Sweeping the world

Chapter 242 Tianyu Martial Arts

Chapter 242 Tianyu Martial Arts
"Your external skills have been cultivated very well. Compared with your star power, your external skills have already surpassed them. This is very good."

Looking at Chen Ming, Ye Feng showed admiration on his old face: "Jianyuan Holy Physique also focuses on the body, and your external skills practice will make it much easier for you to practice the Holy Physique."

"This is to your advantage."

"But at the same time, in addition to the practice of the holy body, the practice of star power cannot be let go."

Looking at Chen Ming, he said with a very calm expression on his face: "Before reaching a certain level, star power is our foundation and the brightest way."

"You must bear that in mind."

"The disciple understands."

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Chen Ming nodded to express his understanding.

Of course, he is like this on the surface, but what he thinks in secret is unknown.

"Okay, the teacher is about to leave, and you will be taken care of by your senior sister for the next few days."

Looking at Chen Ming, Ye Feng smiled, and then said: "During this time, if you need anything, just ask."

"As for now, go down and rest."


Chen Ming bowed slightly, nodded to Ye Feng, and then walked down slowly.

After his figure completely disappeared in place, Ye Feng turned around and looked at Wu Wan'er beside him: "What do you think?"

"How can I see? Of course I can see with my eyes."

Wu Wan'er rolled her eyes, then shook her head, and after a moment of contemplation, she said: "Before I met this junior here, from his performance in previous trials, I thought he was a brave and ruthless person. After all, there are more or less signs of Wu Qu's star life added."

"However, after we actually met, I realized that this junior is a little different from what I imagined."

She pondered for a moment, and after a long time, she opened her mouth and said, "It's completely different from that Wang Yuntian."

"Teacher, you may let go of your worries."

"When I first met, I knew that Ming'er was definitely not of a aggressive nature, so I accepted him as my apprentice."

Thinking of the scene when he first met Chen Ming, Ye Feng shook his head: "I believe that Ming'er can keep his promise and won't take the initiative to do it. The only concern is Wang Yuntian."

"Ming'er is a matter of Wu Qu's order. Until now, only the two of us and your elder brother know about it."

"I've also told Ming'er not to take the initiative to mention his star destiny."

"But despite this, the instinctive pull of the same star life is unavoidable. If one is not good, the two of them will collide."

"With Wang Yuntian's character, if he knows that his junior is the star of Wuqu, he will definitely not let it go."

Wu Wan'er interjected: "He will strike first and attack the younger brother."


Ye Feng nodded, and then said: "At that time, it's time for Wan'er and you brothers and sisters to act."

"The turmoil in the Tianyu is imminent, and it is invading the worlds of the stars every day. I need to lead people to guard it. I can't stay here for a long time. The matter of Ming'er will be left to you."

"I see."

Wu Wan'er nodded, with a smile on her face: "I will take good care of my junior, and won't let him get hurt in the slightest."

"If you say that, I'm relieved."

Ye Feng also nodded, with a smile on his face.

on the other side.

After leaving the main hall where Ye Feng was, Chen Ming walked casually outside.

The headquarters of the Heavenly Star Holy Land is located in an extremely prosperous city, with more than one million people in it. Chen Ming and other candidates were only in a corner of the city.

Before that, he had been staying inside the city, a place only the core disciples of the Heavenly Star Holy Land could stay in. As for the outside of the city, he hadn't taken a good look around yet.

Compared with other cities that Chen Ming has been to in the past, this city in front of him is very unique. The streets and alleys are full of traces of stargazers, and many people walking on the streets are also stargazers.

This is a city for stargazers.

Walking on the road, Chen Ming just walked in this city in vain, quietly admiring the scenery and differences of this city.

"The latest report, the Tianyu army retreated from the Xihua Realm, and the upper-class leader beheaded the three martial lords!"

In the streets and alleys, a burst of shouts came from a distance, as if someone was reporting the latest battle situation.

Suddenly, Chen Ming's heart moved, his footsteps stopped, he walked to the side, and listened to the news quietly.

"Tianyu, is this the opponent of the Heavenly Star Holy Land?"

Listening to the news from a distance, Chen Ming fell into deep thought, then left here and walked to the other side.

Soon, he returned to the inner city and walked to the library set up for Tianxing disciples in the city.

"In the 3000th year of Tianxing, the seven generations of sages led the army to attack Xiyuan, collided with the army of Tianyu, and have been feuding ever since."

Standing quietly at the same spot, looking at the classics in his hands, Chen Ming's thoughts gradually became clear.

When he came to the Heavenly Star Holy Land, because the time was short, Chen Ming still didn't fully understand the environment he was in.

After reviewing in the library at this moment, Chen Ming finally understood the environment he was in.

The Heavenly Star Holy Land originally originated from the Eastern Yuan Realm. Since it crossed the realm, it has been attacking all the way, annexing other realms, and gradually growing to its current state.

But if you walk too much at night, you will eventually see ghosts.

In a seemingly ordinary attack, the Heavenly Star Holy Land collided with another behemoth. The two used one world as a battlefield to fight each other, and gradually became each other's enemies.

That force is Tianyu.

Like the Heavenly Star Holy Land, Tianyu is also a giant that crosses boundaries, and when it comes to strength, it has a longer history than the Heavenly Star Holy Land.

The two sides have been at war with each other for thousands of years and are still going on until now.

And in these thousands of years, apart from Tianyu, shadows of other cross-border forces have been discovered one after another, such as the Mara Realm, the Pan Clan, and so on.

"Do you focus on martial arts cultivation?"

Opening a book introducing Tianyu's cultivation system, Chen Ming's expression was a little dazed.

Tianyu's practice is not star power, but a system called Shenwu Dao.

This kind of practice system does not cultivate internal skills, but purely focuses on external skills. Those who have mastered martial arts can condense the body of martial arts. Once deployed, they can crush mountains with fists, carry stars on their shoulders, and have unparalleled combat power.

Under the same level, pure stargazers will often suffer a lot and will not be the opponent of the opponent.

Therefore, over the years, some stargazers have made up their minds to combine Tianyu's practice method with the method of stargazers to deduce a brand new method.

The holy method of cutting Yuan that Ye Feng passed on to Chen Ming was a special product obtained in this way.

"The martial art of purely practicing external skills"

Thinking back to Tianyu's martial arts system, Chen Ming muttered to himself. At this moment, he couldn't help being a little curious.

But this place is the territory of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, even if he is curious, it is of no use.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will catch a few warriors from Tianyu and see how their martial arts practice is different from mine."

Closing the book in his hand, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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