Chapter 246
The cost of living in Skystar City is much higher than Chen Ming imagined.

Just the daily food and clothing cost more than half of the month's quota. If there is more entertainment, or even purchases for cultivation, after a month, I'm afraid there will be nothing left.

This is also the reason why Chen Ming, as a disciple of the Jieyuan lineage, has a daily quota that is a head higher than that of ordinary disciples. If it is an ordinary disciple, it may be even worse.

If you don't do anything, it is estimated that you can only barely get by.

"The matter of finding a source of income must also be carried out quickly."

Chen Ming shook his head, this thought flashed through his mind.

As a disciple of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, if he only relied on the little resources allocated by the Holy Land, he might only be able to guarantee his basic survival.

But the disciples of Tianxing obviously have more than this income, and there must be other sources of income.

According to what Chen Ming has heard so far, there are several ways.

The best situation, of course, is that like Jinliu, who comes from a proud family, and will have the support of an entire family in the end, so naturally there is no need to worry too much.

Those who were born as civilians can also gain support as long as they are willing to join a certain force.

As far as Chen Ming knew, in the headquarters alone, several senior brothers married wives from rich families, thus gaining the support of the wives' clans.

Chen Ming can also go this way, and with his status as a direct descendant of the Yuan family, if he is really willing to do so, the treatment will definitely be higher than others, and the problem that is bothering him now will not be a problem.

However, Chen Ming would never choose this path unless it was absolutely necessary.

Those aristocratic families don't do charity, take things from others, and must return them afterwards, so that they are controlled by others.

As far as Chen Ming knew, in this holy land, there were quite a few holy land disciples who were expelled from the holy land or even died because of their wives and families.

The second way is to go to the front line and fight with the warriors of Tianyu. After making military achievements, there is naturally no shortage of rewards.

In addition, there are some people who use their privileges as disciples of the Holy Land to do business, and many of them started their fortunes because of it.

"For me, the most suitable thing is to go to the front line, but I haven't started for a long time, so it's not convenient."

Standing where he was, Chen Ming shook his head, this thought flashed through his mind.

He was originally a warrior, and he also practiced martial arts scriptures. Fighting people is a common practice, far from being comparable to stargazers in this world.

In addition, in this world, he is a martial artist, and fighting the enemy can not only earn military merit, but also deepen his connection with the star of martial arts, and improve his own practice, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that if you want to go this way, Ye Feng will not be able to pass that level first.

At this moment, he has not entered the Holy Land for a long time, thinking about it from Ye Feng, I am afraid that he has not even mastered the holy method of cutting Yuan, so how could he be allowed to fight on the front line.

However, if the cut-off holy body is displayed, it cannot explain one's own practice.

It has not been half a month since he obtained the Jieyuan Shengfa.In such a short period of time, he not only introduced the Jieyuan Saint Law, but also condensed the Jieyuan Saint Body.

If this matter gets out, I'm afraid the result will be very bad.

So this road is doomed to be blocked.

"Fortunately, I don't have other options"

Chen Ming shook his head, looked at the sky, then walked out of this place and walked towards his residence.

Back at his residence, Chen Ming first took out his pen and ink, and wrote a letter.

This letter is not written to anyone else, but to Jin Liu.

Of the batch of rewards that Su Ling sent, Chen Ming had already used up all the star stones to improve the Jieyuan Sacred Technique, but there were still many other things left.

As Su Ling said before, these things may be useless to Chen Ming, but they are rare things for others. Even if Chen Ming doesn't need them, he can take them and replace them.

At this time, the contacts Chen Ming made before played a role.

The Dongyuan Jin family, where Jin Liu was born, is a well-known rich family, even in this day Star City owns several shops.

Handing things over to Jin Liu not only saves himself trouble, but it is also a good thing for Jin Liu himself.

After writing the letter, Chen Ming walked alone to his practice room and started another day of practice.

With the condensation of the Jieyuan Holy Land, the divine pattern in his body also reacted, and there seemed to be another divine pattern in it.

This was transformed by the profound meaning of the Jieyuan Sacred Law, reflected on Chen Ming's body, and finally formed this divine pattern.

In fact, it's not just the sacred method of cutting Yuan. When he improved the Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain method before, a new divine pattern also condensed in Chen Ming's body, which contained the martial arts essence of Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain.

But all advanced martial arts, all of them contain part of the principles of heaven and earth, if you master the essence of them, you will naturally master part of the principles of heaven and earth, which can be condensed into divine lines.

In the final analysis, the divine pattern is the transformation of the principles of the heaven and the earth, and it is the practitioner's comprehension of the myriad things in the world.

Practicing star power can condense divine patterns, as can practicing external skills.

Even, Chen Ming speculates that if one has a deep comprehension in a certain way, even an ordinary blacksmith or a scholar has the potential to condense the divine pattern and step into the source.

Of course, potential is only potential. If you want to transform it into strength, you also need to work hard step by step.

If you can't cultivate to the innate state and don't lay a sufficient foundation, no matter how great your understanding is, you are still just a mortal.

"However, if so"

Sitting quietly on the spot, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Time gradually passed, and soon, more than half a month passed.

In the early morning, when the sun was shining on the earth, Chen Ming quietly walked outside the Skystar City and came to a place.

What caught my eye was a spacious venue, surrounded by tall buildings, surrounded by people, walking constantly, it looked very lively.

"There are a lot of people."

Looking at the people coming and going around, Chen Ming was a little surprised.

"That's natural." A voice came from beside him.

Beside Chen Ming, Su Ling was wearing a long white dress, with long hair hanging down, with a gentle and generous demeanor, with a slight smile on his face at the moment: "This is the largest introduction place in the vicinity, and there are many people coming and going around. Not only those who come to hire people, but also those who come to find work."

Hearing these words, Chen Ming was thoughtful, then looked into the distance, and said, "Those too?"

What he was talking about was a middle-aged man with a stern face and a black robe in the distance, behind him was pulling a cart with cages on it, and it could be seen that there were many people inside.

"That's for selling people."

Su Ling's face remained the same, and he said lightly; "This place can not only hire people, but also sell it. There are many people who specialize in this business to make a fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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