Sweeping the world

Chapter 237 Fight

Chapter 237 Fight
"There's a good show to watch now."

Outside the high tower, looking at the scene inside the high tower, Wu Ming's face was inexplicable, with some expectation: "Your combat power is extremely strong, the ordinary star map is not your opponent, but what about the protoss?"

He knew that Chen Ming's combat power was extraordinary, as could be seen from the two fights just now, but in the final analysis, it was only at the level of star chart mastery.

It is indeed a remarkable achievement to go retrograde and kill the star map at the level of the star map, but it does not mean that he can kill the protoss.

As a former person, he deeply understands the gap between the Star Map Realm and the Star Spirit Realm, which is an absolute gap.

"Based on his performance, if the star map is perfect, it may be somewhat possible, but it is still too reluctant if only the star map is complete."

Behind him, Ye Feng shook his head, and he was also not optimistic about Chen Ming: "Let's see how long he can last."

On the side, the rest of the people didn't speak, they just looked forward silently, watching the battle quietly.

"Astral Realm?"

Inside the tower, Chen Ming was silent for a moment, and finally smiled: "Although I don't have any thoughts about these false names, it would be a pity if I don't give it a try for an astral realm here."

He said lightly, then raised his head and looked forward silently.

As if sensing his attitude, the figure in front of him was shrouded in starlight, and silently raised his head at this moment.

An indifferent line of sight fell, piercing through the void like substance, causing the space to faintly distort.

In the silence, the man raised his hand, and a star power from the nine heavens pulled him down, and it fell instantly.

boom! !

The majestic flames enveloped the surroundings, and a stream of Qi and blood pierced the sky. Chen Ming jumped forward, his body covered in red Qi and blood, soaring directly into the sky, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

Accompanied by a bang, the star power danced on the spot, and a star map was quickly opened behind Chen Ming, and then released again. Between the opening and closing, a burst of star power was faint, and it rushed out like a peerless magic knife. , to cut down everything that stood in front of him.

This is an unrivaled blow. With Chen Ming's cultivation at the moment, his entire body of star power can be cut down with a single blow. The result it can cause is extremely terrifying. Any stargazer in the Star Map Realm would be horrified by this blow. , can't compete with it at all.

However, this unrivaled blow was swung down, and the final result was extremely dull.

On the opposite side, the figure manifested by the starlight was flat, looking at the blow in front of him very calmly, he just waved his hand casually.

boom! !

There were crackling sounds on the spot, bursts of star power rippling on the spot, completely covering up the scene here, only to be heard in the mist, there were bursts of thunderous sounds like thunder, like the wrath of thunder, wreaking havoc here.

"So strong?"

In the center of the tower, Chen Ming's face was solemn, and his whole body was numb at this moment.

This is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever encountered!
In the past, it's not that he hasn't met a grandmaster before, whether it's Zhongqiu or Daqian Taizu, they are undoubtedly stronger than the body of the star spirit manifested in front of him.

But this is the first time to face it and fight head-on.

At this moment, Chen Ming's body was trembling when he fought against a powerful star spirit who was comparable to a master. The long knife in his hand that manifested the star power broke more than once, and his whole body was dripping with blood. Wound.

But despite this, his aura has not changed, the attack in his hands is fierce, and has not weakened in the slightest, but has become more fierce and terrifying.

A stream of qi and blood shot up into the sky, and the spirit of Linyuan's Nine Styles turned into a sword moving forward. The terrifying and boundless sword spirit was fully displayed here. With this peerless sword, he slashed forward, but was easily blocked by that figure, unable to move a cent.

The two figures collided with each other, their bodies collided with each other, blood and flesh splattered and filled the sky, and they were killed to the point of madness here.

However, to the surprise of outsiders, even though the fight was so intense and under such tremendous pressure, Chen Ming still stood still, even fighting head-on with the projection of the astral realm.

It seemed that he was indeed at a disadvantage, facing each other, the killing was very tragic, blood and flesh flew across the field, and he was knocked out several times.

But even so, he has always stood still, no matter how fierce and fierce the offensive, he has always persisted, which is shocking.

"He can persist until now?"

Looking at the manifested figure in the stele, Wu Ming was a little surprised, and faintly trembled.

Chen Ming's tenacity has far exceeded his imagination by persisting with the cultivation base of Star Chart Dacheng until now.

He asked himself, if he was replaced by Chen Ming, he would have fallen down by now, and it was impossible to persevere to the present level.

"His physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people."

In the same place, watching Chen Ming's performance, an elder nodded, with some appreciation in his eyes: "In addition to star power, he has also practiced other methods of cultivation, and he has cultivated them to a very high level. This can only be achieved by cooperating with the cultivation base of the Star Map Realm."

"From my point of view, his body is tyrannical, almost comparable to a protoss. If it's not because of his special physique, it is because he has practiced a unique body training method."

On the side, Ye Feng also interjected, with a very calm expression on his face.

Different from the world that Chen Ming took in the past, the practice system in this world is not single.

The Heavenly Star Holy Land governs all realms. Although the land under its jurisdiction is mainly based on star power cultivation, there are also shadows of other cultivation methods. Among them, there are many body training methods, but they are not mainstream.

Ordinary people may not know it, but the people present are not ordinary, either the elders of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, or a well-known Tianjiao figure in the world, so naturally they have more or less dabbled in this, and at this moment they can see Chen Ming's situation at a glance.

"Hahahahaha! My uncle finally came out!!"

At this time, a burst of hearty laughter came from the front.

On top of the tall stone tablet, a plump white man wearing a purple-gold robe jumped out, with a hearty smile on his face. It was none other than the golden man who came with Chen Ming earlier. Keep.

"The [-]rd place, this time the assessment will definitely pass!"

He couldn't help smiling, and then he seemed to remember another thing: "By the way, there is also Master Chen."

Before he could finish his sentence, he turned around and looked at the stele behind him. He was stunned for a moment when he looked at the high name on it.

"No way."

He froze in place, his throat seemed to be stuck at this moment, and he couldn't make any sound.

boom! !

A roar suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

In an instant, all the people present changed their colors and looked at the group of stone tablets in front of them.

An astonishing scene appeared on the stone tablet, and the writing on it suddenly changed at this moment.

"Yang Xuan, 16 years old, star spirit realm!"

 Just got home and started coding!
(End of this chapter)

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