Sweeping the world

Chapter 238 Lagerstroemia

Chapter 238 Lagerstroemia
"Star Spirit!!"

Looking at the message displayed on the stone tablet in front of him, Wu Ming's face changed and he was stunned.

A 16-year-old Astral Realm?

"The detection of the Tower of Trials will not fail. Before he entered the tower, he was indeed only the pinnacle of the star map, but now he has become a protoss."

An elder said, with a look of surprise on his face: "There will be such a change in such a short period of time, it must be promoted in the tower."

"It's really brave."

Another elder sighed softly: "He was promoted during the trial, and he is not afraid of a bad one, and he will be backlashed by star power."

It is not all smooth sailing for Star Chart to be promoted to Protoss, on the contrary, it is extremely dangerous. If one is not good, one will be backlashed by star power, ranging from losing all cultivation bases, to severe death on the spot.

Ordinary people want to seek promotion, which one is not careful, for fear of failure if one is not good, but he is good, but he directly tries to be promoted in the trial.

This kind of courage is extraordinary, and it is definitely not owned by ordinary people.

"He dares to be promoted here, presumably he has enough confidence long before entering."

In the middle of the crowd, Ye Feng smiled and said, "Besides, with us here, even if he fails, can't we pull him back?"

"Let's just watch."

He looked into the distance, and finally waved his hand.

The stone tablet in the distance shone with golden light, and the name Yang Xuan was instantly highlighted, and then a scene emerged.

In the dark trial space, a young man with a handsome face and a tall and straight figure stood there quietly, his handsome face was full of coldness.

The star power all over his body is majestic, his whole body is glowing everywhere, every pore in his body is breathing out aura, and the purple starlight is lingering all over his body, covering and shrouding it, like a temporary god, noble and extraordinary.

Behind him, a huge star map opened, and on it, a purple star flickered and finally emerged.

The stars are mighty, and just a trace of aura reveals them, making people feel a mighty and noble majesty, like a high-ranking king ruling everything, with a kind of aura of supremacy.

Crape Myrtle! !
This is the star life of Ziwei, and the mighty star power is unparalleled in the world. It naturally suppresses all other star lives. Even if the strength is stronger than it, you can still feel a mighty majesty, which is frightening.

"It's actually Ziwei Star Life"

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the stele, Wu Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then sighed, feeling a little dazed.

Ziwei, this is the most powerful star in the world, which belongs to the first grade. In theory, it can control all stars, and the star's life is the strongest in the world.

A 16-year-old in the Astral Realm would be enough to scare everyone, but if Ziwei came to this world, it would be much more reasonable.

"However. It's a pity."

Looking at the name of Chen Ming on the stone tablet, Wu Ming sighed softly in his heart.

If it was normal, with the strength Chen Ming displayed at the moment, it might not be impossible to win the championship.

But as soon as Yang Xuan came out, a Ziwei star in the astral realm blocked the front, already blocking the way forward, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to go any further.

Unless, Chen Ming immediately breaks through the Star Map and is promoted to Protoss.

But how is that possible?

Wu Ming shook his head, looked at Chen Ming regretfully, and sighed in his heart.

"Have you reached this point?"

Inside the tower, Chen Ming shook his head secretly as he punched back the phantom in front of him.

In the Tower of Trials, he couldn't watch the situation of other examiners, but he could see the records on the stone tablet.

At this moment, the record on the stone tablet, the record No. 1 on it has changed, from the original Star Map Realm to the Star Spirit Realm.

As Wu Ming thought, an Astral Realm, this is a gap that Chen Ming will never be able to cross.

"Even if I exhaust all my source power, increase my combat power to the extreme, and then use the Great Compassion Seal, I may be able to kill the Dharma Body in front of me, but I probably won't be able to climb to the top."

Looking at the name displayed on the stele, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

With this in mind, he shook his head, and with a thought, he withdrew from the trial.

After fighting against the phantom in front of him for so long, he has already obtained what he should gain, there is no need to waste time here, just leave.

Just at this moment, the stone tablet in the distance flickered, and a young man with a handsome face and a stern face stepped out of it, appearing at the same time as Chen Ming.

Chen Ming looked subconsciously, and looked at each other. In an instant, the star power on his body was trembling, and the golden star marks could hardly restrain themselves from appearing spontaneously, feeling a great majesty.

As if he felt something, behind Chen Ming, a phantom of a star image of martial arts seemed to emerge spontaneously, but was restrained by Chen Ming, and he did not really recover.

With a calm expression on his face, he just glanced at the other party quietly, then turned his body slightly to get out of the way.

On the opposite side, the young man named Yang Xuan looked at Chen Ming with a surprised expression, nodded slightly as he watched his movements, and then walked away directly.

After he left, Chen Ming stood alone on the spot, watching the other party's figure disappear, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Junior Brother Chen!"

In the distance, a burst of shouts came quickly, and then a somewhat burly figure rushed over quickly, his face looked very excited.

"Brother Jin."

Standing in place, looking at Jin Liu who was running from a distance, Chen Ming smiled, and finally cupped his hands: "Fortunately, life is not disgraceful."


Looking at Chen Ming, Jin Liu was also a little excited.

He didn't expect that a friend he made at any time would give him such a big surprise in the end.

At the age of twelve, the star chart has already been completed. In the future, the protoss, or even above the protoss, is definitely not an extravagant hope.

With just a few star stones, you can make such a friend, and you will definitely make a lot of money.

"If this matter spreads to the clan, I'm afraid my father and the others will look at me with admiration."

He looked at Chen Ming and said softly in his heart.


Looking at Chen Ming walking out of the Tower of Trials in the distance, Ye Feng smiled and said.

"Young, with outstanding talent and a calm personality, he will do a lot in the future."

Beside him, Wu Ming said, "It's just that there is a hidden danger."

"Where is the hidden danger?"

Ye Feng didn't look up, and asked directly.

"The Star Wars."

Wu Ming said, his face looked very calm: "This person is the star of Wuqu, similar to Junior Brother Wang in the sect, if he doesn't solve it properly, there may be troubles later."

In the same place, he said so, but his face was extremely calm, and his emotions did not fluctuate at all.

He didn't worry about Chen Ming's safety at all.

If before this trial, Chen Ming's situation might still be a bit dangerous, then after this trial, Chen Ming's situation can be said to be safe and secure.

After witnessing his performance, some of the elders present were willing to keep him.

 Chapter 3 will be later

(End of this chapter)

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