Sweeping the world

Before Chapter 235

Chapter 235 Top Ten
Step by step, the steps are manifested in front of him, constantly appearing in front of him.

In the same place, Chen Ming stepped forward with a stern expression.

At this moment, when he reached a high place, every piece of flesh and blood on his body seemed to be being bitten by mosquitoes, and there were pains all over his body, accompanied by bursts of itching.

If an ordinary person were standing here, he would probably wish he could pass out directly at this moment, and he would definitely not want to suffer such pain.

boom! !

With a calm face, Chen Ming walked up and down the next step.

To him, such sore spots on the body are nothing at all, they have been obliterated as early as when he first practiced martial arts, and even if he is hacked into pieces, he will never frown.

Soon, he jumped over the ninety steps ahead, and the whole process seemed extremely natural without any hesitation.

This outstanding performance has attracted a lot of attention.

"Can't the physical pain move him in the slightest?"

Seeing Chen Ming's movements when he climbed the steps, Wu Ming was a little surprised.

Because he had seen it before, and because of Wu Qu's star fate, Chen Ming impressed him deeply, so as soon as he entered the tower, he hugged and paid attention to him.

But watching the whole process of Chen Ming passing the steps, even he couldn't help being a little surprised, even shocked.

In the past, it was not that no one passed the first ninety steps like Chen Ming, but even if those people could break free, they must hesitate, stay, use their perseverance to fight against the pain, and finally overcome it.

It was the first time Wu Ming saw someone as easy as Chen Ming.

"Not bad."

Behind him, the old man named Ye Feng smiled, and there seemed to be admiration in his eyes: "The physical pain in front can't stop him, so what about the spiritual injury later?"

"Let's just watch."

He looked at the stone tablet in front of him and said so.

At this moment, on the stone tablet in front, because of Chen Ming's actions, his name has moved forward a lot.

No.20 three!
Although only a dozen people rushed forward, compared to the surroundings, this was already a big change.

Around the stele, the names of those bottom-level people changed very frequently, but after entering the top [-], although the ranking also changed, but it was very slow. Like Chen Ming, there were only a few people who advanced by more than a dozen at a time, and they immediately attracted attention. A lot of eyes were focused on his assessment.

Chen Ming himself was not clear about this point.

At this moment, he is stepping towards the first step of No.90.

Taking a step forward, the scene suddenly changed.

The severe pain in my body before suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by a strong sense of loss and sadness.

An inexplicable sense of depression emerged in my heart, with a huge sense of frustration, like a patient suffering from severe depression, unable to cheer up at all, and has no feeling for anything.

Affected by this feeling, in an instant, the idea of ​​giving up and withdrawing from the assessment arose in Chen Ming's heart.

"Physically, it's not good, so it's spiritual?"

Feeling the sensation all over his body, in an instant, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

Physical tests are limited after all. The first ninety steps can basically be regarded as the greatest pain that can be inflicted without harming people.

If it is any bigger, I'm afraid it will hurt the examiner himself. The moment he feels the pain, it is enough to directly break the mind.

If this is the case, this is no longer an assessment, but a fatal one.

The physical test ends here, and the last nine steps are aimed at the mind.

There are only nine steps, but sometimes it is even more sad than the previous ninety steps.

"But that's about it."

Feeling the exhaustion, loss, frustration and other feelings constantly coming from his heart, Chen Ming calmed down and shook his head secretly.

For other people, these nine steps are indeed an extremely difficult threshold, but for people like Chen Ming, that's all.

He studied the Darui Buddhist scriptures, and was later passed down by the Great Nirvana Buddha. His spiritual strength is tenacious and unshakable. The test here is a major test for others, but for him, it may not be too difficult.

Under the stunned eyes of some people, he stepped up and down the stairs calmly, and the whole movement seemed to be very comfortable, without the slightest force, as if he was not testing, but just walking casually.

Loss, pain, sadness, joy, lust, greed... All kinds of emotions were rippling in his heart, but they were all gone in the end, leaving no waves in his heart, and they couldn't stop his footsteps at all.

Finally, he moved towards the last step,
boom! !

All scenes disappeared in an instant.

Under Wu Ming's stunned eyes, Chen Ming's name was shining brightly, and he quickly rushed from the original No.20 to No.10.

This ranking is already in the first rank, and it is also the safety line for Chen Ming in Wu Ming's mind.

With this ranking, Chen Ming has really caught the eyes of everyone. If there is no accident, there must be an elder who will accept him as a disciple, so there is no need to worry about Wang Yuntian's targeting.

Even, at this level, it is not impossible for Wu Ming to do it himself.

After all, in the final analysis, he is not inferior to Wang Yuntian, and he also has a huge background behind him.

But when it came to the scene in front of him, Wu Ming didn't care about it anymore.

"Let me see how far you can go in the end."

Wu Ming's eyes were bright, and he stared at Chen Ming. There seemed to be anticipation in those eyes.

"Is it already No.10?"

Walking out of the dark room and looking at the stone tablet projected from the outside world, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

For him, the higher the ranking in this assessment, the better.

The reason for this is not only for Wang Yuntian who is also the star of Wuqu, but also for Xingshi.

Before participating in the assessment, he had asked Su Ling.

After passing the assessment of the Heavenly Star Holy Land and becoming a true disciple of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, they will be rewarded by the Holy Land, and they can get some things from the treasure house of the Heavenly Star Holy Land as rewards.

Among them, the higher the ranking, the more things they can get, the better.

What Chen Ming focused on was the star stone in the treasure house of the Heavenly Star Holy Land.

Regardless of other things, for Chen Ming, the higher the ranking, the more star stones he can get, which means the more abundant source power he can get.

Even if it's just for this, he must work hard to get a higher ranking as much as possible.

"This level is a test of actual combat power."

"The stronger the person you can challenge, the better your results will be." The cold and heartless voice sounded from nothingness again.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bit of starlight suddenly exploded, and a figure suddenly emerged from the brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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