Sweeping the world

Chapter 240 Quantity

Chapter 240 Quantity
"That's not it."

Jin Liu shook his head and said, "It's just going to be troublesome."

"Junior Brother doesn't know, this holy land governs all worlds, and it is also divided into many parts, all of which are not in the same place."

Having said that, Jinliu paused for a moment, and then said enviously: "A person as outstanding as my junior must have entered the headquarters of the Thirteen Branches of the Heavenly Star. I know which branch I'm going to be assigned to."

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded thoughtfully.

Although he participated in the assessment of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, he didn't know much about the mechanism of the Heavenly Star Holy Land. In this regard, he was not as good as Jin Liu who was beside him.

"At the time of the meeting, when we know where we will be allocated next, we can inform each other, so that we can take care of them in the future."

Jin Liu raised his wine glass and said to Chen Ming with a smile.

"it is good."

Chen Ming smiled, and after thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "I have been accepted as a disciple by Elder Ye Feng, and if there is no accident from now on, I should be a disciple of the Jieyuan lineage."

He just said that calmly, but he didn't expect that Jin Liu sat up on the opposite side.

"Leaf vein master!"

Jin stayed conscious and sat up from where he was, his whole body froze, and he looked at Chen Ming with some astonishment in his eyes: "Master Ye Mai accepted you as a disciple?"

With a look of astonishment on his face, he seemed extremely shocked by the incident.

It wasn't until a while later that he realized that he had a complicated expression on his face: "Junior Brother Chen probably doesn't know who Master Ye Mai is?"

"I really don't know."

Chen Ming shook his head and said so.

When he came here, he was completely smeared, and he really didn't know the identity of Ye Feng.

However, there are only thirteen branches in the Heavenly Star Holy Land. As the master of one branch, Ye Feng couldn't be too bad in Chen Ming's mind.

"In the Heavenly Star Holy Land, there are a total of thirteen vein masters, but among these thirteen vein masters, excluding the sect master, the reputation of the leaf vein master is enough to rank among the top three."

Looking at Chen Ming, Jin Liu's face was a bit complicated, and he said so.

"Top three."

Chen Ming nodded calmly, and continued to ask: "But I don't know, who are the other two?"

"The upper class leader of the Jedi lineage, and the Haoyuan leader of the Haoshen lineage."

Jin Liu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Excluding the lineage of the sect master, there are still some Supreme Elders who have survived to this day. These three chief elders are the three strongest people in the Holy Land today."

"The rest of the vein masters are all inferior to these three."

In the same place, Jinliu told Chen Ming a lot of things, all of which belonged to the internal situation of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, and popularized a lot of common sense for him.

The two stayed here for a long time, until after a while, Jin Liu seemed to remember something, and clapped his hands directly.

On the side, a maid in a long purple dress came slowly, holding a large box in her hand.

"This is?"

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, but he hadn't reacted yet.

"Open it and have a look." Jin Liu smiled and motioned Chen Ming to open it.

Chen Ming stretched out his hand and opened the wooden box, a familiar breath leaked out from it, causing Chen Ming to react instinctively, a warm current flowed over his body, and the purple source force interface faintly emerged, as if it was about to emerge automatically. out.

The things contained in the wooden box are nothing but pieces of star stones that have been processed.

Compared with the batch sent by Jinliu last time, this batch of star stones is not only higher in purity, but also higher in quantity. At a glance, there are more than a dozen pieces.


Seeing Chen Ming's reaction, Jin Liu smiled: "Brother knows you don't like vulgar things, so I specially searched for a batch of star stones for you, to celebrate my virtuous brother."

"It's really a great gift."

Looking at the star stones in the wooden box, Chen Ming sighed softly, closed the wooden box, and then said: "Brother Jin is so polite, then I am very grateful, if you need me in the future, please feel free to use me." Speak."

These star stones in front of him are indeed a great gift.

Although the use is limited, the star stones are extremely precious treasures of genius and earth. Even a small piece is worth a lot. The dozen or so star stones in front of him are probably bleeding a lot for Jinliu.

Hearing Chen Ming's words, Jin Liu felt sure, but a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Why are you so polite between us and my brother?"

The reason why he spent so much money was because he valued Chen Ming.

Maybe Chen Ming didn't know it himself, but Jin Liu did understand the weight of a disciple who is a pulse master.

Even now, the news of Chen Ming's apprenticeship has not been officially released. If the news is completely spread after a while, in his capacity, he may not even be qualified to give gifts.

Such a great potential stock, if you don't take advantage of the present to make friends, when will you wait?
At that moment, seeing Chen Ming accepting those star stones, Jin Liu smiled even more, and kept toasting to Chen Ming.

After half an hour passed, they left this place and returned to their own rooms.

"It seems that my identity is very important."

Back in his room, looking at the wooden box on the wooden table and the dozen or so star stones in it, Chen Ming shook his head, this thought flashed in his mind.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand, grabbed a star stone in his hand, exerted strength silently, and the star stone in his hand began to change color, and the pure purple on it gradually faded and became transparent.

Source Power: 1521
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method [-]th Floor, Star Map Quenching God Method (can be deduced)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
The familiar Yuanli interface emerged, and the numbers on it had changed again at this moment.

Before Chen Ming promoted the Dragon and Elephant Mountain Moving Method, he had exhausted his remaining source power, but now he absorbed the current star stones, but he managed to recover a wave of blood.

"The source power is still not enough."

Looking at the remaining Yuanli numbers on the Yuanli panel, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

More than 1000 points of source power seem to be good, but in fact it is not enough to do anything.

When Chen Ming's strength was still weak, even just a few points of source power could greatly improve him.But with the improvement of his strength, up to now, the source power he needs to upgrade once is already an extremely huge number.

However, Chen Ming was not in a hurry about this.

The star stones sent by Jinliu are just appetizers. The real feast is the reward for getting No.2 in the assessment.

Compared with those sent by Jinliusuo, that was the real appetizer.

"And after entering the Heavenly Star Holy Land, you can also think of ways to obtain star stones from other people."

Sitting quietly on the head of the bed, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

Judging from the previous reaction, his status as Ye Feng's follower is undoubtedly very valuable.

That being the case, after entering the Heavenly Star Holy Land, maybe they can find a way to use this identity to obtain more star stones.

(End of this chapter)

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