Sweeping the world

Chapter 245 Protoss

Chapter 245 Protoss
"Try it."

Sitting quietly in his room at the same spot, Chen Ming took a deep breath, and then his eyes gradually focused on a certain column.

Cut Yuan Shengfa, upgrade!
With a thought, the source of purple energy turned into a stream of purple light, lingering on Chen Ming's body, and then a change began to take place.

On Chen Ming's body, the majestic star power originally contained in the star point in his body surged, and a vast star map behind him opened up. At this moment, a mighty martial arts star flickered on it, faintly, with The sound of fighting between soldiers.

But at this moment, some changes gradually took place on the vast star map, and the above star map gradually became complicated, which is enough to make people feel dizzy at a glance.

At the same time, the star power in Chen Ming's body became stronger and stronger. It seemed that in just a short moment, he had completed the journey that would have taken a long time to complete.

When this change reached its peak, a new star map flickered out, and the originally dim Wuqu star shone brightly again, and a ray of starlight fell directly and poured into Chen Ming's body.

Star Map to the Realm!

Originally, if he did not use the source power and relied purely on himself, it would take at least half a year for Chen Ming to reach this point, but now he has reached it directly.

Chen Ming opened his eyes, looked up slightly, and carefully felt his physical condition at the moment.

At this moment, his physical condition is quite satisfactory. Although his body is a little tired, it is still within the normal range, not too much.

He continued to look at his source power panel, the loss of source power was not too great, and it only took a few hundred source power to upgrade to the current step.

The reason for this is that he is already a master of the star map, and he is very close to the peak. Even without the addition of source power, it only takes half a year at most to cultivate to this point on his own. The gap is not too big, and the source of natural consumption Not too much power.

The next thing to improve is the real big head.

Cut Yuan Shengfa, continue to improve!
boom! !

A faint roar sounded from the body, as if there was a dragon elephant dancing in the body, causing bursts of sound, like the sound of wind and thunder, resounding continuously.

In an instant, Chen Ming's skin turned red all over, and his whole body became stuffy red like a red-hot furnace.

The violent heat spread and gushed out one after another, as if it could evaporate a whole river and sea.

Then in the body, a brand new star map manifested, the star power contained in it poured out, moved according to a certain mysterious and complicated trajectory, and finally condensed.

Along with this process, star marks spontaneously emerged in Chen Ming's body, and then a layer of calluses formed on the surface of Chen Ming's body, which gradually turned into a layer of dead skin.

Under the action of the source force, he began to shed his skin. The old dead skin continued to fall off under the action of the star force, and finally a new layer of skin was revealed, tender and fair, like rouge and white jade, crystal clear.

This is far from over.

Sitting quietly on the spot, Chen Ming felt as if his physical body was about to explode. The solid physical body was continuously washed and destroyed by the strong star power, and then under the action of the star power, a new flesh and blood condensed.

The difference from before is that on this brand-new flesh and blood, there is a faint star power looming, which has the characteristics of a little star power, and there are complex and mysterious star patterns looming on it, exuding a new vitality.

This is the practice process of Jieyuan Shengfa. The previous physical body is continuously disintegrated and regenerated under the tempering of star power, continuously, and finally the Jieyuan Saint Body is refined.

The changes in the room lasted for several hours before finally ending.

A mist rises from the ground, gradually undulates, and slowly condenses into the image of fighting.

After the vision in place completely disappeared, Chen Ming stood up and supported the wall weakly.

Different from the little fatigue brought about by the previous promotion, this time the promotion is simply traumatic, and the whole body seems to be broken, which is extremely painful and difficult to describe.

Tiredness, sleepiness, hunger, all kinds of feelings rose up in his body, making Chen Ming extremely uncomfortable at this moment, wishing to pass out immediately.

Feeling the sensation coming from all over his body, Chen Ming forced himself to walk to the bedroom, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it has passed, until the outside sun shines into the room, and Chen Ming wakes up again.

"How long have I slept?"

Waking up from a deep sleep, Chen Ming's condition was not good, his whole head seemed to explode, filled with a sense of pain, accompanied by an extremely intense sense of weakness and hunger.

"This feeling is really uncomfortable."

Sitting up from the head of the bed, Chen Ming tried his best to shake his head, then looked at the sunshine outside.

When he just fell asleep yesterday, Chen Ming remembered very clearly at that time, the sky was still at dusk, and the sunset outside looked very beautiful.

But now, the setting sun is silent, but the dawn is rising, and it is another morning.

After Chen Ming woke up, a day had already passed.

This gave Chen Ming a novel feeling.

Traveling to the world of Dagan, since practicing martial arts, he seldom sleeps normally, and usually uses meditation instead.

Like this time, it is rare to fall asleep like a normal person.

Getting up from the bed, Chen Ming shook his head, trying hard to get rid of the strong dizziness in his mind, and then walked out the door.

After washing up, he changed his clothes and walked out the door.

After a while, in a restaurant cubicle, Chen Ming finished the last dish, and looked at the waiter beside him expressionlessly: "Check out."

"Hello, there are three stars in total."

The waiter at the side spoke respectfully and quoted a price.

The price of the three-star crystal, if placed normally, would be an unimaginably sky-high price, but for the meal in front of it, it is very commensurate.

Chen Ming ate nothing else for this meal. Every dish in it was made of star beast flesh and precious materials. Even the staple food was specially cultivated star spirit rice, which can be said to be extremely expensive. One sip is like eating gold.

After paying the bill easily, and walking out from here, Chen Ming shook his head, feeling the calm body finally recovered at this moment.

Although the body recovered for a short time, the sequelae caused by this promotion are not over yet.

His body is still weak, and the newly born Cut Yuan Saint Physique is just a prototype, it needs time to perfect and grow, and finally mature.

Before the real transformation of the physical body is completed, like today, he may be eaten every day.

When the real transformation of the body is completed, it is time for him to be promoted to Protoss.

"Three meals a day, assuming that each meal is like this, that day will be Jiuxingjing. After one month, most of the share that was distributed will be gone."

Thinking about his expenses, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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