Chapter 244
"It seems that if we want to achieve our goal, we must think of other ways."

Standing where he was, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

Shuttle several times, have been to so many places, this is the only world where you can harvest the source power, once you miss it, the next time you want this opportunity, you don’t know when it will be.

In Dagan World, Chen Ming's biological father is still alive, so it is impossible to stay in this place forever, and he will return there sooner or later.

In order to save as much money as possible, Chen Ming must collect as many star stones as possible and transform them into source power to cope with the next changes in the Dagan world.

"In the short term, in addition to the five hundred star crystals per month, I still have the reward for the assessment No. 2 that has not arrived. In a short time, it is enough."

In the same place, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

The Heavenly Star Holy Land is very generous to these disciples who have successfully passed the examination. The rewards Chen Ming received, if converted into star crystals, would probably be nearly [-].

Such a huge reward, even if only part of it can be exchanged for star stones, is an unimaginable amount, which is enough to deal with the current situation.

After all, under foreseeable circumstances, he would stay in Skystar City for a long period of time after entering the Heavenly Star Holy Land. He would not encounter any threats, and he could enjoy quite a long period of peace.

Such a long time was enough for him to slowly figure out a solution.

Thinking of this, he shook his head, finally turned around, and left this place directly.

After a while, he returned to his residence, a luxurious mansion.

At this moment outside the mansion, a familiar figure was already waiting there.

"Sister Su."

Looking at Su Ling standing outside the cave, Chen Ming was a little surprised.

"You're back."

Su Ling nodded, looked at Chen Ming and asked, "Why did you come back at this time?"

"Going outside for a stroll."

Chen Ming smiled and said, "As you know, Senior Sister, the Xingzhou Realm where I was born is a small place, far less prosperous than this place, so I couldn't help but take a closer look."

"Then you can read something."

Su Ling nodded, with a smile on his face: "The area of ​​Tianxing City is very large. If you want to see it, you won't get tired of it even if you watch it for several years."

"In addition, there are some things, you just have to look at them, don't be contaminated, and don't slacken your practice because of this."

"What the senior sister said, I will keep it in my heart."

Chen Ming nodded, his expression looked extremely serious at this moment.

"You just understand."

Su Ling nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "I have already delivered all the rewards you want, but because you are not here, and there are no servants and maidservants here, I can only wait here in person. caught."

"It was indeed my negligence."

Chen Ming shook the picture, and said: "I have not been here for a long time. I am a novelty, and I am often not at my residence, but I have made my senior sister wait for a long time."

"You should get some servants here."

Looking at Chen Ming, Su Ling said: "The residence of each Tianxing disciple is an independent area, which is under your jurisdiction on weekdays."

"If you are here alone, not to mention the usual daily necessities of life, even the daily cleaning, I'm afraid it will be a headache."


Chen Ming nodded, agreeing to this.

The place to live is too big, and sometimes it is really bad.

Just like now, when the guests come, there is not even a person in charge of entertaining them.

There is also Chen Ming's daily expenses, so he can't go to other places to eat every time he eats.

That would be too much trouble.

"After a while, I'll take you to a place and add some servants to you."

Looking at Chen Ming, Su Ling said, "By the way, I can also set you up."


Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't react.

"Many of the rewards you have received this time are priceless items. They may not be of much use to you, but they are priceless treasures to those who need them, and they can be exchanged for a large sum of stars. crystal."

Looking at Chen Ming, Su Ling patiently explained: "If you have the heart, you can take out the part you don't need in exchange for a sum of star crystals."

Hearing this, Chen Ming's eyes lit up, and he nodded to Su Ling: "Thank you, Senior Sister, for reminding me."

"I just mentioned something in passing, the specifics are up to you in the end."

Su Ling's face was calm, and he said lightly: "I have delivered the things, so I won't disturb you any more."

"After a while, I'll let you know when I'm free."


Chen Ming nodded calmly, instead of going in directly, he followed Su Ling and sent him away personally.

After sending Su Ling away, he returned to his mansion with a big bag of things in his hand.

The long wooden boxes first came into view.

These wooden boxes are specially made, using a unique material, and reinforced with star patterns, which can seal off the spirituality and make the breath inside not leak out.

Open the wooden box, inside are square star stones.

Compared with the ones that Jin Liu gave to Chen Ming before, the purity of these star stones is even higher, second only to the one that Chen Ming obtained from Pu Changlin.

Gently holding a star stone, Chen Ming exerted a little force in his hand, and the purple star stone in his hand faded quickly, and the purple color on it quickly faded, and gradually faded away, leaving only a little pure transparent color.

Source Power: 5213
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method [-]th Floor, Cut Yuan Sheng Method (can be upgraded).
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
The familiar purple source force interface appeared in front of his eyes again, and the number on it had jumped to five thousand at this moment.

"With more than 5000 points of source power, there is no way to improve the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method one level further?"

Looking at the Yuanli number that appeared in front of his eyes, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

More than 5000 points of source power, which can be described as a huge sum of money, and it is also the most source of source power in Chen Ming's body since he consciously awakened the power of source power.

However, even with such a large amount of source power, there is no way to improve the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain method to a higher level.

"Let's try something else."

Chen Ming shook his head, and then in his mind, the Holy Law of Jieyuan emerged spontaneously.

Since Ye Feng handed over this holy method to Chen Ming, Chen Ming has also practiced it during this period of time and has achieved some results.

As Ye Feng said before, Chen Ming practiced the dragon-elephant-moving-mountain method, and his body was unparalleled. Based on this, he practiced the Jieyuan holy method, which can be said to be like a god's help, and it took almost no effort to get into the door.

Before Ye Feng left, he had commented that with Chen Ming's practice speed, within one or two years at most, he could try to be promoted to Protoss and condense the Essence Cutting Body.

If it was before, Chen Ming would naturally practice honestly and spend a year and a half to gather the holy body, but now, it is unnecessary.

 I really can't move the last chapter, so let's owe it first, and make it up during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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