Sweeping the world

Chapter 233 Start

Chapter 233 Start

Above the star map is the Astral Realm.

After staying in the Sky Cloud Sect for a while, apart from going to the Heavenly Star Holy Land, Chen Ming was not without gains in other aspects.

Astral Realm, this is the level that can only be explored by deducing one's own star map to the extreme. The old man I saw in the sky at the beginning failed to break through the Protoss and abruptly retreated from the promotion. That look.

Chen Ming's combat strength at this time has already surpassed that old man back then.

From the point of view of strength comparison, the Star Map Realm of this world corresponds to innate, among which the powerful ones are comparable to Guiyuan.

As for the Protoss, it should correspond to the Grandmaster.

With Chen Ming's current strength, as long as a complete protoss is not born, the rest should be fine.

Moreover, the physical improvement brought about by the dragon-elephant moving mountain method seems to have caused some special changes.

"Is the strengthening of the star power in the body a special effect brought about by the strengthening of the body?"

Sitting quietly in place, feeling the changes in his body, Chen Ming guessed.

The various systems of the body are not separated from each other, but highly connected.

At this moment, with the strengthening of his body, his traction to the star power seems to have increased a lot at the moment. In the body, the star points that seemed a little blurred at the moment are also rapidly expanding at this moment, which seems to save a lot in an instant. effort.

According to the standards of this world, Chen Ming seems to have passed the first stage of the Star Map Realm at this moment, and is already close to completion.

"It's also a good thing."

Sensing the changes in his body, Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes, a little soul spread throughout his body, and he passed silently, beginning to adapt to the changes in his body.

During the retreat, time passed silently.

During the past few days, apart from going out to contact Jin Liu, Chen Ming spent the rest of the time in his room, quietly waiting for the start of the assessment.

Finally, three days later.

"Is it here?"

In an empty square, surrounded by many people, compared with the desertedness before, it looks extraordinarily lively at this moment.

Looking at the lively scene around, Chen Ming was a little surprised: "Why are there so many people?"

"It's always been that many people."

Beside him, Jin Liu smiled and said, "For every assessment, people from all realms will come to participate. For example, this year, there will be a total of 170 people from the eight realms."

"A total of 170 eight realms."

Jin Liu sighed. Speaking of this, he couldn't help feeling a heavy pressure in his heart: "Even if there are only ten people in each realm, there are close to 2000 people."

Among the realms governed by the Heavenly Star Holy Land, there are only a handful of realms like Xingzhou Realm where the power of stargazers is weak.

Given the vastness of a world, searching for geniuses in a world, among other things, can still find more than a dozen geniuses, and some famous great worlds are even more terrifying.

For example, in Dongyuan Prefecture where Jinliu is located, it is said that there are hundreds of people participating in the assessment this year, let alone the rest of the world.

Under the competition of such a large number of geniuses, even if Jin Liu came from a famous family, he couldn't help but feel a heavy pressure.

"The road to the head of the bed is naturally straight, no matter what, just do your best."

Looking at Jin Liu, Chen Ming smiled. Although he was surprised, he didn't feel much pressure.

On the one hand, it was because he didn't have much yearning for the so-called Heavenly Star Holy Land, and the reason why he wanted to join was only for the Star Stone.

Secondly, the age of his body is still young.

The basic requirement for the examination of the Heavenly Star Holy Land is to be under the age of 20 at the Star Point Realm, and there is no saying that one can only come to the examination once.

As long as the conditions are met, even if you fail this year, you can still continue to participate in two years.

Xiang Jinliu, this time is not the first time to participate in the assessment, but the second time.

Considering his age, if he doesn't pass this time, he won't have another chance next time.

That's why he's stressed.

Chen Ming is different from him.

His body is only twelve, even if he fails this time, there will still be many opportunities in the future, so there is no need to be nervous.

"It's nice to be young."

Looking at Chen Ming, Jin Liu looked envious.

In the Dongyuan world, he is also a well-known genius, and he also has the support of the Jin family, but he has reached the star point realm, but he has reached the age of 16, and he has participated in an assessment. After waiting for two years, this time has come .

It is completely incomparable with Chen Ming's 12-year-old participation in the assessment.

To a certain extent, this was also the reason why he valued Chen Ming.

A 12-year-old Star Point Realm still has several years to practice. Even if he fails the assessment this time, he still has a lot of time to enter the Holy Land.

"Let's go in."

Gathering his mind on the spot, looking at the crowd around him, Chen Ming spoke.

The square in front of me is very large, and the number of 2000 people seems to be quite a lot, but it looks very sparse when distributed to the entire square.

Chen Ming and the two walked to a random place, stayed there for a while, and waited silently for the start of the assessment.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming looked around.

In the surrounding area, not many people spoke at the moment, everyone kept quiet, silently recuperating their spirits in order to cope with the next assessment.

"The content of the assessment of the Holy Land will be different every year, but generally there are several aspects of the assessment."

Standing beside Chen Ming, Jin Liu spoke in a low voice, explaining his own experience to Chen Ming: "It is nothing more than age, cultivation, strength, understanding, and the most important star destiny."

"Every standard will have plus points"

"During the assessment, the stargazers in the Holy Land will also watch it. If the performance is really outstanding, even if it is not outstanding in other aspects, you can make an exception and collect it."

Jin Liu whispered about his own experience, and told Chen Ming all the things in it.

This is all talk from experience, Chen Ming listened very seriously.

After a while, a figure appeared in place.


A figure appeared at the end of the field of vision, wearing a long gown, with a stern face.

This figure was none other than the young man who was responsible for escorting Chen Ming when Chen Ming came that day.

"This is His Highness Wu Ming, Tianfeng's law enforcement envoy, who is in charge of our assessment." Jin Liu whispered to the side.

"Is his name Wu Ming?"

Chen Ming nodded thoughtfully, showing that he understood.

"The assessment begins, everyone, enter the tower!"

In the sky, Wu Ming's figure was tall and straight, his face was stern, like a high-altitude king looking down on all living beings, and the cold bluntness resounded in place.

As his words fell, a high tower descended from the sky and gradually expanded. In a short moment, it enveloped the entire square and everyone in it.

A faint phantom flashed across, and a unique pulling force penetrated the body on the spot.

In the next instant, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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