Sweeping the world

Chapter 236 Protoss

Chapter 236 Protoss
A burst of starlight was faint, and with the splash of starlight, a figure emerged from the dim space.

It was a tall and straight figure, wearing a purple shirt, and his attire looked similar to that of Wu Ming and others, but his face was covered by a layer of faint starlight, making him look very hazy and hard to see clearly.

And the strength of star power on this person happened to be consistent with that of Chen Ming.

"Is the difficulty adjusted according to the examiner's cultivation?"

Looking at the figure that appeared in front of him, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

The next moment, on the opposite side, the figure waved his hand casually, and suddenly a purple long sword appeared in his hand. There were bursts of textures on it, shining with divine light, and he slashed at Chen Ming with a sword.

boom! !

The starlight was exploding, and when the man raised his hand, a sword qi rushed out, and then there were more starlight lingering, covering him in a piece of starlight, which was incomparably sacred at first glance, as majestic as a god.

A burst of divine power turned into sword energy and soared to the sky. On the opposite side, watching this scene, Chen Ming looked calm and waved his hand casually.

boom! !

It was just a random wave of the hand, but the result was like a storm hanging in place. The majestic energy burst out, flooding the entire area in an instant, annihilating the slashing invisible sword energy, and dissolving it in an invisible place. between.

Afterwards, he waved his hand again, a burst of divine power rushed out, condensed into the shape of a saber, the essence of the nine-style Linyuan saber technique was condensed, turned into a peerless saber, and slashed straight down.

Accompanied by a bang, a star map emerged behind the figure, and the stars on it were bright and dazzling, and a little bit of power dissipated, could crush a mountain, peerless.

The next moment, a magic knife fell, and then the star map shattered, and the surging star power escaped, and the original complete star map directly collapsed and became invisible.

The collapse of the star map meant heavy damage to the main body. At the same place, the figure retreated quickly, receding towards the rear. The speed was very fast, even better than the ordinary star map.

However, at the next moment, a magic knife slashed down, and the majesty of the world erupted. The majestic divine power flowed backward like the water of the Milky Way, directly washed down, and slashed down fiercely.

boom! !

The long sword collapsed, the star chart exploded, and with one strike, the figure collapsed directly, losing the last bit of strength.

There was a moment of calm.

"Just two knives!"

Outside, looking at Chen Ming's slashing figure and feeling the sharp sword intent, Wu Ming was a little shocked and almost couldn't sit still: "Not only is he unique in the cultivation of star power, but his sword skills are also so outstanding. Is it?"

"it is good!"

Behind him, Ye Feng had a smile on his face, and his wrinkled old face was full of admiration: "Since the war that year, how long has it been since I have seen such an outstanding young man."

"You are only twelve years old, but you are so amazingly talented. If it is a few years later, I am afraid that it will be easy for him to be the first."

"Even now, it's somewhat possible."

Beside him, another elder spoke.

"That may be a little difficult."

Ye Feng smiled mysteriously, looked at the name high above the stele, and finally shook his head.

boom! !

In the dim space, crimson blood soared into the sky, roaring like an angry dragon, and like a furnace burning, distorting everything around.

In the boundless burning of blood energy, Chen Ming's face was stern, his body was full of energy and blood, rolling towards him, he swung the long knife condensed with star power in his hand, and slashed down fiercely.

Divine power collided with star power. Opposite Chen Ming, a hazy figure was holding a long knife, and the star pattern behind him was bright and complicated. At this moment, he was wielding a long knife, struggling to compete with Chen Ming.

This is Chen Ming's second opponent.

After killing the figure in front with ease, it seemed that it was because of Chen Ming's exquisite saber technique that the figure that transformed later turned out to be a master at using knives, and his cultivation level was even higher than that of the previous figure , has truly reached the peak of the Star Map Realm, and reached the peak of the Star Map Realm.

Star Map Realm, this is the real pinnacle of Star Map Realm. In theory, one can easily suppress a star map master, just as Guiyuan suppressed an innate master.

However, even such a powerful brand was no match for him in the end. He was at a disadvantage from the very beginning, and he didn't have much power to fight back.

"Sure enough, the evaluation of the cultivation level in this assessment place is completely based on the system of stargazers, and does not take into account other powers."

Slashing the phantom that evolved from the tall tower in front of him with a single knife, carefully experiencing the feeling just now, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

There is a big gap between the Star Map Dacheng and the Star Map Ultimate Realm. Under normal circumstances, even if Chen Ming can go retrograde, he will have to go through a hard fight and fight. It will never be as easy as it is now.

The reason for this situation is that besides being a stargazer with a great star map, he is also a martial artist with the power of a master.

The grand masters of the Dagan world are themselves equivalent to the realm of the astral spirit in this world. Naturally, it will not be very difficult to fight against a star map to the realm with a combat power equivalent to that of the astral realm.

In fact, if Chen Ming hadn't deliberately restrained himself, his battle would have ended even faster.

"Is it already No.2?"

Standing in place, looking at the stone tablet in the distance, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

On the stone tablet in the distance, countless names flickered on it, but before he knew it, Chen Ming's name had reached the top, only the last one.

At this point, his goal has basically been achieved. Entering the Holy Land with the No.2 score, the rewards he can get will definitely meet his needs.

From what he had learned before, among the rewards obtained in previous assessments, the rewards for the top three were basically the same, and the difference between No.1 and No.2 was just a false name.

Chen Mingsulai didn't care much about these false names.

While he was still hesitating, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

In the dim space, a mighty star suddenly shone brightly, the incomparably mighty, incomparably bright starlight fell suddenly, and gradually condensed into a figure on the spot.

The unrivaled majesty dissipated, and the entire space was distorted and trembling, and then a pair of eyes fell, staring at Chen Ming.

His figure is not tall, nor is he tall and straight, on the contrary, he looks a little thin, but at this moment, he has an unrivaled aura, and there is a kind of supreme power in every move, which can make mountains collapse and lay down millions of corpses , the gods splashed blood.

There was no extra movement, he just stood there quietly, but the supreme aura made people tremble, making people dare not look directly at him.

Protoss! !
At this moment, Chen Ming's scalp felt a little numb. Although he was prepared for it, he still couldn't help but feel a twinge of trepidation when he faced it.

This is definitely a strength comparable to that of a grandmaster, and I am afraid that even among the grandmasters, he is not considered weak.

(End of this chapter)

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