Sweeping the world

Chapter 243 Poverty

Chapter 243 Poverty
In a dark and spacious room, a little bit of star power vibrated here.

A star fell from the sky, illuminating Daqian, and the artistic conception of iron and blood conquest was revealed in every breath, as if in this instant, countless people were fighting against each other, swearing to fight to the death here.

If Chen Ming were here, he would definitely recognize this star, which was none other than Wu Qu.

The vast starlight gradually fell, and all the brilliance was dimmed, and it was converged on one of them.

It was a tall and tall man with an extremely majestic figure, wearing a white shirt, with a burly body and a stern face. Just standing there quietly, there was a majestic imposing manner like a mountain, which made people breathless.

His body is strong, every inch of his muscles and bones, every inch of his skin seems to contain power that is unparalleled in the world, like a god and demon walking in the world, overwhelming and unparalleled in the world.

"Wu Qu's star power has reacted, it seems to be in the Star City today"

Standing in place, quietly experiencing the changes in his body, the man murmured, raised his head and looked into the distance, his vision seemed to penetrate through layers of isolation, and he could see to the end of his field of vision.


There was a blunt sound from the outside world, and then a young man in a robe came out, holding a spirit stone in his hand: "I have news from you."


The man was a little surprised: "Where is the news?"

"It came from your hometown, Xingzhou."

The young man lowered his head, held the spar in his hand, and said, "Brother, you can read the specific news for yourself."

The man took the spar, exerted a little force on his hand, and then his expression changed instantly.

"The star of Wuqu is here!"

He was stunned, a little surprised and uncertain: "Who sent the news?"

"It's the Sky Cloud Sect in Xingzhou Realm. Although it is not well-known, it has records in the Holy Land."

The young man whispered.

"So it's them."

The man was stunned, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his face: "You are a man who sees the wind and makes the rudder."

"Before I came, I had seen it for my brother."

In front of him, the young man lowered his head and said: "The name of this person who awakened the martial arts star life is Chen Ming, and he is the No. only."

"As for this message, it was sent out before the assessment, and it has only reached us now."

"That's normal."

The man sneered: "It's a world away, they don't know the news."

"In other words, if they know that this person has entered Elder Ye's sect, they might dare to tell me the news."

As a member of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, he knew that Ye Feng was a human being. Even though he looked very kind at ordinary times, once he really started to fight, he was extremely cruel.

Tell him the news about Chen Ming, the charge of luring the same family to kill each other cannot be escaped, if Ye Feng finds out, there is no way for this group of people to survive.

"The idea of ​​these people is nothing more than to bring that person into the Holy Land, get a reward from the Holy Land, and then sell that person. Come to Brother and sell one."

The young man said with disdain on his face: "Although it is shameless, it has done us a great favor."

"If it weren't for these people who see the wind and use the rudder, we still don't know that there are some martial arts in this holy place."

Having said that, he paused, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "How is Big Brother going to do it?"

He didn't ask the man in front of him whether he would use his hands or not, because from what he knew about him, there was no need to ask.

"Wu Qu was ordered, Master Ye also knows the pros and cons of it. In this city, there are absolutely no chances."

In front of him, the man said lightly: "Besides, if he died in the city just after he started, no matter how you say it, I will be the first to be suspected."

"This matter must be considered in the long term. It is best to wait for Uncle Ye to leave and find a time when he is not in the city."

"Luo Ming, I will leave this matter to you."

He looked at the young man not far away, and said lightly.


Luo Ming nodded, then turned around and walked out slowly.

"Is the price of the star stone so high?"

In a luxurious attic, looking at the price of the star stone in front of him, Chen Ming was a little dumbfounded.

During these days, he has been wandering around the Sky Star City, not only to familiarize himself with the environment, but also to find some channels to purchase star stones.

The place in front of me was recommended by Wu Wan'er, it is said that it is the most affordable place in the city, and it is also the most complete place.

But even so, the price here is still somewhat beyond Chen Ming's expectation.

"One thousand star crystals can buy one star stone?"

Looking at the price in front of him, Chen Ming lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

As the disciple of Jieyuan Yimaimai Master, he has his own privileges, and he has a monthly quota of [-] star crystals, which can be used for expenses.

This amount is already quite a lot. During this period of time, Chen Ming looked around. Even in the Star City, a place where stargazers gather, if he spends his days drinking and drinking, singing and singing every night, he will not spend a few coins in a year. star crystal.

Five hundred star crystals is really a terrifying amount. Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that it will not be spent in a lifetime.

But once it comes to practice, the cost suddenly increases.

The materials needed by some stargazers for cultivation are extremely expensive. Renting a star room, taking star marrow liquid, etc. are all extremely expensive items.

Like some practitioners, the room they usually live in is a star room with star power bonus, they eat delicacies made of various star beast materials, and drink the star marrow liquid obtained by extracting star power with secret methods. If you want to take drugs, it is simply a waste of money, and you can't stop it.

Of course, for Chen Ming, he was not that troublesome.

His spending items are very simple, and he only needs star stones.

But just this single consumption is more expensive than other people's cultivation consumption.

At least, star stones are much more expensive than most spiritual objects.

"A star stone needs a thousand star crystals. Calculated in this way, even if I don't have any other expenses, it will take me two full months to buy one."

Standing on the same spot, looking at the star stone in front of him, Chen Ming silently calculated an account: "And a star stone of this quality can probably increase my source power by a hundred."

Calculating according to this set of procedures, it will increase one hundred Yuanli in two months.

It sounds pretty good, but compared to Chen Ming's consumption, it's almost infinitely slow.

He has already returned to the source, and if he counts the improvement brought about by the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method, he even barely has the power of a master.

At this level, if you want to improve yourself once, you need at least a thousand source power. Converted into time, it is at least twenty months.

Compared with before, it can be said to be slow to get home.

(End of this chapter)

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