Sweeping the world

Chapter 247 Human Traffickers

Chapter 247 Human Traffickers

Looking at the burly man in the distance, Chen Ming's eyes flickered.

Of course, Su Ling knew what it meant to sell people. In layman's terms, it was a human trafficker.

"Is there no one here?"

Looking at the middle-aged man who led a group of people into the distance, Chen Ming asked.

"Nobody cares, and"

Su Ling shook his head, his face looked very calm, and he was indifferent to this: "This in itself is allowed by the Holy Land. Many disciples of the Holy Land, and even the heads of various branches, participated in it."

"These are also the trophies obtained by attacking the world, and they are also one of the wealth."

"At the end of the day, the Holy Land itself is the biggest seller when it comes to such transactions."

In the same place, hearing these words, Chen Ming shook his head, it seemed that the Heavenly Star Holy Land was not full of gentleness.

But it's also true to think about it, how can a huge force that attacks many worlds and sucks blood from many worlds be clean.

The so-called gentleness is only for people like Chen Ming, and for those worlds that are not attacked, it is a representative of demons and blood.

"But it is precisely because of this that it is very convenient."

Looking at Chen Ming, Su Ling then said, "It's not just ordinary people who are sold here. Stargazers who committed crimes in the lower realms, and warriors who were captured in the heavens are all sold here."

"Isn't there going to be any problem?"

Chen Ming frowned and asked back.

Although openly engaged in human trafficking, people are not livestock after all, they have their own thoughts, especially these stargazers and warriors with their own great power, it is even more impossible to easily bow their heads and take them back as spoils of war. There are many problems.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Su Ling shook his head and said, "The people here are not fools. If there is obviously a big problem, few people will be fooled."

"What can be put up for sale here is basically processed."

Chen Ming nodded, and just as he was about to say something, he saw someone walking quickly in front of him.

It was a middle-aged man in a golden robe, his figure was a bit fat, and his golden robe shone under the light.

"Miss Su, you really are a rare visitor."

Looking at Su Ling, the middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly greeted him: "What do you want this time?"

"I don't know if the thirty virgins used it well last time?"

He came up to meet him and said a word.

Chen Ming looked sideways, secretly looking at Su Ling from the corner of his eye, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch at this moment.

Thirty virgins?
It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.

Facing Chen Ming's dark gaze, Su Ling's face was calm, and he just said lightly: "This time, I didn't choose for me, but for this junior brother beside me."

Junior Brother?

The middle-aged fat man showed surprise, and looked at Chen Ming with a pair of eyes, as if very surprised.

After staying here for a long time, he has seen quite a few disciples from the Heavenly Star Holy Land, but this is the first time he has seen such a small one.

But no matter what, as long as he is a disciple of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, he is a big customer.

In just a short time, he showed the most kind smile on his face, and looked at Chen Ming enthusiastically: "This guest, what do you need?"

"Some servants who keep the mansion running."

Chen Ming said lightly.

"It's easy."

The middle-aged fat man suddenly looked at Chen Ming and said with a smile: "I probably need a cook, two slaves for rough work, two maids for washing clothes and boiling water, and a housekeeper. Do you need anything else?"

"No, enough for now."

Chen Ming shook his head and said so.

"Then leave an address, and I'll send someone to deliver it to you later."

The middle-aged fat man said respectfully, and at this point, he said very intimately: "If you are not satisfied, we will replace it within half a year."

"As long as you don't break people."

"Break people down?"

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he said lightly, "How can a good person be broken?"

"You don't know that."

The smile on the middle-aged fat man's face remained unchanged: "There are a lot of people coming and going in this place. Among so many buyers, there are always a few with unique hobbies. They always like to kill people when they have nothing to do."

"After some servants were bought, they were played to death within two or three days. Even if they are returned at this time, they are still corpses. How can they be replaced?"

Having said that, the middle-aged fat man paused for a moment, glanced at Chen Ming, and then said: "Of course, if you want to, sir, it's a different matter."

"For the sake of your first visit to us, the villain is in charge. Within three months, regardless of life or death, I will change it for you."

"If you're not happy, just use it to your death, you're welcome."

In the same place, Chen Ming didn't speak, but just took a deep look at the middle-aged fat man in front of him.

To be able to say so lightly about several lives, this middle-aged fat man, although he seems polite, is by no means a kind person.

But so is imagination.

Those who can do human trading and work in places like this are good people.

"In addition to those servants, I need some people."

Looking at the middle-aged fat man in front of him, Chen Ming shirted his shirt for a moment, then continued to speak.

"You said."

With a smile on his face, the middle-aged fat man looked at Chen Ming very kindly and asked: "We have specially trained female slaves, who are slowly searched from many lower realms, no matter what age we have, and there are also Every Tianyu person from Tianyu is top-quality, no matter how long they play, they will never get bored."

Having said that, his expression became a little weird, and the smile on his face seemed to become weird too.

Hearing this, the corners of Chen Ming's mouth twitched, feeling a little speechless at the subconscious reaction of the middle-aged fat man in front of him: "No need for that."

"Don't use these?"

The middle-aged fat man was subconsciously taken aback, as if he was a little surprised, but when he saw Chen Ming's appearance, he suddenly realized: "That's right, Mr. is indeed not at this age yet."

Chen Ming was expressionless: "I want a group of teenagers, between the ages of ten and fifteen, both male and female, the best warriors from my ancestors, is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem."

The middle-aged fat man didn't ask what it was for, but he still had some professional ethics: "How many people do you want?"

"Let's have ten people first."

Chen Ming hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Try to choose someone who is physically strong and clear-headed, and others are not required."

He knew that many of the slaves sold here had mental problems, so he made this special request.

"Okay, I will send someone to deliver it to you tomorrow"

The middle-aged fat man said nonchalantly, the business of ten people is nothing to him.

Chen Ming told the other party his current residence, and then prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he seemed to think of something, paused, and said, "By the way, I haven't asked what your name is yet?"

"I'm next to Jin Cen."

The middle-aged fat man was a little surprised, but he still said, "It's from Donghua Jin's family."

"Oh, Donghua Jin's family"

Chen Ming looked at the other person's figure, and nodded in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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