Sweeping the world

Chapter 239 Master and Disciple

Chapter 239 Master and Disciple
"Even if no one saves him, there is still me."

Looking at Chen Ming, who was standing quietly in the distance and looked like he was only in his early ten years, this thought flashed in Wu Ming's mind.

As he said to Chen Ming in the past, he really couldn't look down on Wang Yuntian, even if he wanted to put some eye drops on him, he would try his best to keep Chen Ming alive.

But looking at it like this, judging from Chen Ming's performance, he may no longer need to intervene in this matter.

"I see."

Listening to Wu Ming's words, Ye Feng nodded his head, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: "This matter is troublesome, but people are so talented. It would be a pity if we just give up."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, with some hesitation on his face, and then he pondered for a moment before he said: "Let him come to my seat and be a disciple."

"With the face of old age, I presumably don't dare to say anything more."

He waved his sleeves and settled the matter.

"With the elders taking action, there must be no mistakes in this matter."

Wu Ming offered a compliment, and then asked again: "Then how should we deal with the first place this time?"

"According to the usual practice, the first disciples in the past have all entered the lineage of Tianshou and are the disciples of the head line, but this time, this one does not need to be like this."

Ye Feng waved his hand, depending on the situation, he had already made arrangements for Yang Xuan: "His affairs have already been arranged properly, so there is no need for us to care."


Wu Ming nodded, didn't think about the problem any more, just stepped back respectfully, and walked slowly towards the direction where Chen Ming was.

"Senior Brother Wu Ming."

Looking at Wu Ming, Chen Ming bowed and saluted.

At this moment, he has already passed the assessment and is regarded as a prospective disciple of the Heavenly Star Holy Land. According to Jin Liu, he can already call Wu Ming a senior brother.

"You are very good."

Looking at Chen Ming, Wu Ming's face softened a little, and his originally stern face became softer at this moment: "I knew you would pass the examination the day I saw you, but I never thought that you would be able to do so."

"It was just a fluke."

Chen Ming smiled and said so.

"There is no need to say more about being humble. I have also participated in the assessment, so I know how difficult it is."

Wu Ming shook his head, looked at Chen Ming, and then said, "Let's go."

"Please follow me." A familiar voice sounded from the side.

At some point, Su Ling came to Chen Ming's side. At this moment, a pair of pure eyes were looking at him, their eyes looked very soft, with an unusual kindness.

Chen Ming raised his head, hesitated for a moment, then followed Su Ling and walked towards the direction Wu Ming pointed.

Following Su Ling forward, he soon came to a room.

"Elder Ye is waiting for you inside now."

Taking Chen Ming out of the room, Su Ling bowed slightly to Chen Ming, and then said so.

"Thank you."

Chen Ming nodded slightly, then took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and gently pushed the door open.

Pushing open the door, a cool breeze came oncoming, and then the figure of an old man came into view.

It was an old man in a black robe. The sleeves on his body were brand new. It looked like he had changed clothes, and his whole body looked very clean.

The old man looked very old, his figure was a little skinny, and his white hair was hanging down, but his mental momentum seemed to be pretty good. He looked at Chen Ming with a smile on his face: "Sit."

"What would you like to drink?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Ye Feng smiled and asked.

"Just a cup of tea."

Chen Ming sat down slowly, his small body sat upright, looking very serious.

Looking at his appearance, Ye Feng smiled, didn't say much, walked to the side silently, and poured a cup of tea for Chen Ming.

"The matter of Wu Qu's star fate, that child Wu Ming told you before."

Putting the boiled tea in front of Chen Ming, looking at Chen Ming, Ye Feng said.

"It's true." Chen Ming nodded and admitted.

"What do you think of this matter?"

Ye Feng asked, his eyes fell on Chen Ming, wanting to know his answer.

Regarding this, Chen Ming frowned, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others."

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others?"

Hearing Chen Ming's answer, Ye Feng was stunned.


Chen Ming nodded: "The stars are devouring each other, this can't be changed, but if he doesn't attack me, then naturally I won't attack him either."

"But if he makes a move, then I have no reason to close my eyes and wait for death."

"Is that so?"

Ye Feng smiled, pondered for a while, and finally nodded with a smile: "It's not bad."

"You're right."

He said: "In this world, there has never been a reason that only others are allowed to attack and you are not allowed to fight back. If he really strikes you first, you can naturally fight back."

"But if he doesn't attack you, you can't attack him either, how about it?"

"As it should be."

Chen Ming nodded and replied like this.

"Since that's the case, are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Ye Feng smiled and asked.

Naturally, Chen Ming would not have any opinion on this.

At that moment, he got up from where he was, and bowed to Ye Feng: "The apprentice has met the master!"

"Good, good, good."

Ye Feng helped Chen Ming up. Seeing Chen Ming's understanding, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face: "The Heavenly Star Holy Land has thirteen branches, and I am the master of the Jieyuan branch."

"Since you entered, you have been a member of the Yuan family!"

More than half an hour later.

Leaving from Ye Feng, Chen Ming returned to his residence.

Outside the room, Chen Ming saw a familiar figure.

"Brother Jin?"

Looking at Jin Liu standing outside his door, Chen Ming looked a little surprised: "Why are you standing here?"

"Naturally to wait for you!"

Looking at Chen Ming, Jin Liu laughed, and said, "Today, the two of us brothers passed the examination together, which can be regarded as our big day, so naturally we have to celebrate it!"

"Go! Come with Brother Wei, Brother Wei will take you to a good place today!"

He pulled Chen Ming, walked out without saying a word, and walked to a restaurant after a while.

"Shopkeeper, bring me your most expensive thing!"

Walking into the restaurant, Jin Liu found a box and sat down, then shouted to the waiter beside him.

"Brother Jin, isn't this... a little expensive?"

Chen Ming looked around, looked at Jin Liu's appearance, and said helplessly.

The restaurants here are all specially opened by the Heavenly Star Holy Land for the examiners, and the things sold in them are all treasures for stargazers, and the prices are extremely high. Most people who come here may not even be able to afford a meal here.

The table of things that Jinliu ordered just now is probably a lot of money for him.

"After entering the Holy Land, it will be very difficult for us to imagine gathering together anytime and anywhere like this. We must celebrate while we are still here today." Jin Liu shook his head and said.

Hearing what he said, Chen Ming was thoughtful: "Could it be that after entering the Heavenly Star Holy Land, you can no longer go out?"

(End of this chapter)

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