bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Bad news."

Listening to the young man's words, Chen Ming frowned secretly, and said so.

"The bad news is that you are being targeted, and the other party is stronger than you and has a higher status than you. It is very difficult to provoke."

The young man said the news with a smile on his face.

Chen Ming was taken aback, then frowned: "What about the good news?"

"The good news is that I've decided to give you a hand."

The young man continued to speak, without changing the smile on his face, and looked at Chen Ming seriously, wanting to see his reaction.

However, Chen Ming's reaction was very flat. After hearing what he said, he was just taken aback, and then asked: "Why?"

Chen Ming was a little puzzled: "Your Excellency and I are not related, why do you love me so much?"

"There are many reasons."

Looking at Chen Ming, the young man smiled, but seemed very kind: "I have served as an introduction officer here many times, and I think my temper is not bad, but that person is the rare type that makes me angry."

"Also, you look better than him, and you are younger, I like it very much."

He smiled and looked at Chen Ming with a very approachable attitude: "What's the reason?"

Opposite him, the corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

To him, the reason given by the other party was indeed casual enough.

"All right."

The young man put down the amethyst pen in his hand, spread his hands apart, stretched his waist, looked at him lazily and said, "I have already registered your information, but the ugliness comes first."

"Although you give me a good impression, I don't like trash."

"The person who will stare at you has a high status in the holy gate. If you just pass the examination, you will enter the holy gate, and you will end up in a miserable end."

"So, in order not to die, let's work hard in this assessment."

He smiled and said, "Now, go down and have a good rest."

The young man said so, and then a girl in a purple robe appeared beside him, bowed to the young man, then looked at Chen Ming and said, "Please come with me."

Chen Ming glanced at the young man, saw that he was silent, bowed slightly, saluted, and then left with the girl beside him.

"That's not like you."

In the same place, after Chen Ming left, a voice emerged.

A young girl in white came out from a side compartment and looked at the young man with surprise on her face: "My brother, when did you become so talkative? And you talk so much?"

"There are always exceptions."

Seeing the girl appear, the young man smiled: "He is still a child."

"A 12-year-old child, when I was his age, I still didn't understand anything."

His face was filled with sorrow: "I never thought that so many years would pass in a blink of an eye."

"Wan'er, what are you doing here this time?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, he asked.

"The secret realm has been opened, and the assessment can start at any time. I came here this time to inform you of the news."

The woman in white nodded, and then said, "Since you have nothing to do here, I'll go first."

"No." The young man nodded and said so.

"Master Guangyang rarely talks so much with others."

Leading Chen Ming all the way to a room, the girl in the purple dress spoke.

"Guangyang, is this your Excellency's name?"

Chen Ming asked.


The girl nodded, and then said: "My name is Su Ling. During this time, I will be in charge of your daily life. If you need anything, you can ask directly. I will provide everything for you."

"Whether it's cultivation resources, star power cultivation room, fine wine, women, you can provide them here."

"Fine wine and women are not necessary for practice, are they?"

Chen Ming frowned and asked.

"Who knows?"

Su Ling smiled: "There are all kinds of people who will come here for the assessment. Some candidates think that this will make them relax a lot, and there are even some people who have obtained some inexplicable inheritances. They like to kill people for fun. There are all kinds of quirks. Do not have."

Speaking of this, she paused, looked at Chen Ming's small body at the moment, and couldn't help smiling: "But you are still young, it's best not to imitate them."

"Okay, while there is still some time, do you have anything else to ask?"

She looked at Chen Ming and asked.


Chen Ming nodded, and asked, "Is the star stone within the scope of application?"

The so-called star stone is another name for the star rhyme stone, and it is also the purpose of Chen Ming's trip.


Su Ling was taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he said, "This thing is not very useful, but it is considered a relatively precious material, and it is not within the scope of your application."


Chen Ming was a little disappointed, but he didn't show it. He just nodded and asked for some ordinary things for the next practice.

Although it's only three days, since there are free resources available, it's better not to waste them.

Hearing Chen Ming's request, Su Ling nodded with a smile, and then retreated with a very friendly attitude.

After she left, Chen Ming was about to enter his room when he suddenly heard a strange noise.

In the distance, the sound of heavy footsteps was coming quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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