Sweeping the world

Chapter 234 Ranking

Chapter 234 Ranking
A little bit of light shines on this place, and in an instant, the originally empty land changes instantly.

A tall tower stood here at this moment, and then Chen Ming and others were covered in it.

Looking at this scene, Wu Ming nodded with a stern expression, and then waved his sleeves lightly.

A change quietly took place in the original place, and then in the center of the square, a stone monument rose from the ground, like a high mountain, reaching hundreds of meters in a short time.

On the stone tablet, a burst of purple light flowed, and then one name after another emerged on it.

"It seems that there are many more people participating in the assessment this time than before."

Behind him, an exclamation sounded.

Wu Ming turned around, only to see an old man in a white robe quietly approaching behind him.

"Uncle Feng."

Wu Ming stepped forward and saluted the old man respectfully.

"sit down."

Looking at Wu Ming, Ye Feng smiled and motioned him to sit down.

"In the biennial assessment, I don't know how many people will stand out this time." A loud voice came from behind.

Behind Ye Feng, there were several people sitting there, looking at the stele at the moment.

Accompanied by their gaze, on the quaint stone tablet, the scene above suddenly changed.

A faint brilliance appeared on it, and in an instant, the situation that appeared above changed.

Among the more than 2000 names, some of the names above are flashing at this moment, and the content of the handwriting displayed on them begins to change.

"Chen Ming, 12 years old, at the Star Map Dacheng Realm."

One name after another appeared on the stone tablet, but the content that appeared on it has changed at this moment, not only the name, but also the age and cultivation base.

Accompanied by this change, in an instant, Chen Ming's name quickly rushed to the top of the stone tablet, until it rushed to the top group of names.

Although not in the top ten, there are not many names that can rank ahead of him at this moment.

"No.30 Seven"

Taking a cursory glance at the stele, Wu Ming was a little surprised to find Chen Ming's name on the stele.

From the moment he saw Chen Ming for the first time, he knew that this time the opponent's ranking would never be too low, but he didn't expect that he would be directly ranked in the top fifty.

Don't look at it as just the top fifty, but who are these competitors in front of you?It can be said that everyone is a genius, a genius who has emerged among hundreds of millions of people in the world.

Ordinary geniuses will soon disappear among the crowd when they come here. Even if they want to enter the top [-], they can be said to be geniuses among geniuses.

Chen Ming was able to rank No. 30 among the seven, which means that even among the two thousand arrogances, there are only 36 people who can surpass him in terms of cultivation at this moment.

"No. 30 seven, this level, even if he is at the bottom of several other tests, it is enough for him to pass the assessment."

Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, Wu Ming's face was calm, and this thought flashed in his mind: "However, it is not enough to want to compete with Wang Yuntian, keep myself under Wang Yuntian's hands, and gain a breathing space."

Wang Yuntian is also a master of martial arts. When he first started, he was valued and taught carefully. Now his cultivation level is not inferior to him.

The only way for Chen Ming to keep himself in the hands of such a person is to perform well in this big competition and show his potential.

As long as he proves that he is good enough, someone will naturally be tempted to bear Wang Yuntian's pressure for him.

In the final analysis, the Holy Land is huge and there are many factions. Although Wang Yuntian's line is powerful, it also has its opponents.

"Come on, work hard."

All kinds of thoughts circulated in my mind, and at the end, Wu Ming smiled: "Let me see how far you can go."

on the other side.

"My current cultivation can only make me rank No. 30 among these people?"

In the dim space, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

After improving the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain method, after the strength of his body drives the star map, he has reached the star map Dacheng, and he is only one step away from reaching the peak.

However, even with this level of cultivation, they are still only ranked 37th on this stone tablet.

This proves that in the evaluation of this stele, there are at least 36 people whose cultivation level is better than his.

At least according to the system of this world.

"It really is Crouching Tiger Jackie Dragon."

Chen Ming shook his head, then glanced at the phantom of the stele outside, and at No.1 displayed on it at the moment.

"Yang Xuan, 16 years old, the star map is at the top!"

"Just 16 years old, already at the pinnacle of the star map"

Looking at the information manifested on the stele, Chen Ming sighed a little: "You are really a genius."

The star map to the realm, converted into the Daqian system, is the return to the source.

Relying on oneself alone, returning to the source at the age of 16 is simply unheard of and unseen.

Even in this world assisted by star power, it is appalling.

"It seems that if you want to climb to the top, it's not that easy."

Standing where he was, Chen Ming shook his head, this thought flashed through his mind.

The ranking on the stele is not static, age and cultivation are only one of the directions of investigation, and there will be many assessments after that.

If the performance in the subsequent assessment is good enough, even if the cultivation base is not as good as others, it is still possible to come from behind and surpass the front.

In fact, at this moment, the ranking on the stone tablet has already changed. Some people who acted quickly were promoted, and Chen Ming's ranking was dropped several places.

"let's start."

Chen Ming shook his head, then stepped forward, walking towards the tower.

In an instant, the scene in front of him changed, and a high step suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This level is a test of will." As Chen Ming stepped into it, a stern voice sounded around him silently.

"There are a total of 99 steps here. Each step will have a different feeling. The more steps you take, the better your performance."


Before the voice could finish speaking, Chen Ming stepped on it directly and stepped onto the steps in front of him.

As soon as the first step is stepped up, a faint itching sensation surges from the body. The feeling is not strong at first, but as the steps continue to be stepped up, it becomes extremely violent. Pulling out the hair, soaking the whole body in boiling water to boil, just to relieve the itching on the body.

Regarding this, Chen Ming's expression remained the same as before, and he continued to walk upwards, his steps were steady and his expression was calm, as if he hadn't been affected at all, he walked directly upwards.

Soon, he reached No.30 heavy steps.

boom! !

pain!It hurts!It's a sharp pain! !
An incomparably severe pain swept over the whole body, at first it was only mild, but in the end it was extremely severe, like countless invisible bugs biting the body, and it seemed that the flesh and blood cells in the whole body were being hit, it was so intense, I wish I could Make people faint immediately.

With a calm face, Chen Ming stepped over.

(End of this chapter)

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