Chapter 232
"One day of practice here is probably comparable to my ten days of practice in other places."

Standing quietly in place, feeling the star power in the surrounding room to block the smoke, Chen Ming's mouth twitched, and he had a deep understanding of the wealth of the Heavenly Star Holy Land.

Leaving aside the rest of the expenses, just the layout of this room right now is an absolute masterpiece. Some strong people have arranged a spiritual formation, which makes this place rich in star power. If you practice here for a long time, your cultivation speed will inevitably double.

Even if it is a mortal, if he lives here for a long time, he may be able to break through the limit after a long time, and his physical strength is comparable to that of some external martial arts practitioners.

“Not bad”

Sensing the surrounding star power environment, Chen Ming nodded, and then sat down cross-legged. In his mind, a star map loomed, and one of the stars slowly shone brightly.

Instilled with the majestic power of the stars, walking along the star map, tempered Chen Ming's body over and over again, constantly climbing to a higher level and becoming stronger.

This speed is very slow compared to normal, but compared to ordinary people, it is extremely fast, reaching an admirable level.

Soon, several hours passed.

bang bang
There was a slight knock on the door from outside.

Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes, restraining his star power, then walked to the outer door and opened it.

"Jin Liu asked me to give these things to you."

Standing outside the door was Su Ling, who had left before, holding a long box in his hand, looking at Chen Ming and saying, "Maids and servants are not allowed to come in and out at will, so this thing can only come from me in the end." delivered."

"Thank you."

Chen Ming was a little surprised, he didn't expect Jin Liu to move so fast.

He took the long box from Su Ling, and without shy away from the other party, he opened it directly, revealing the contents inside.

The space inside the long black box is not too big, and there are only a few pieces of purple crystal stones inside.

Compared with the one that Chen Ming got from Wang Lingmiao in the past, these star stones don't look good, the purple color on them is much lighter, the color is very mottled, and there are some other variegated colors.

Obviously, the fineness of these few star stones could not be compared with the one obtained by Chen Ming, it seemed much inferior.

Even so, there are still some effects.

Chen Ming put his hands on these star stones, and suddenly a warm current surged from his hands, and there was a purple phantom flashing in front of his eyes, which was the source force number beating.


He was overjoyed, suppressed the joy in his heart, and did not make a sound.

"I know that there are some secret methods that can absorb some spirituality from spiritual materials and use them to nourish oneself."

A voice came from the door.

Looking at Chen Ming in front of the door, Su Ling seemed to feel the joy in his heart, and said, "You may have a similar method, but I have checked these star stones. Although they are not bad, they are not the best. , there are some impurities in it, you'd better be careful when you use it."

She obviously regarded Chen Ming's need for star stones as practicing some unique secret techniques.

It's no wonder that others don't have the power of origin, and they can't use the power contained in the star stone. It's not surprising that they mistake it for this aspect.

But listening to his words, Chen Ming's heart moved.

He needs star stones, which is okay at the moment, but when he needs more in the future, it will definitely attract attention.

What Su Ling said at the moment was just an excuse.

"I see."

So, Chen Ming nodded, as if acquiescing to Su Ling's statement.

Su Ling didn't ask any more questions, just turned around and left.

After he left, Chen Ming closed the door, holding a star stone in his hand impatiently.

Accompanied by waves of warm currents, before Chen Ming's eyes, the number on the Yuanli interface went up by one hundred.

"Can a star stone only increase the source power of a hundred or so?"

Looking at the Yuanli interface in front of him, Chen Ming frowned.

This number is a bit different from what he expected. Obviously, the quality of the star stones in front of him is very different from the one he had obtained before.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and a little bit is a little bit.

After a while, when Chen Ming put down the last star stone, the original purple star stone had completely changed.

The color of the original purple spar became lighter at this moment, and the purple on it disappeared, but a faint black color was revealed instead, and it was not known what ingredients were mixed with it.

Source Power: 2714
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method [-]rd Floor (can be upgraded), Star Map Quenching God Method (can be deduced).
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
The familiar image of Yuanli emerged again.

Looking at the source force number at this moment, Chen Ming pondered for a moment, and then began to operate.

Dragon and elephant moving mountain method, upgrade!

The source force numbers in front of him began to fade away, and in the blink of an eye, a burst of purple air shot up into the sky, faintly, it seemed to turn into a dragon elephant, roaring forward.

The dragon elephant is tall, with golden skin all over its body, and its whole body is covered with golden dragon scales. It seems that there is a world of power in its every move, and it wants to carry the mountain of God with its own strength and move forward fiercely.

Bursts of heavy sounds erupted completely. On Chen Ming's body, the sound of a heartbeat like a bell and drum sounded rapidly. It seemed faint at first, but as time passed, it became louder and louder. , just like the sound of wind and thunder, just listening to this sound makes people tremble.

On Chen Ming's body, red blood energy rose up, as if a furnace was about to burn this place, extremely terrifying and majestic.

It was not until a long time later that the movement in place gradually subsided, and Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes.

The content of the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method has changed in front of my eyes, from the original third level to the fourth level.

Although it is only a mere layer difference, the difference is huge.

In the method of dragon and elephant moving mountains, the third level corresponds only to returning to the source, but the fourth level corresponds to the master realm.

The promotion of the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method to the fourth level shows that to some extent, Chen Ming is now standing above the level of the master.

Of course, only physically.

The dragon-elephant moving mountain method can improve his body, making his body comparable to that of the master, and even fighting the master head-on.

But in terms of spirit and power, he is still lacking. If he fights with a real grandmaster, he will probably not be able to escape the end of defeat in the end.

However, in this world, with the manifestation of the star power of martial arts, Chen Ming is confident that he can fight the grandmaster head-on, even if he still has to lose, he will leave an indelible lesson for his opponent before he loses.

Moreover, his opponent this time is not a grand master.

"The dragon-elephant moving mountain method has been upgraded to the fourth level. In a short period of time, I already have the power of a master, far beyond the star map of this world. You'll know later."

Standing up from the spot, feeling the majestic power in his body at this moment, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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